Beiträge, die mit israël getaggt sind
#Știri #Extremism #Antisemitism #Rasism #Terorism
Norvegia îşi scade nivelul alertei teroriste şi estimează că riscul pe care-l reprezintă Iranul cu privire la ţinte evreieşti şi israeliene a scăzut. Ameninţarea extremistă rămâne neschimbată
Serviciile norvegiene de securitate internă (PST) au scăzut nivelul alertei teroriste, apreciind că riscul pe care-l reprezintă Iranul cu privire la ţinteRedacția (G4media)
Su llegada escalonada de EEUU a Algeciras está programada entre noviembre y febrero. Colectivos y sindicatos piden al Gobierno un protocolo de inspección a los buques que van a Israel y un embargo integral, que incluye el tránsito.
#España #EstadosUnidos #Israel
Twee Nederlanders uit Gaza geëvacueerd
Twee Nederlanders die vastzaten in de Gazastrook komen vandaag aan op Schiphol. De twee zaten ruim een halfjaar vast in het gebied en worden nu geëvacueerd.Nieuwsuur
#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #Politique #politics #International #Israel #JosepBorrell #UnionEuropeenne #EuropeanUnion
Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen
election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales europé
#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #Politique #politics #International #Israel #Gaza #HumanRightsWatch #HRW
Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen
election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales europé
#palestina #conflictoarabeisraeli #colonos #global #israel
Israel desaloja una aldea beduina para construir un pueblo solo para judíos
Con el fin de evitar correr con los gastos, unos 300 habitantes de la aldea árabe beduina de Umm al Hiran, en el desierto del Néguev, destruyeron el miércoles sus propias casas.Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost) #France #Israel #genocide #France #Israel #genocide
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#GazaUnderAttack #Menschenrechte #Gaza #Israel
DIRECT. France - Israël : un match de foot sous tension et une compo surprise pour l'occasion - EUROPE SAYS
12:30 - Deschamps : 'Un match difficile'Sur le plan sportif, Didier Deschamps s'attend à un match difficile faceEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
Israel Forcibly Displaced 1.9 Million of Gaza's 2.2 Million Inhabitants: Human Rights Watch
HRW reports that Israel’s actions in Gaza amount to war crimes and crimes against
UN Special Committee finds Isr...
#Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
Israel Forcibly Displaced 1.9 Million of Gaza's 2.2 Million Inhabitants: Human Rights Watch
HRW reports that Israel’s actions in Gaza amount to war crimes and crimes against
#Ukraine #Antisemitismus #Iran #Israel #Kiew #Kyjiw #Nordkorea #Post #Russland
Die Ukraine hat begonnen, dreidimensionale Radare aus israelischer Produktion einzusetzen: Details - Ukraine-Nachrichten
Israel hat der Ukraine alles zur Verfügung gestellt, was sie braucht, um ein Frühwarnsystem für Luftangriffe
Israel is committing ‘ethnic cleansing’ amid mass forced displacements in Gaza, HRW report says
Israel has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza, including pursuing a deliberate policy of forcibly displacing people and denying them the right to return home, according to a Human Rights Watch report released Thursday.Paul MILLAR (FRANCE 24)
What Can the Lebanese Government Do to Stop War Crimes?
As the civilian death toll from Israel’s ongoing strikes across Lebanon continues to mount, there has been no sign of accountability for Israel’s unlawful attacks or violations of the laws of war.Human Rights Watch
#USNavy #F35C #combatjet #fighter #stealth #RedSea #Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
First Combat Mission for F-35C Fighters as U.S. Navy Intercepts Houthi Attack in Red Sea
The U.S. intercepted multiple Houthi missiles and drones aimed at naval vessels, with no injuries
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #UniuneaEuropeană
Şeful diplomaţiei europene propune suspendarea dialogului politic UE-Israel, în contextul incursiunilor armatei israeliene în Fâșia Gaza și Liban
Şeful diplomaţiei europene Josep Borrell le-a propus celor 27 de state membre ale UE să suspende "dialogul politic" stabilit între Uniunea Europeană şiRedacția (G4media)
Hanna Al Taher, researcher/lecturer, TUD, Germany and Melanie Schweizer, Lawyer, Civil Servant, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Berlin, Germany
#Germany #Israel #Palestine
Don't expect to see this on the front page of your papers!
This is an every day ethnic cleansing with the money, political backing and weapons of NATO, Australia, India and major Arab countries.
This is the shame of our time. It is really sickening.
#Israel #Gaza #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Politics #Inhumanity #Hypocrisy #Racism
Unclear what the legal basis for this request is. If #Israel has an issue with Judge Hohler's impartiality, it should seek her disqualification instead of engaging in this fishing expedition and sheer conjecture
Maybe the hope is the cases will go away if all ICC judges are harassed out of service.
#Știri #Israel #Palestina #Gaza
Armata israeliană va investiga posibile crime de război după moartea a sute de palestinieni în Fâşia Gaza
Armata israeliană va investiga cel puţin 16 atacuri săvârşite de trupele sale în nordul devastat al Fâşiei Gaza, unde peste 1.000 de palestinieni auRedacția (G4media)
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Kurz vor dem EU-Außenministertreffen wagt der Außenbeauftragte Borrell einen brisanten Vorschlag: Wegen möglicher Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht in Gaza will er den Dialog mit Israel aussetzen. Die Chancen dafür sind aber gering.
#Israel #Borrell
Despite close trade ties, Turkey and 51 countries are urging a halt to military transfers to Israel over Gaza. Read More 👇
#israel #news #gaza
Perfectly normal
It's part of the brotherhood of the war criminals...
PS. Don't you dare even hinting about dual loyalty here, that's antisemitism
#Israel #NewYork #Politics #Election #IDF
#USpol #USPolitics #USElection
Contre le Gala de la honte et le match France-Israël
Mercredi 13 novembre 18h Saint-Lazare : Marche unitaire contre le Gala de la honte Jeudi 14 novembre 18h place du Front Populaire (métro Front Populaire) à Saint-Denis, rassemblement Non au (...)
Israels Militär hat binnen 24 Stunden mehr als 100 Ziele in Gaza und im Libanon bombardiert. Human Rights Watch hat Israel vorgeworfen, im Gazastreifen Kriegsverbrechen durch Zwangsumsiedlungen zu begehen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.
#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Borrell erwägt offenbar Aussetzung des Dialogs mit Israel ++
Der EU-Außenbeauftragte Borrell bringt die Aussetzung des politischen Dialogs mit Israel wegen möglicher Menschenrechtsverletzungen ins