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Beiträge, die mit Ukpolitics getaggt sind

Feudal Britain

The Sunday Times has published a survey of the land and the ‘business deals’ with the NHS, Schools and the military that provide the Royal Family with much of its unearned wealth in England and Wales (only).

http://archive.today/2024.11.02-220256/https://www.thetimes.com/uk/royal-family/article/how-royals-make-millions-king-charles-prince-william-27lkftd2n (archived)

http://archive.today/2024.11.02-162045/https://www.thetimes.com/uk/royal-family/article/oyal-properties-postcode-map-near-me-8hpnvf99t (more details, archive)

The Land Registry had to be forced to give these up and have since stopped cooperating.

#AbolishTheMonarchy #RoyalFamiuly #Parasites #UKPolitics #Leaches
A map of England and Wales showing the locations of 5410 properties held by the Royal Family

Sir Humphrey: Bernard, if the right people don’t have power, do you know what happens? The wrong people get it: politicians, councillors, ordinary voters!
Bernard: But aren’t they supposed to, in a democracy?
Sir Humphrey: This is a British democracy, Bernard!


#Quotes #comedy #ukpolitics

And the capitalist-authoritarian pincer movement traps its prey yet again.

Your choice is "business as usual" Starmer or crazed lunatic Badenoch.

Whoever wins, we all lose. THATS WHAT THIS SYSTEM IS FOR.

#uk #ukpol #ukpolitics

"Many patients who sign up for assisted dying do not in the end request that their lives are curtailed. The reassurance that they have this option is enough to relieve much of the anxiety and stress as death approaches. We view assisted dying not as an alternative to good palliative care but, instead, an extra component of a holistic palliative care plan"
MPs who are also medics urge colleagues to support assisted dying bill
#AssistedDying #TerminalIllness #UKPolitics


I don’t want to bang on, but really think we’re glossing over the fact 78 Tory MP’s are standing down rather than face an election - that’s 78, I mean we should be giving this more attention-78, seventy fucking eight

#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #costofliving #Sunak #toryracists #GeneralElectionNow #BrexitBenefits #rishisunak #BrexitHasFailed #inflation #election #Election2024 #GeneralElection #farage #michaelgove #Gove

Changes in the UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will exacerbate the existing power imbalances that migrants, refugees and asylum seekers have over their data.

This will lead to significant harms and an expansion of the #DigitalHostileEnvironment.

Read our briefing for more ⬇️

#dataprotection #DPDIBill #privacy #migrants #GDPR #ukpolitics


The Rwanda Bill (UK) "is a shameful and performatively cruel law that will risk people's lives and betray who we are as a society."

We've signed an open letter alongside 250 other civil society organisations to oppose this attack on human rights and the rule of law by an increasingly dangerous, authoritarian government in the UK.

Read in full here ➡️ https://drive.google.com/file/d/190Tg6VoNvWEj8x3Qw2FZnxPO2DRC3gdP/view

#Rwanda #rwandabiill #humanrights #Sunak #ukpolitics
Open letter to Prime Minister Risihi Sunak on the Rwanda Bill/Act

“A doctor, arrested and jailed for her involvement in Just Stop Oil protests, has had her medical licence suspended for five months

(…)Doctors' Association UK said: "This is a story of a clinician being punished for raising serious concerns about dangerous inaction on the greatest threat to global health we have ever, or will ever

#climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming #gmc #nhs #ukpolitics #freespeech #uk


If the government has its way, we'll be vulnerable to our data being used against us and less able to do anything about it.

Here's what's wrong with the #DataGrabBill ⬇️

🦾 Take action: https://action.openrightsgroup.org/hands-off-our-data

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrab #GDPR #DPDI #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics
The Data Grab Bill will: Make it harder to access your data by giving organisations more powers to refuse requests / Increase the role of automated decision-making / Expand exemptions for data sharing, use and reuse / Increase political interference over the ICO without oversight / Create new powers to approve international data transfers

The outgoing Biometrics Commissioner has warned that regulation is falling behind advances in biometric surveillance.

The #DataGrabBill will gut the controls on the use of facial recognition and Automatic Number Plate Recognition, allowing for intrusive surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition #surveillance


'As part of its bonfire of regulations' the #DataGrabBill will scrap the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner in the UK.

The Bill moves the Commissioner's duties to the Information Commissioner's Office and removes the Surveillance Camera Code governing police and local authorities.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition


Facial recognition is expanding in the UK with little oversight, despite privacy risks and biased algorithms.

The #DataGrabBill will only widen the regulatory gap over the use and rampant collection of biometric data for surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrabBill #GDPR #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics #facialrecognition
