Beiträge, die mit BLoGGeR getaggt sind
LocalSend: A Fast, Secure Way To Transfer Files Between Devices
Associated Mastodon Account: @Cliff
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #SeerOfSouls #Blog #Blogging #Blogger #Author #Writer #WordPress
My First Few Days With The Mac Mini
Associated Mastodon Account: @Cliff
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #SeerOfSouls #Blog #Blogging #Blogger #Author #Writer #WordPress
My First Few Days With The Mac Mini - SeerOfSouls
I’ve never been a MacOS user, though I’ve wanted to be at various times. While I do own a very old and very used MacBook...SeerOfSouls
Vláda stále rozkladá Slovensko - Jakub Cipko - EUROPE SAYS
V lete som písal blog o tom ako vláda rozkladá Slovensko, či už Šimkovičová kultúru, Kamenický financie, TarabaEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Neben der moralischen Sache, es bringt irgendwie nichts. 1680 Follower. Ein Posting erreicht maximal 50 Leute und produziert im Schnitt 1 Klick auf den Link zum Blog - und das ist vermutlich meine Frau.
Das ist den "Aufwand", den Beitrag dort zu teilen einfach nicht wert.
#blog #blogger #socialmedia
(versione Blog)
#riemersione #blog #blogger #addiction #rewardsystem #neuroscienze #tossicodipendenze #alcolismo #dipendenzepatologiche #dipendenze #droga #droghe #alcolismo
The Good Old Days
“The only good thing about the good old days is they’re gone.”― Dick Gregory The cold snap of the last few days have me thinking about the “Good Old Days” people wax poetic about. It is cold …Ravings of a Mad Southerner
Random Thoughts At Six In The Morning…
Associated Mastodon Account: @Cliff
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #SeerOfSouls #Blog #Blogging #Blogger #Author #Writer #WordPress
Random Thoughts At Six In The Morning… - SeerOfSouls
There used to be a time back around 2011 - 2015 or so that I was able to write blog posts regularly. I would often do so several times per week.SeerOfSouls
This year sticking to at least 3 series to collect since they have a lot of figures still to look into acquiring. #Batman #StarWars #Transformers
#blogging #blogger #blogpost #blogs #collecting
Môže Slovensko zohrávať rolu sprostredkovateľa medzi Ukrajinou a Ruskom? - Denis Babiar - EUROPE SAYS
Premiér Robert Fico (Smer-SD) počas svojho stretnutia 22. 12. 2024 s Vladimirom Putinom v Moskve vyjadril ochotu SlovenskaEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#riemersione #capodanno2025 #capodannoinpiazza #capodanno #alcolismo #dipendenze #Pregabalin #psicofarmaci #sober #blogger #blog #dipendenzepatologiche
Got a lot of #Transformers #Gundam and #StarWars to pick up this month!
Looking forward to Studio Series Galvatron arriving this month!
#blogger #blogging #blogpost #blogs #collecting #hobby
Agregador y comunidad de creadores de contenido. Promociona gratis tus publicaciones y gana visitas para tu blog, podcast o canal de
Húfy smerácko-tiktokáčskych kobyliek drancujú Slovensko a nerezignujúci ľudia, ktorí neodchádzajú. - Ivan Mlynár - EUROPE SAYS
.....ako budúcej možnej gubernie Moskvy, alebo napriek všetkému zostať ?Keďže jednak zástancom druhej možnosti som zostal sám, jednakEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#riemersione #blogger #blog #INTERNET #PrivacyDigitale #anonimato #AnonimatoOnline #privacyonline #socialmedia #trasparenzaradicale #nickname
#rienersione #blogger #blog #INTERNET #PrivacyDigitale #anonimato #AnonimatoOnline #privacyonline #socialmedia #trasparenzaradicale #nickname
#riemersione #blog #blogger #libri #recensionilibri #comportamentismo #skinner #psicologia #societa #gamification
Wer schreibt, der bleibt.
Wer bloggt, der rockt.
#blog #blogging #wordpress #blogger #unternehmensblog #Unternehmenskommunikation
(post Blog)
#riemersione #riflessioni #metafora #films #Jumanji #RobinWilliams #addiction #dipendenzepatologiche #dipendenze #tossicodipendenza #alcolismo #droga #droghe #sostanzepsicoattive #sostanzestupefacenti #blog #blogger
[versione post Blog]
#riemersione #frasimotivazionali #iamsoberapp #iamsober #sobria #sober #soberlife #sobertok #sobertiktok #soberliving #alcolismo #tossicodipendenze #tossicodipendenza #droga #droghe #recovery #dipendenzadasostanze #dipendenzepatologiche #dipendenze #sostanzepsicotrope #cambiamento #blog #blogger
📰 Check them out 👇🏽 #press #journalists #blogger #activists
(link safety checked)
un video youtube semplice ma ben fatto che spiega in modo figurato come si instaurano assuefazione, dipendenza e craving da soatanze psicoattive legali o illegali ("droghe" o alcol o "altro")..
#riemersione #dipendenzepatologiche #dipendenze #tossicodipendenza #alcolismo #addiction #droga #droghe #alcol #assuefazione #youtube #blog #blogger
L'uccellino della dipendenza patologica
Qui sotto metto un cartoon che, in pochi minuti, spiega molto bene come si instaura una dipendenza patologica con una sostanza psicoattiva ...anguilla83 (Blogger)
Slovensko má naviac, ako vláda Roberta Fica - Jozef Varga - EUROPE SAYS
... pričom im vôbec nevadí, že väčšina Slovákov má iný názor. My staršia generácia nikdy nezabudneme na viacEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Meanwhile . . .
😂 😂
#NotBitter #film #filmastodon #blog #blogger
For It Is Man's Number
Movies young and old, from fright flicks to cracking comedies, from the latest blockbusters to the rarest cult
Building a Productivity System That Works for You
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #Blog #Blogger #Blogging #Author #Writer #WordPress
I'd appreciate any feedback, as well as any suggestions or recommendations to apps that you enjoy and recommend to others.
#Blog #Blogging #Blogger #Mac #MacMini #Mini
#blog #newsletter #author #reading #book #ebook #monday #deets #blogger #read #writer #scifiwriter #yascifi #indieauthor
New Newsletter next week
The new Jonfiction Newsletter is finally comingJon McBrine - Author (Jonfiction Blog)
#podcasts #podcasting #interview #interviewSeries #podcastinterview #pret #PretAManger #bereavement #trauma #PTSD #WorkPTSD #CPTSD #workplacebullying #blog #blogger #PretAMangerBlog #PretBlog #recovery
Still got plenty more coming in and already planning to do very little in December.
#blogs #blogger #blogging #hobby #starwars #actionfigures #comics
Collection Additions 11/21/24: Another busy month for the collection! Star Wars Figures, Manga, Comics, and Transformers!
I’m tired of doing things with the collecting Hobby at this point of the month.Have gotten a LOT of goodies into the collection this month and now only have about 3 more packages I’m wa…Tyjos Space!
My First Few Days With The Mac Mini
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #Blog #Blogger #Blogging #Author #Writer #WordPress
#blogging #blog #blogs #blogger #bloggers
How-to Come Up with Blog Post Ideas
Struggling to find blog post ideas? Discover 10 proven strategies to spark creativity, from audience research and keyword tools to repurposing content and following trends.Brandon Himpfen
YunoHost: An Easy Way to Self-Host Apps
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #Blog #Blogger #Blogging #Author #Writer #WordPress
Apps I Use to Customize macOS
#Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech #Blog #Blogger #Blogging #Author #Writer #WordPress
Werner Sonne: Israel und wir
Eine #rezension:
#buchtipp #lesetipp #leseliebe #sachbuch #lesen #iamreading #bookstodon #buch #buecher #reading #iamreading #chbeck #wernersonne #israel #deutschland #gesellschaft #kooperation #politics #history #geschichte #literatur #literaturblog #blog #blogger
Took all of my social accounts off of the front page and put them on a page of their own that's accessible via the top menu.
Also added a new status for the day today. Still more work to do, but this makes things look a bit more organized in my opinion.
You can view it all here if you'd like and give any suggestions or input if you're up to!
#Blog #Blogging #Blogger #Website #Site #OMG #LOL