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Beiträge, die mit Gaza getaggt sind

"Gli Stati Uniti affermano che non limiteranno i trasferimenti di armi a Israele dopo alcuni miglioramenti nel flusso di aiuti a Gaza."

"Otto ONG internazionali hanno affermato in un rapporto che Israele ha anche adottato misure “che hanno peggiorato drasticamente la situazione sul campo, in particolare nella parte settentrionale di Gaza … La situazione è oggi in uno stato ancora più disastroso rispetto a un mese fa”."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #13novembre


#Mike Huckabee, scelto da #Trump come ambasciatore in Israele, si definisce come #sionista.
"Sostiene da anni che la Cisgiordania appartiene a Israele e di recente ha detto che "il titolo di proprietà è stato dato da Dio ad Abramo e ai suoi eredi"."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #13novembre


Katz: Keine Feuerpause bis zur Entwaffnung von Hisbollah

Der neue israelische Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz hat angekündigt, dass Israel im Kampf gegen die Hisbollah nicht nachlassen werde. "Wir werden die Hisbollah weiter überall angreifen", sagte er bei einem Treffen mit hochrangigen Armeekommandeuren an Israels Nordgrenze. Man werde keiner Vereinbarung für eine Waffenruhe zustimmen, die nicht das Erreichen …

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-mittwoch-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Katz-Keine-Feuerpause-bis-zur-Entwaffnung-von-Hisbollah
🕠 13.11. 17:17 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Katz: Keine Feuerpause bis zur Entwaffnung von Hisbollah

Der israelische Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz demonstriert in der Diskussion um eine Feuerpause im Libanon Härte. "Wir werden nicht vom Gas gehen", sagte Katz bei einem Besuch des Nordkommandos der israelischen Armee. Israel werde keiner Vereinbarung für eine Waffenruhe zustimmen, die nicht das Erreichen der eigenen Kriegsziele sichere. So müsse die Hisb…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-mittwoch-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Katz-Keine-Feuerpause-bis-zur-Entwaffnung-von-Hisbollah
🕠 13.11. 17:17 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

#italy #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #university / #protest / #militaryaid

„Around a hundred students occupied Leonardo's Turin headquarters to denounce what they say is the Italian defence group's complicity in Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip.“


De Israëlische krant Haaretz, EU-buitenland chef Josep Borell en VN-baas António Guterres gebruiken allemaal dezelfde term om de situatie in het noorden van #Gaza te beschrijven: #etnischezuivering. Is dit terecht, en zo ja, gaat dat dan nog gevolgen hebben? Hoogleraar internationaal strafrecht Göran Sluiter, verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, geeft juridische duiding in Bureau Buitenland. https://www.nporadio1.nl/nieuws/buitenland/c7714526-cb2a-410e-93d0-215db5054c8f/maakt-israel-zich-schuldig-aan-etnische-zuivering-in-gaza

#Gaza #Palestine

TRT World's documentary reveals how the UK's counterterrorism strategy “Prevent” disproportionately targets British Muslims.

While the UN recently has called on the UK government to suspend the strategy and compensate its victims, Prevent Watch reports a surge in Prevent referrals since October 7, as pro-Palestinian activism is increasingly flagged as a potential "sign of extremism".


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Tote bei israelischen Angriffen im nördlichen Gazastreifen

Nach palästinensischen Angaben sind bei israelischen Angriffen im nördlichen Gazastreifen mehrere Menschen getötet worden. In der Stadt Beit Lahia seien beim Bombardement eines Hauses vier Menschen ums Leben gekommen, meldete die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur Wafa. Mindestens fünf Tote gab es nach palästinensischen Angaben nahe des Kamal Adwan Kranke…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-mittwoch-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Tote-bei-israelischen-Angriffen-im-noerdlichen-Gazastreifen
🕔 13.11. 16:52 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Le Festival du film franco arabe Noisy le Sec met dédie sa 13ème édition à #Gaza et sa résistance.
Plus d'un an de guerre, des dizaines de milliers de morts, des millions de déplacés, des vies détruites : il est urgent d'écouter les voix de ceux et celles qui vivent ce conflit et de continuer, ensemble, à rappeler l'histoire de ce territoire tour à tour occupé, sous blocus et régulièrement ravagé.

📍 Plus d'infos : https://cinematrianon.fr/festivals/festival-du-film-franco-arabe


#Gaza #Palestine

British surgeon Nizam Mamode, who recently returned from working at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital, testified before the UK Parliament about the current state of healthcare in Palestine’s Gaza.

Mamode reported that Israeli quadcopters would arrive at air strike sites after bombings to “target” and “shoot” injured civilians, including children.

Mamode worked at Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza for a month between August and September.


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#Gaza #Israel I
Les dirigeants israéliens doivent prendre conscience que le temps de la justice et de la redevabilité est venu, et qu’ils ne seront pas éternellement à l’abri de poursuites judiciaires visant à faire la lumière sur leurs responsabilités dans les crimes perpétrés à l’encontre des Palestinien·nes à Gaza.
La justice et la lutte contre l’impunité des auteurs de génocide, crimes contre l’humanité, crimes de guerre, tortures et disparitions forcées commis à Gaza doivent être placées au cœur de la réponse aux crimes commis par les responsables israéliens contre le peuple palestinien.

Israelische Luftangriffe auf libanesische Hauptstadt Beirut

Israel hat den zweiten Tag in Folge Beirut angegriffen. Erneut nahm die Luftwaffe Vororte, die von der radikal-islamistischen Hisbollah kontrolliert werden, im Süden der libanesischen Hauptstadt ins Visier. In dem Bezirk Dahijeh wurden mehrere Häuser zerstört, wie Anwohner berichteten. Zuvor hatte die libanesische Gesundheitsbehörden bereits den Tod von s…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-mittwoch-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Israelische-Luftangriffe-auf-libanesische-Hauptstadt-Beirut
🕟 13.11. 16:19 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

More of this please.

#Gaza #Palestine #genocide

Northwestern University tore down a sukkah I built with other students, supposedly under the guise of fighting antisemitism, because it said “Stop Arming Israel” on it. The school is using Jewish identity as cover for repressing Palestine solidarity.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

I find it rich and laughable that #palestinians who voted for Trump are now begging Kamala Harris to protect Gaza from Trump. I guess they figured out that he’s gonna level #Gaza and build condos and resorts (like he’s been saying FOREVER) there. You idiots should’ve voted for the smart, educated woman instead of the vile disgusting criminal. Reap what you sow motherfuckers.

#Gaza #Palestine

Berlin's official online portal has faced backlash for claiming the Israeli-Palestinian film `No Other Land` about Israel's takeover in the occupied West Bank contained "antisemitic tendencies".

The film, directed by Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham and Palestinian journalist Basel Adra, won the Documentary Film Award at the Berlin International Film Festival in February.


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#Gaza #Palestine

At least 12 more Palestinians were detained by Israeli forces in military raids in the occupied West Bank, according to prisoners’ affairs groups on Wednesday.

A child was among the detainees in the raids that targeted several towns in the occupied territory, including Ramallah, Jenin, Qalqilya, and Nablus, the Commission of Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner Society said in a joint statement.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️

A few excerpts here from a beautifully written, deeply insightful, and ultimately inspiring essay by Chris Hedges…

In the end, the election was about despair.

Despair over futures that evaporated with deindustrialization. Despair over the loss of 30 million jobs in mass layoffs. Despair over austerity programs and the funneling of wealth upwards into the hands of rapacious oligarchs. Despair over a liberal class that refuses to acknowledge the suffering it orchestrated under neoliberalism. Despair over the futile, endless wars, as well as the genocide in Gaza, where generals and politicians are never held accountable. Despair over a democratic system that has been seized by corporate and oligarchic power.

Donald Trump is a symptom of our diseased society. He is not its cause. He is what is vomited up out of decay.

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party live in their own non-reality-based belief system. Harris, who was anointed by party elites and never received a single primary vote, proudly trumpeted her endorsement by Dick Cheney, a politician who left office with a 13% approval rating.

The smug, self-righteous “moral” crusade against Trump stokes the national reality television show that has replaced journalism and politics. It reduces a social, economic, and political crisis to the personality of Trump. It refuses to confront and name the corporate forces responsible for our failed democracy.

The American dream has become an American nightmare.

FULL ESSAY ➡️ https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-politics-of-cultural-despair

#USA #Politics #History #Economics #Israel #Gaza
Political cartoon by Mr. Fish. A drawing of several people, men and women, frowning as they gather around a laptop, looking intently at the screen, apparently trying to understand what happened. Caption says: "Democratic strategists trying to figure out how a brown and pink campaign lightly scented with Joe Biden that promoted an inspiring message of equality, civility, democracy, and genocide, failed to get them the keys to the White (Power) House."

Aid Deliveries to Gaza Remain Low Despite U.S. Warning to Israel

Despite that, the Biden administration said on Tuesday it did not plan to follow through on its threat to cut military assistance to #Israel after the deadline expired.

Gift article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/13/world/middleeast/gaza-aid-us-israel.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Zk4.kZ5H.DhspuDAU1DSd

No follow-through.

Guess we don't have to wonder why #Dems underperformed Nov. 7.

#Gaza #Elections2024 #Election2024

#Gaza #Palestine

The Israeli army demolished three Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, according to a local activist and media.

Military forces razed a house in the village of Kardala in the northern Jordan Valley for the lack of a building permit, Moataz Bisharat, an activist, told Anadolu.

Another home was brought down in the town of Beit Ummar in the southern West Bank, the official news agency Wafa reported.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️

UN: Vor allem Frauen und Kinder unter Toten

Von den Todesopfern im Gazastreifen sind nach Angaben des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros rund

70 Prozent Kinder und Frauen.

Die stellvertretende Generalsekretärin für Menschenrechte, Ilze Brands Kehris, sagte vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat, dass die Altersgruppe mit den meisten verifizierten Todesfällen Kinder im Alter von fünf bis neun Jahren gewesen seien.

#Israel #Gaza #Hamas


#Gaza #Palestine

A Palestinian was killed by Israeli army forces on Wednesday for allegedly attempting to take a soldier’s weapon in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli public broadcaster KAN said the incident took place when some 100 Palestinians gathered at the site of a car accident near the Al-Aroub refugee camp in the southern West Bank.

KAN said a soldier opened fire on a Palestinian man after he tried to take his weapon, leaving him dead.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️

#Gaza #Palestine

As Donald Trump’s victory became apparent in last week’s U.S. elections, Jewish West Bank settlement advocates popped bottles of champagne and danced to the Bee Gees at a winery in the heart of the occupied territory.

Settlement supporters believe they have plenty of reasons to celebrate. Not only did the expansion of housing for Jews in the West Bank soar past previous records during Trump’s first term.


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#Gaza #Palestine

Upon the election of Donald Trump for his second term in office, immense speculation commenced over how the American President’s administration would handle its Israel and wider West Asia policy.

Donald Trump has now announced his United Nations ambassador will be Elise Stefanik, who has received around $917,821 from pro-Israel lobby groups and is a staunch Zionist.


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#Gaza #Palestine

The United Nations says Israeli construction along a demilitarised buffer zone with Syria has led to “severe violations” of a 50-year-old ceasefire agreement, which risk increasing tensions along their shared frontier in the occupied Golan Heights.

Satellite photographs show new trenches and earth berms dug over the past few months along the length of what is known as the Area of Separation (AoS).


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“They told the opposite of what happened in that footage.”

Photographer Annet de Graaf on Zeteo talking about what happened in #Amsterdam

#Politics #Gaza


#Gaza #Palestine

The Jerusalem District Court rejected on 13 November a request made by Israeli PM Netanyahu to delay his testimony in his corruption trial by 10 weeks.

The court said the premier has already had five months to prepare for his testimony, which is scheduled for 2 December.

Hours prior to the court ruling, a representative of the Israeli State Attorney’s Office said the “prime minister can’t dictate the schedule for his trial and testimony.”


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#Gaza #Palestine

A man who worked for the U.S. government has been charged with leaking classified information assessing Israel’s earlier plans to attack Iran.

The man, identified as Asif William Rahman, was arrested by the FBI this week in Cambodia and was due to make his first court appearance in Guam.

He was indicted last week in U.S. court in Virginia on two counts of willful transmission of national defense information.


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Supporting this genocide is US policy. It won't stop because it is intentional.

We have to understand this. This is full US and Israel partnership.

US support of Israel apartheid, settler colonialism, war crimes and genocide will not stop because it is intentional policy. The "warnings" are nothing more than a pretense and a never-ending delaying strategy.

#WarCrimes #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #USWarCrimes https://mastodon.social/@andrewstroehlein/113475173239590292

#Gaza #Palestine

At least 47 more Palestinians were killed in relentless Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, bringing the overall death toll since last year to 43,712, the Health Ministry in the enclave said on Wednesday.

A ministry statement added that some 103,258 others were injured in the ongoing assault.

“The Israeli occupation has committed seven massacres of families in the last 24 hours, resulting in 47 deaths and 182 injuries,” the ministry said.


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#Gaza #Palestine

It's day 44 since the start of Israel's ground offensive into Lebanon. Ever since, Israel has targeted thousands of buildings and tens of thousands of homes across the country.

Villages and residentials neighborhoods have been damaged or simply destroyed.

Israeli army has been threatening civilians to leave their homes or face death. This has pushed an estimated 1.2 million people from their homes.That includes more than 400,000 children.


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#Gaza #Palestine

"This is a moment for the Israeli government to take action against Iran."

Trump's pick for Defence Secretary, Pete Hegseth, has argued several times that the US should let Israel take action to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

Trump's cabinet appointments over the past week have suggested the President-elect's policy will be hawkish toward Iran, with members such as Hegseth arguing that the Biden administration has not done enough.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️

Wikipedia has a new page on the genocide in Gaza. It's well annotated and a good resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_genocide

#gaza #palestine #genocide #israel

The Palestine Laboratory Podcast

An investigation into how Israel is using Palestinian territories as a testing ground to develop its occupation-enforcing tech industry.

#gaza #palestine #israel #genocide

Screenshot from linked webpage

#Biden -Administration wird kein Waffenembargo gegen #Israel verhängen

US-Außenminister Antony #Blinken hat die Schritte erläutert, die Israel zur Verbesserung der „humanitären Situation im Gazastreifen“ unternommen hat.


#USA #Gaza