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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

Șeful pentru diplomația 🇪🇺#UE: Mandatele Curții Penale Internaționale pentru #Netanyahu, Gallant și Al-Masri sunt executorii. Statele 🇪🇺#UE nu pot alege dacă le pun sau nu în aplicare.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Xjf

#Știri #Israel #UniuneaEuropeană

As we commemorate Stalin's commitment of genocide against Ukraine, let's remember Gareth Jones, the Welch journalist who exposed it to the world while Stalin kept Russia ignorant of it and Walter Duranty, the Moscow bureau chief of the New York Times, who was complicit with Stalin and won the Pulitzer Prize for it.
#Genocide #Stalin #Ukraine #Starvation #Israel #Gaza #Netanyahu

#Skwawkbox | #Labour is lying when it says there would have to be ‘legal processes’ before #Netanyahu’s extradition

#Cooper and co peddling utter nonsense. #ICC is higher court than any in #UK – the claim is a ruse and the ‘specific process’ would take 30 seconds


#Gaza #Genocide

Turns out the 'rule of law' isn't that important in Germany, and a government spokesperson would "have difficulty imagining that we would make arrests in Germany on this basis".

#netanyahu #gaza


'It is the first time that leaders of a democracy and western-aligned state have been charged by the court, in the most momentous decision of its 22-year history.

Netanyahu and Gallant are at risk of arrest if they travel to any of the 124 countries that signed the Rome statute establishing the court'


#ICC #Israel #Netanyahu #Gallant #warcrimes
124 countries are obliged to arrest Netanyahu if he travels there
Countries party to the Rome statute of the international criminal court

RaiNews by undefined
Mandato di cattura internazionale, anche l'opposizione fa quadrato intorno a Netanyahu e Gallant

La situazione umanitaria intanto è disastrosa a Gaza

International arrest warrant, even the opposition is closing ranks around Netanyahu and Gallant

The humanitarian situation in Gaza is disastrous.

#Palestine #Netanyahu #Gaza

“The arrest warrants that the International Criminal Court issued against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant position Israel at an unprecedented moral nadir, as a country whose leaders are accused of grave crimes against humanity and war crimes against the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip.”

~ Haaretz

#Israel #Netanyahu #Gaza #Palestinians #genocide #ICC


The #UK parts ways with the #us on #icc warrant regarding #Netanyahu

This is splitting the world. And world views on #Israel and #Palestine is at the core. Nevermind #lebanon, #syria...

It's not as if he pushed for invading #iraq claiming they had #wmd...


🇵🇹#Portugalia anunță că își va îndeplini obligațiile față de CPI după mandatele emise pentru #Netanyahu și Gallant.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XdO

#Știri #Israel #Economie

"#Germany says it is "examining" its possible response to the #ICC arrest warrant against #Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu. Germany supports the ICC, but is also committed to its...👉special relationship👈 with Israel."

'Germany is regarded as one of the biggest supporters of the ICC ... supported by 124 states. However, it does not include ... the US or Russia.'

Would Benjamin Netanyahu be arrested in Germany? https://www.dw.com/en/would-benjamin-netanyahu-be-arrested-in-germany/a-70863500 @palestine @israel #Genocide #Gaza #WarCriminals

Arrest Netanyahu now


#Gaza #ICC #Netanyahu #Worldnews #Europe

'The #ICC has issued arrest warrants for #Israel PM #Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav #Gallant...

👉No such arrest warrants were issued for President #Biden or any of the other western officials which is a bit like a judge issuing a warrant for a #massmurder-er but not for the guy who gave him the gun; stood next to him handing him ammunition; drove the getaway car, and lied to the police...👈" -#CaitlinJohnstone https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/22/today-in-imperial-recklessness-and-insanity/

'The #ICC has issued arrest warrants for #Israel PM #Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav #Gallant...

👉No such arrest warrants were issued for President #Biden or any of the other western officials which is a bit like a judge issuing a warrant for a #massmurder-er but not for the guy who gave him the gun; stood next to him handing him ammunition; drove the getaway car, and lied to the police...👈" -#CaitlinJohnstone

Today In #Imperialism Recklessness And Insanity

The #ICC just issued an arrest warrant for #Netanyahu ... Now it's time for world leaders to act : if Netanyahu steps foot in their country, he must be arrested and tried. Let's all sign here to make leaders comply #Gaza



"Die Bundesregierung zum Haftbefehl gegen #Netanjahu: Hier sind die kompletten 26 Minuten des historischen Eiertanz zum Internationalen Recht von heute"

Komplette BPK:

#Netanyahu #Gallant #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genoz

Oamenii din anturajul lui Donald #Trump iau în considerare măsuri punitive de amploare împotriva CPI, după ce au fost emise mandate de arestare împotriva Prim-Ministrului 🇮🇱#Israel‎ian Benjamin #Netanyahu și a fostului 🛡️#MinistrulApărării Yoav Gallant.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Xdu

#Știri #SUA

President Herzog on Twitter #X and the reply by journalist Jonathan Cook (who is still not on #Mastodon #Fedivers afaik)

#israel #Gaza #Palestine #Lebanon #ICC #Netanyahu #Herzog
President  Isaac Herzog & @Isaac Herzog on Twitter:

This is a dark day for justice. A dark day for humanity. Taken in bad faith, the outrageous decision at the ICC has turned universal justice into a universal laughing stock. It makes a mockery of the sacrifice of all those who fight for justice - from the Allied victory over the Nazis till today.

It ignores the plight of the 101 Israeli hostages held in brutal captivity by Hamas in Gaza. It ignores Hamas’ cynical use of its own people as human shields. It ignores the basic fact that Israel was barbarically attacked and has the duty and right to defend its people. It ignores the fact that Israel is a vibrant democracy, acting under international humanitarian law, and going to great lengths to provide for the humanitarian needs of the civilian population.

Indeed, the decision has chosen the side of terror and evil over democracy and freedom, and turned the very system of justice into a human shield for Hamas’ crimes against humanity. This cynical exploitation of the international legal institutions reminds us once again of the need for true moral clarity in the face of an Iranian eempire of evil that seeks to destabilize our region and the world, and destroy the very institutions of the free world.

Post vertalen

1:44 p.m. - 21 nov. 2024 - 2,7 min. Weergaven

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Tweet reply by Jonathan Cook: No, President Herzog, the arrest warrants issued by the ICC for Netanyahu and Gallant today are not a "dark day for humanity".

They are the first, small ray of light we've had in 13 months of slaughter, ethnic cleansing, genocide.

"Als #Netanyahu naar Nederland komt, wordt hij niet per definitie gearresteerd,", aldus onze MinPres Dick #Schoof. Hoe werkt dit dan?

#EenVandaag #1V #israël #oorlogsmisdaden #ICC

"tijdens de wekelijkse persconferentie stelde premier Dick Schoof dat Nederland Netanyahu niet hoeft op te pakken als hij naar Nederland zou komen op uitnodiging van een internationale organisatie, zoals de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens. De contacten met de Israëlische regering zullen op het normale niveau worden voortgezet, zo stellen ingewijden: „Als het gaat om Netanyahu zijn alle contacten essentieel.”

https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/11/22/onrust-op-het-ministerie-wilders-die-overal-doorheen-banjert-veldkamp-wordt-klemgezet-door-het-israel-dossier-a4874166 #Schoof #Veldkamp #Netanyahu #ICC #Israel

#Netanyahu heeft te hard gereden toen hij #Gaza binnenviel. Het legervoertuig dat hem vervoerde, reed 120 op een weg waar 80 is toegestaan. “Er reed toch geen enkele Palestijn", verdedigde Netanyahu zich. "Want die hebben we allemaal opgeblazen.”

Of course he will.

#Hungary's #Orban says he will invite #Netanyahu in defiance of ICC arrest warrant —AFP

Pentru 🇩🇪#Germania este „dificil de imaginat” că l-ar putea aresta pe #Netanyahu, în pofida mandatului CPI, lasă să se înțeleagă 🇩🇪#GuvernulGermaniei.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XcB

#Știri #Israel

#Biden denunță drept „scandaloase” mandatele de arestare emise de CPI pe numele lui #Netanyahu și Gallant.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XcA

#Știri #Israel #SUA

Corriere.it - Homepage by di Redazione Politica
Mandato d'arresto per Netanyahu, Meloni: «Nessuna equivalenza tra Israele e Hamas»

Arrest warrant for Netanyahu, Meloni: "No equivalence between Israel and Hamas"

#Netanyahu #Meloni #Israel #Hamas

Miniștrii de externe din #G7 discută luni despre mandatul de arestare de la Curtea Penale Internaționale emis pe numele lui #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Xc8

#Știri #Israel

Official arrest warrant for #Netanyahu is out! Sign the petition to up the pressure:
#israel #gaza #peace #genocide


Netanyahu qui chouine que la CPI serait "antisémite".

Théodor Meron, survivant de l’holocauste et conseillé spécial de la CPI qui a aidé à définir le cadre juridique de la poursuite, de part sa compétence de spécialiste renommé du droit international et humanitaire, doit apprécier.
Capture d'écran site de presse :

Netanyahu compare les mandats d'arrêt de la CPI à un nouveau "procès Dreyfus" et juge la Cour "antisémite"

Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu est visé par un mandat d'arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale émis ce jeudi 21 novembre pour "crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre".

La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a émis ce jeudi 21 novembre des mandats d'arrêt contre Benjamin Netanyahu et son ancien ministre de la Défense Yoav Gallant, limogé début novembre, pour "crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre". Le Premier ministre israélien a réagi comparant ces mandats d'arrêt à un nouveau "procès Dreyfus" et a jugé la Cour "antisémite".
Capture d'écran site de presse : 

Theodor Meron, survivant de l’Holocauste, conseille la CPI sur les poursuites contre Israël

Les conseils de Theodor Meron concernant l’inculpation des dirigeants d’Israël et du Hamas interviennent à la fin d’une carrière remarquable et riche en informations.

"Se #Netanyahu è un criminale, è fin troppo facile immaginare chi siano i suoi fiancheggiatori, che ne risponderanno di fronte alla Storia."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #22novembre


PVV-leider Wilders is van plan op korte termijn in #Israël premier Netanyahu te bezoeken. Op X zegt hij er trots op te zijn "zijn vriend Netanyahu" binnenkort te ontmoeten.
Gisteren vaardigde het #InternationaalStrafhof een arrestatiebevel uit tegen Netanyahu.
#Wilders levert daar scherpe kritiek op. Volgens hem "is de wereld gek geworden". Hij vindt dat #Netanyahu internationale steun moet krijgen in plaats van een arrestatiebevel.


#politiek #BrekingNieuws #ICC

Het #InternationaalStrafhof (ICC) in Den Haag heeft vanwege vermeende oorlogsmisdaden in de Gazastrook arrestatiebevelen uitgevaardigd tegen de Israëlische premier Benjamin #Netanyahu, de voormalige minister van Defensie Yoav Gallant en #Hamas leider Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al Masri, ook wel bekend als Mohammed Deif. #Israël meldde afgelopen zomer dat de Hamasleider was omgebracht.


#BrekingNieuws #ICC

Het #ICC heeft een arrestatiebevel uitgevaardigd voor #Netanyahu. Nu moeten wereldleiders in actie komen! Als Netanyahu hun land betreedt, moet hij worden opgepakt en berecht. Teken hier de petitie aan wereldleiders #Gaza


Dave Brown's @Independent cartoon on #Netanyahu @DaveBrownToons – political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com

#PrimMinistrulIsraelului #Netanyahu riscă să fie arestat dacă vine în 🇬🇧#RegatulUnit.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3X82

#Știri #Israel

Gegen Israels Premier und seinen Ex-Verteidigungsminister wurden Haftbefehle erlassen. Welche Konsequenzen hat die Entscheidung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs? Und wie positioniert sich Deutschland? Von K. Schwartz und E. Hyseni.#FAQ #Israel #Netanyahu #Nahost