Beiträge, die mit brianThompson getaggt sind
#Health #Healthcare #UnitedHealthcare #Luigi #LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #CEO #HumanRights #usa #america #canada #profit #stockprice #shooter #update #news #UniversalSinglePayerHealthcare #BernieSanders #corruption #WeAreStupid #WhatWouldTheFrenchDo #Politics #Corporatocracy #Oligarchy #Plutocracy #autocracy #ToxicCapitalism #Capitalism #Economics #Democracy #EatTheRich #NationalStrike
Neil Shooter on Substack
Does this help Americans put things into perspective? One health insurance company out of many? Just a “loss”. Not the value. Not the whole company. Not the whole revenue stream or profit margin. Just a “loss”.Substack
#BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #Profit
United Health boss defends firm in first earnings results since CEO killing
Sir Andrew Witty says there is "heightened energy" to address customers' frustrations.Natalie Sherman (BBC News)
Une analyse brillante et superbement écrite de la cruauté du capitalisme américain en matière de santé et de la colère qui s'accumule dans la population, avec pour conséquence une spirale de violence. Le problème étant que cette logique capitaliste appliquée à la santé est aussi en train de se mettre en place en France. Notre pays a besoin d'urgence d'une alternance, de la gauche au pouvoir et d'un renouveau des services publics.
#politique #polUS #USpol #santé #LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #ServicesPublics #assurance #capitalisme #Bourse
Luigi Mangione, l'erreur 404 pour la presse - Par Thibault Prévost | Arrêt sur images
Soupçonné d'avoir tué Brian Thompson, patron d'une assurance privée aux États-Unis, et aujourd'hui devant la justice de New-York, Luigi Mangione a été présenté comme un "bad boy". Pourtant, en ligne, il a été adulé.Arrêt sur Images
Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming
Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary
#healthcare #luigimangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare
Read the #NYPD’s Mangione report the #MSM media won't publish #LuigjMangjone #Censorship #domesticsurveillance
Read the NYPD’s Mangione report the media won't publish
Post-Luigi, the "extremist" threat is youKen Klippenstein
"It does underscore an interesting occurence though: the sudden urgency you see from corporate America and the government when *their people* are the ones in the crosshairs." #brianthompson #unitedhealthcare #luigimangione
"Judge overseeing case involving murder of #UnitedHealthcare CEO #BrianThompson owns millions in stock, including #BigPharma and #healthcare, through husband"
AND... Wait for it... #LuigiMangione's Judge is 👉Married to Former Healthcare Executive👈
Luigi Mangione Judge Married to Former Healthcare Executive
Pretrial judge in case involving murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson owns millions in stock, including Pharma and healthcareKen Klippenstein
#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #CEO #UHC #UnitedHealthcare
The media has actually been trying pretty hard to shame everyone who is being empathetic to him.
The empathy is coming from social media.
#MedicareForAll #Medicare #Medicaid #Healthcare #Insurance #UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #Luigi #UnitedHealth #FreeLuigi #Politics
#MedicareForAll #Medicare #Medicaid #Healthcare #Insurance #UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #Luigi #UnitedHealth #FreeLuigi #Politics
Luigi Mangione could face death penalty for killing member of wrong demographic
It only counts as terrorism when the victims are rich white guys...Laura (Normal Island News)
Suspect in UnitedHealthcare killing slapped with new charges
Federal prosecutors have charged Luigi Mangione with the federal crime of murder using a firearm, two charges of stalking and a charge of using an illegal gun silencer.Julio-cesar Chavez (The Japan Times)
#LuigiMangione has a posse!😎
"Employee Allegedly Stabs Company President During Staff Meeting" (headline goes on...) " Possible '#Copycat' of #CEOKilling: Police"
#ErikDenslow was stabbed in a Michigan office, prompting the arrest of #NathanMahoney", who is pictured below smiling proudly! 😎 #UnitedHealthcare #brianthompson #DeadCEOGoodCEO
Employee Allegedly Stabs Company President During Staff Meeting in Possible 'Copycat' of CEO Killing: Police
Erik Denslow was stabbed in a Michigan office, prompting the arrest of Nathan MahoneySamira Asma-Sadeque (PEOPLE)
#brianthompson #LuigiMangione #shooting #stabbing #ceo #president
#MedicareForAll NOW!!!
#UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #UnitedHealth
#Movies #Documentaries #LuigiMangione #BrianThompson
Stephen Robert Morse Developing Luigi Mangione Doc
Stephen Robert Morse is best known for his work on popular non-fiction features like Netflix’s Amanda Knox and How to Rob a Bank.Zac Ntim (Deadline)
#LuigiMangione #brianthompson #ceohuntingseason #classwar
"New York state is considering creating a special hotline just for #CEOs to report perceived threats, CNN reported this morning. What a nice reminder of just how responsive government can be when it comes to corporate #executives. Coming at the heels of the murder of #UnitedHealthcare CEO #BrianThompson..."
New #CrisisHotline for CEOs? - Ken Klippenstein
#LuigiMangione #DeadCEOGoodCEO #EatTheRich
#rareamericans #LuigiMangione #brianthompson #ceodown #music
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#LuigiMangione, is accused of #murdering #BrianThompson, the #CEO of the #health #insurance #company #UnitedHealthcare, has become a #folkhero for #Americans across different #politicalideologies. That's because the nation has a #broken #capitalistic #healthcare #system.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Health #Healthcare #HealthInsurance
Cc @RadicalGraffiti
Michael Moore defends anger targeted at medical insurers after UnitedHealthcare CEO killing
Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore callously declared he wants to “pour gasoline” on the anger directed at the health insurance industry after Luigi Mangione allegedly shot and killed UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#ChrisRock #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #JonahHill
This Week’s ‘SNL’ Cold Open Takes on Alleged United Healthcare Shooter Luigi Mangione
This Week’s ‘SNL’ Cold Open Takes on Alleged United Healthcare Shooter Luigi Mangione - INBELLAINBELLA
#ceo #luigi #brianthompson #unitedhealthcare #genocide
To be precise, I'm interested in how this event has been received, especially in American culture.
#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare
#socialism #communism #capitalism #classwar
#brianthompson #LuigiMangione #ceodown #ceomurder #CEOhunt #ceoshooter #ceokiller
#luigimangione #brianthompson #brianthompsonshooting #obamacare #care #sante #economy #politics #usa #sante #politique #propagandeparlefait #misere #corruption #technofeudalism #Technofeodalisme #capitalism #resistance #strategy #strategie #extremedroite #amerique #etatsunis #faillite #exploitation #mafia #maladie #illness #wanted #violence #violencesociale #medicalbankruptcy #banqueroute #systemedesante #securitesociale #pcf #ambroisecroizat #communism #communisme
États-Unis : Luigi Mangione, nouveau héros d'une Amérique révoltée
Brian Thompson, PDG d’UnitedHealthcare - la plus grande société d’assurance privée de santé des États-Unis -, a été assassiné à New York le 4 dé
#UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids With #Autism.
Leaked internal documents show that the #insurance giant is culling providers of applied behavior analysis from its network and scrutinizing the medical necessity of #therapy. Advocates say the company’s strategy may be illegal. #health #medicine #healthcare #LuigiMangione
'little outward sympathy' and then says why people would be that way, with legitimate reasons.
#USPOL #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare