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Beiträge, die mit Corporatism getaggt sind

"This maybe the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it—that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable." -HST
#America #HunterSThompson #Trump #Musk #Tesla #Corporatism #AmericanSociety #Gonzo #uspolitics #uspol
Trump and Musk standing 'salesman posed' over a Tesla on the white house lawn

"Robin Jaspert: Credit Suisse is currently under renewed investigation for systemically laundering money for the Nazis during the Third Reich and for covering up traces of that until today. Is anyone else in the same boat?

Zachary Gallant: The only thing that makes Credit Suisse special is how hard it tried to cover up its guilt. In general, you can be a Nazi collaborator and a Nazi profiteer and live a happy, powerful, profitable life thereafter. So can your children, and so can all of the managers of your company.

It feels like this is a lot of manufactured fury about Credit Suisse, when in fact it’s so deeply systemic that most people have not thought it worth the cover up. You just have to shut up and move on — you won’t be bothered. And even if, someday, you will be bothered, you’ll commission a historian, paid with money from your company or family or foundation, and you’ll release their findings together, and you’ll do a big celebration of how you’ve overcome your past. Then you can move on again like nothing happened.

Robin Jaspert: Can you give an example?

Zachary Gallant: I would have a difficult time picking an example, as you have the Aufarbeitung (“reprocessing”) work of really almost any German company to choose from. Professors are paid to go into the archives, and then they release a book at a press conference together with the leaders of the company and talk about how this historical responsibility is so important. It’s all tears and balloons: “Look at us. We’re so great. We did it.” We could be talking about nearly any company in the German automobile industry or really any chemical or steel company. Just about all the biggest companies in Germany have followed this pattern, without ever having to do the work that Credit Suisse put in for a cover-up."


#Germany #Nazis #Nazism #CreditSuisse #Capitalism #Corporatism

Extent of #Blackwater and #CIA Collaboration Uncovered

By Yana Kunichoff
Published December 11, 2009

"New details of Blackwater participation in clandestine CIA raids detail the extent to which private security contractors were involved in covert government antiterror operations.

"According to former employees and current and former American intelligence officials, who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity because they feared repercussions, Blackwater security guards participated in clandestine raids to capture or kill suspected insurgents in #Iraq and #Afghanistan and in transportation of detainees on CIA flights.

"The raids against suspects were said to occur almost nightly between 2004 and 2006, the height of the Iraqi insurgency. Several of the former Blackwater employees said the lines dividing the government-sanctioned agencies (the CIA and the military) and Blackwater began to blur.

"This information highlights a more extensive relationship between the CIA and Blackwater, now re-named Xe Services, than government investigation had previously acknowledged.

"This was confirmed recently by an article about #ErikPrince, the founder of Blackwater, published in Vanity Fair. In it, Prince spoke about the extent of his involvement with the CIA, which ranged from putting together, funding and executing operations to bring personnel into 'denied areas' to targeting specific people for #assassination who were deemed enemies by the #USGovernment.

"Though Prince alleged that he participated as a private citizen and used his personal funds to carry out operations, the Blackwater employees interviewed by The New York Times confirmed both their full knowledge of and participation in the raids.

"#Xe spokesman Mark Corallo, however, continued to deny this."

Full article:

#TigerSwan #BigOil #HumanRights #Covert #Corporatism #Corporatocracy
#Corruption #Capitalism #Colonialism

My guess is that #BuuNygren found an investor in Herr Trump! "Oh, you'll invest in our casino-resort? We won't oppose uranium transport and whatever else you want to do."

From October, 2024: "#NavajoNation President #BuuNygren signed a business site lease agreement that now enables the Navajo-owned Horseshoe Bend Holdings, LLC, to seek investors to build a world-class resort on more than 421 acres overlooking Horseshoe Bend, Glen Canyon and the Colorado River 9.5 miles downstream of Lake Powell."

#CorporateColonialism #Corporatism #Colonialism

The US government is absolutely working as intended and designed. You CANNOT 'fix' it. You #OVERTHROW it.

"#Obama continued and expanded #Bush’s most evil policies. #Trump continued and expanded Obama’s most evil policies. #Biden continued and expanded Trump’s most evil policies. Now Trump is preparing to keep the streak going." #CaitlinJohnstone

The Face At The Front Desk Changes The Corporation Remains The Same https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/15/the-face-at-the-front-desk-changes-the-corporation-remains-the-same/ #Duopoly #Plutocracy #Corporatism #Genocide #Colonialism

I've had this #cartoon in my files for decades. It's no longer a cartoon but the reality many Americans voted for.
#election #politics #fascism #pollution #press #news #trump #corporatism
Jonik cartoon: The American people have spoken.
Two men at a podium wearing armbands with dollar signs.
The gathered crowd shout and carry signs like: We want dirtier air and water so CEOs can make more money! Send our jobs overseas! Stop giving us benefits from our tax money! Give our forests to the timber companies now! Yes to costly healthcare! Please tap our computer messages! Limit our internet freedom! Pave our farmlands! No laws for industry! Don't tell us what's in our food! Give us E-coli burgers! More celebrity news!