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Beiträge, die mit unitedhealthcare getaggt sind

#CEODown! 😎

Outside the hotel where #UnitedHealthCare CEO #BrianThompson was executed, "A balloon with a sign taped to it reading 'CEO DOWN' over the image of a smiling star and party poppers was found...

The balloon was spotted as many Americans have joked about the CEO's death due to his company's track record of rejecting medical claims." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14162783/sick-tribute-site-unitedhealthcare-ceo-brian-thompson-death.html

#Protip. Scratching words like Delay, and Deny, into bullet casings, can make a firearm jam😎

When the media is discussing the stock market crash of the 1920s you hear a lot about investors jumping from windows. What they DON'T TALK ABOUT IS illustrated below.

Caption: An auto lays on its side and crowds gather after a bomb exploded on Wall Street on Sept. 16, 1920. (Getty)

"For A Damn Good Reason Too! Why the Rich Fear Violence in the Streets" Part 1 https://auntieimperial.blogspot.com/2011/07/for-damn-good-reason-too-why-rich-fear.html #UnitedHealthCare

"Dozens of chief security officers from Fortune 500 corps around the world joined a video call on Wednesday afternoon, hours after the fatal shooting of the #UnitedHealthcare C.E.O. #BrianThompson in Midtown Manhattan, to discuss additional protective measures for executives..."

Corporate security officers from around the world meet in the wake of the Midtown shooting https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/05/nyregion/brian-thompson-unitedhealthcare-news/ceo-security-uhc-shooting?smid=url-share

Ps. The thing the rich fear most is violence directed at them, in 2 parts

"#UnitedHealthcare wasted no time telling its employees not to talk to the press in the wake of the killing of its CEO #BrianThompson according to an internal company memo I obtained. Thompson has been accused of profiting off of insider selling ... part of the story employees say they wish the media would cover...

Here’s what the memo sent to UnitedHealthcare employees yesterday morning says:"

UnitedHealthcare Tells Employees to 'Shut Up'
https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/unitedhealthcare-tells-employees #HealthCare #MedicalInsurance

"#UnitedHealthcare wasted no time telling its employees not to talk to the press in the wake of the killing of its CEO #BrianThompson according to an internal company memo I obtained. Thompson has been accused of profiting off of insider selling ... part of the story employees say they wish the media would cover...

Here’s what the memo sent to UnitedHealthcare employees yesterday morning says:"

UnitedHealthcare Tells Employees to 'Shut Up'
https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/unitedhealthcare-tells-employees #HealthCare #MedicalInsurance



Reactions to #UnitedHealthcare CEO Hit: Overwhelming in One Direction

#healthcare #capitalism #NYC #NewYorkCity #UHC #greed

if you're wondering why someone might have it out for #unitedhealthcare, here is a source on what they've been up to: "The reason you can't buy a car is the same reason that your health insurer let hackers dox you" https://pluralistic.net/2024/06/28/dealer-management-software/ by @pluralistic

A friend of mine was a federally registered whistleblower against a major medical corporation. They are killing people by the thousands, and thousands, and thousands.

Protected status notwithstanding, my friend was brutally attacked in his home by hired thugs, is lucky to be alive, and has fled the country entirely to stay that way.

Just sayin'.

For some reason we imagine this country isn't rife with mafia/cartel shenanigans like Those Other (less white) Places. That's a goddamn fantasy, THIS is the home turf of the most powerful ones. The ones who use those others against each other-- well, mostly against us-- like game pieces on a board.

Rule of law is a superficial fantasy. The shit we call "democracy" is a superficial fantasy.

Some of us are still comfortable enough to not actually notice this yet. That day WILL come for you, too. ALL of you.


Preface: today, I was told that WITH insurance, 7 doses (titrating on) of my new anti-depressant, #Trintellix , would cost me $60. For 7 god-damned pills.

⊹₊ ˚‧︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹

You know how certain stores have “store brands” since e.g. _Threshold_ sounds like a way cooler brand than “Target-brand cheap fitted bedsheets”?

Well hey, turns out, #UnitedHealthcare did that too! Fooled me; I am [an unhappy] United Health Care customer, and I thought that Optum was a separate company.


:DumpsterFire: :DumpsterFire: :DumpsterFire:

This guy gets it:

(Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCCgmmQCQL2/ )

#humor #pharmacy #Optum #OptumRX

After just posting a detailed and thought out analysis of the CEO assassination, let me post some quick hot takes.

I don't think the killer will be found.

Buuuuut.... it is not outside the realm of possibility for a patsy/scapegoat to be brought in and tried as the killer.

That aside, I'm wondering if there will be a claim to the attack or published manifesto, if there will be other killings by this same person/group, and if there will be inspired/copycat killings by other persons/groups.

This is my current profession (edit: on the defensive side... not the contract killing side), education, and experience. It is also key to the political climate we're in right now.

So I am actively invested in the outcome of this.

#NYC #CEO #United #UnitedHealth #UnitedHealthcare #assassination #killing #murder


The CEO of UnitedHealthcare was assasinated in front of a hotel in downtown Manhattan this morning in broad daylight. Cops have admitted the shooting "does not appear to be a random act of violence." Cops also said the shooter escaped on a CitiBike rental bike.

Others have charged that United Health Care has been denying all claims by default, knowing some won't be able to fight back. Hopefully if CEO Brian Thompson made it to the hospital with bullets in his leg and back, this claim too was denied.

BREAKING NEWS | NY Times - “C.E.O. of UnitedHealthcare Is Killed in Midtown Manhattan - Brian Thompson, 50, was shot in the chest in what people briefed on the investigations said appeared to be a targeted attack. The police are still searching for the gunman.” Could it have been someone his company declined life-saving care? Or perhaps a revolutionary fed-up with for-profit medicine? Reckonings are coming whether or not this is one. #UnitedHealthCare #Assassination #Capitalism