Beiträge, die mit F35 getaggt sind
Israel's Iran Strikes Highlight F-35 Ability to Fight Tougher Battles - EUROPE SAYS
F-35 combat operations have often been against terrorist and militant targets.Israel used the fighter jet in widespread strikesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
by John McEvoy in DeclassifiedUK @Declassified_UK
“UK trade department approved 34 military export licences to Israel in the two months since David Lammy announced a partial arms embargo, new data shows”
#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Israel #Weapons #Export #License #Approval #Genocide #Complicity #Participation #F35 #CarveOut
Labour allowed dozens of arms exports to Israel after weapons sanctions
UK trade department approved 34 military export licences to Israel in the two months since David Lammy announced a partial arms embargo, new data shows.JOHN McEVOY (Declassified Media ltd)
(A graphic showing Canadian contributions to the production of F-35 jets. Image: #LockheedMartin.)
#F35 #Magellan #aerospace #winnipeg #militaryindustrialcomplex #Palestine #solidarity
Winnipeg plant one of largest F-35 parts producers in Canada
Of the more than 100 companies in Canada that produce components for the F-35 combat aircraft, Mississauga-based Magellan Aerospace is one of the largest. Notably, it is also majority owned and chaired by billionaire
F-35 – Greatest Fail
#USA #us #pentagon #economy #american #money in #bubble #weapon #weapons #greatest #fail #f35
The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed + About Missile Defense
»Мы все знали, что это признание--не за горами, и вот тут то самое главное. У меня даже такое впечатление сложилось, что данное (ожидаемое) признание идёт как помеха