Beiträge, die mit iDF getaggt sind
"De rechter lichtte toe dat voor vrijwel alle vergrijpen meestal een taakstraf wordt opgelegd. Maar in dit geval vond de rechter dat vanwege de "ernst van de feiten en de context waarin die gepleegd zijn" niet passend."
De rechter laat zich dus leiden door een context. De context lijkt mij duidelijk. Namelijk dat #Halsema en consorten er voor hadden gekozen Zionistische #hooligans, waaronder vele oorlogsmisdadigers, medeverantwoordelijk voor de grootste #genocide van onze tijd, toegang tot #Amsterdam te geven. Resultaat waren extreem racistische spreekkoren, angstaanjagende intimidatie van Amsterdammers, mishandeling van #taxichauffeurs, grootschalige vernielingen en mishandeling van #moslims!
Ach nee, die context bedoeld de rechter natuurlijk niet. 🤦🏻 Anders waren er wel lagere straffen uitgedeeld. Nee, de rechter heeft overduidelijk de misdadige framing van de #politiek, en in hun kielzog de meeste #nieuwsmedia, overgenomen. Dat is de FOKKING context! 😡 De #rechter laat zich dus leiden door de extreemrechtse politieke wind. 🤷🏻 Trias politica mijn …! *Celstraffen tot zes maanden voor geweld in Amsterdam rond Ajax-Maccabi*
#Maccabi #Israel #IDF #IOF #Gaza
The drawing of a Gazan child.
Photo by psychiatrist Dr. Mustafa Elmasri.
Three wounded #Palestinian children who survived an #Israeli attack but lost family members (like everyone in Gaza).
Israel's ordered to close the Kamal Adwan hospital in northern #Gaza, one of the last functioning hospitals in the area. The hospital director reported that nearly 400 civilians, including infants, remain inside, and safe evacuation is impossible due to a lack of ambulances and ongoing bombardment.
The Israeli military claims the assault aims to prevent Hamas regrouping, but the #IDF's attacks on hospitals and shelters have resulted in numerous civilian casualties. Overnight attacks killed at least 11 Palestinians, with #UNRWA reporting an escalation in attacks on hospitals and schools.
Dokumentarfilm eines israelisch-palästinensischen Filmemacherkollektivs über den Alltag im israelisch besetzten Westjordanland.
Dies ist der Trailer mit deutschen Untertiteln.
#westjordanland #israel #idf #occupation #warcrimes
„Ein anderes Land“ von Ulrich Gutmair, online unter:!6055395
#israel #gaza #westjordanland #idf #warcrimes #netanyahu
Dokumentarfilm „No Other Land“: Ein anderes Land
Der Dokumentarfilm „No Other Land“ zeigt den Kampf von Beduinen gegen einen Truppenübungsplatz der israelischen Armee. Ihm sollen ihre Häuser weichen.Ulrich Gutmair (taz)
#ycombinator #Gaza #Hamas #IDF #Israel_war_crimes #Israel_Gaza_War #October_7
Directeur Kamal Adwan-ziekenhuis: 'Israël gaf bevel om ziekenhuis te sluiten en te evacueren'
Directeur Kamal Adwan-ziekenhuis: 'Israël gaf bevel om ziekenhuis te sluiten en te evacueren'
Volg hier de ontwikkelingen van de oorlog in Gaza en hoogopgelopen spanningen tussen Israël en landen in de regio.NOS Nieuws
by George Hazim on Substack
“Tehran along with the other members of the axis of resistance, including the Houthis, have demonstrated a capacity for resilience Israel has failed to counter.”
#Press #Israel #IDF #Yemen #Iran #Huthis #Vulnerability
IDF No Match for Houthis Alone
Once mythologised as an unparalleled force in the Middle East, the IDF have consistently demonstrated their capabilities are totally dependent on US backing.George Hazim (George’s Newsletter)
Several men of a #Palestinian family in mourning, touching the body of their son, grandson, and nephew. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
A young #Palestinian woman and her mother walk through the remains of what used to be their neighborhood - completely destroyed by #Israel.
'Palestinian lives are treated as if they have little or no value. Israel is able to operate this way because its patron, the U.S makes sure that it faces 0 consequences'"
#Westbank #Palestine #Israel #genocide #racism #classism #warCrimes #USA
The body of a #Palestinian baby-girl named Aisha Al-Qassas. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
A normal #Palestinian home in an Gazan neighborhood - completely destroyed by #israel.
An orphaned 13-year-old #Palestinian girl who survived an #Israeli attack but lost her eye. She is the only one left to take care of her little baby-sibling.
Alone in this world - an orphaned #Palestinian girl carries her belongings.
#EU research money flows to #Israel amid war on #Gaza @palestine @israel
EU research money flows to Israel amid war on Gaza
Israeli organisations, some linked to the military, have received more than $250 million in EU funding.Al Jazeera
»'No Civilians. Everyone's a Terrorist': IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor
'Of 200 bodies, only 10 were confirmed as Hamas members': IDF soldiers who served in Gaza tell Haaretz that anyone who crosses an imaginary line (…) is shot to death, with every Palestinian casualty counting as a terrorist – even if they were just a child.«
Start here, pic 1 link, and down #MiddleEastWar #ansarallah @yemen @israel
This little baby-girl's name is Zeina. She lost her parents and her brother, and her leg. #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
#Israel #IDF #communication
Israel MoD Orders Communication Systems from Elbit Systems worth $130M
Contracts aim to enhance communication capabilities and support IDF operational
#Israel #IDF #communication
Israel MoD Orders Communication Systems from Elbit Systems worth $130M
Contracts aim to enhance communication capabilities and support IDF operational
#KatieHalper #Palestine #Palestinians #Gaza #WestBank #FreePalestine #Apartheid #Genocide
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#KatieHalper #Palestine #Palestinians #Gaza #WestBank #FreePalestine #Apartheid #Genocide
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"Our hearts go out to the family of Ahmed Al-Louh, (…) who was killed by an Israeli airstrike while working in Gaza… The circumstances must be investigated to determine if this was a targeted strike. According to reports, Al-Louh's home was also attacked and destroyed in a separate incident, which raises questions about the intent of the #IDF. Journalists are not combatants. (…) #Journalism is not a crime."
NPC Statement on Death of Al Jazeera Cameraman Ahmed Al-Louh in Gaza
/PRNewswire/ -- Following is a statement from Emily Wilkins, President of the National Press Club, on the death of Al Jazeera journalist Ahmed Al-Louh while...Cision PR Newswire