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Beiträge, die mit Hedgehogs getaggt sind

Eighteen years later, Oliphant has rescued thousands of hedgehogs and founded Prickles in a Pickle, a rehabilitation center powered by over 40 volunteers. But the struggle is real; hedgehog populations continue to decline due to habitat loss and road dangers. #WildlifeConservation #Hedgehogs

Just a day later, she found the babies scattered and squeaking, their mother tragically hit by a car. Her first night with her partner turned into a rescue mission, feeding those two orphaned hoglets all through the night. #Nature #Hedgehogs

🎄Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, please enjoy these festive-looking #hedgehogs.🎄
(In the #medieval bestiary, the hedgehog's story usually involved it rolling around and collecting fallen fruit on its quills to bring home to its children - fruit kebabs to go!)
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Metz, Bibliothèque municipale, 1588 f. 72v
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Verdun, Bibl.mun., ms 0107, f. 008
"Christmas hedghog" - detail of an illustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, hedgehog with red and green round fruits on its quills

Morgan Library, MS M.81 (The Worksop Bestiary), folio 10v
"Christmas hedghogs" - detail of an illiustration from a medieval illuminated manuscript, two hedgehogs with red and green round fruits on their quills

Bibliothèque Municipale de Valenciennes, MS 101 (Bestiary of Hugh of Fouilloy), folio 189v

#hedgehogs ‘near threatened’ on red list after 30% decline over past decade. The #mammals were once common across #Europe but #urbandevelopment has pushed them towards #extinction
While hedgehogs were once common across Europe, and were until now listed as of “least concern” on the red list, they are being pushed towards extinction by urban development, intensive #farming and #roads, which have fragmented their #habitat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/28/hedgehogs-near-threatened-red-list-decline-over-past-decade #environment #ecology #gardens #wildlife #nature