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Beiträge, die mit CLIMATE getaggt sind

Thanks so much foe the data.

Can you add a baseball bat to your communication systems? Pair up with bullhorn users.

You are predicting murder, nass murder and the end of deeams and hopes. I want more people to u derstand, IT IS HERE, IT IS DEADLY CRUEL, ITS COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

My bat is poorly collection of all caps and photos.


Two more questions that I would love to hear perspectives about (either or both):

1- what do you see as the biggest ways the #Internet potentially *contributes* to #ClimateChange ?

2- what do you see as the ways the Internet can help address #climate issues or find solutions?

For me I think for 1 it’s the general need for electricity, and specifically power(and water)-hungry data centers. For 2 it’s remote working, and the sharing of ideas, research, sensors.

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions

This month is on track to be the hottest month ever recorded. 🔥🌎⚠

Data shows that the first 3 weeks of July shattered temperature records.

This chart shows the globally averaged surface air temperature for 1 - 23 July for each year from 1940 to 2023.

#ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #deforestation #environment #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #development #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #wildlife #ClimateAction #photo #photography #GlobalWarming #pollution #news #earth #amazon

Potential and Limits of Patent Law to Address Climate Change
Reto M Hilty, Pedro Henrique D Batista https://academic.oup.com/grurint/advance-article/doi/10.1093/grurint/ikad066/7226090?login=true #patent #cleantech #climate

I had a similar conversation with someone who was talking about the growing #climate crisis and what he should do since he lost all hope of humanity recovering.

I said, essentially, then go enjoy the time you have left with your friends/loved ones, work to make the world a little bit better for those around you on the way out.

You can't control the world, only your response to it, only the meaning you derive from it along the way.

There should just be a rule that all profits from any fossil fuel extraction must either be invested in renewables or must go towards paying for adaptation for the poorest. Profits from renewables can be kept, so the shareholders get returns IF they vote for the company to do the right thing. #climate #BPProfits #Oil

Because this is obscene:

“The energy company said its underlying profits reached $5bn (£4bn) in the first three months of the year, outstripping analysts’ forecasts of $4.3bn.”
Headline that reads “Bumpber BP profits reignite debate over tougher windfall tax”

Block the sun, save the earth? Solar geoengineering — the idea of cooling the planet by deflecting the sun’s rays — is so risky that scientists and policy experts can’t even agree on whether to research it.
Audio https://dcs.megaphone.fm/VMP4327468292.mp3
RSS https://feeds.megaphone.fm/VMP5705694065

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Carbon #CO2 #Geoengineering #SolarGeoengineering #Podcast

Waterfront industrial facilities sending pollution into an orange sky.

Scientists found a promising climate change solution: A new way to suck up CO2 in the air and safely stored it in the sea.
#climatechange #climate #environment #science


One thing we know for sure: building and widening highways always succeeds in helping sell more cars, gas and suburban sprawl; burning more public budgets; and increasing GHG emissions. So if those are your goals, it’s the perfect thing to do.

Just don’t expect it to reduce traffic.

Pic/cartoon: André Philippe Côté

#climatechange #Nature #climate #development #gasemissions #cars #car #planet #biodiversity #people #Science #study #photo #ClimateEmergency #climatejustice #Photography #gas #oil
Many cars. Highway. Cartoon: - Can't wait for the road to be widened! 
- Finally!

An astounding image of our moment at the precipice:

Climate activists standing against the inhuman-scale machinery of the open-pit Lützerath brown coal mine, with a wind farm visible in the distance.
#climate #LützerathLebt #coal #renewable
Climate activists standing against the inhuman-scale machinery of the open-pit Lützerath brown coal mine, with a wind farm visible in the distance.

“The richest 1% have already blown their fair share of the 1.5°C carbon budget six times over. They are literally devouring our planet.” Jason Hickel

#climate #climateaction #ClimateCrisis