Beiträge, die mit InternationalWomensday getaggt sind
#InternationalWomensDay #Resist
—UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese
Happy International Women’s Day to this hero
As You Like It, Act 3 Scene II
#ShakespeareSunday #InternationalWomensDay #Bookstodon #Resist
We’re often trapped with caregivers who treat us badly & lack the financial support to leave. We may also be physically dependent on the abuser for basic activities of daily living.
Many disability benefits are cut if you marry or cohabitate, which further enforces dependency.
For International Women’s Day help us fight for a universal basic income, better social and medical support and access so that we may regain as much autonomy as possible.
#IWD2025 #InternationalWomensDay #disability #disabilityrights #ableism #ubi #autonomy #abuse
Afghan Women Protest in Islamabad on International Women’s Day, Call to End Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan - The Afghan Times
On International Women’s Day, a group of Afghan women gathered in the Pakistani capital, not to celebrate, but to protest.The Afghan Times
Bird on a Wire by k.d. lang
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No by Billy Nomates
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Kitchen Sink by Nadine Shah
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The Sensual World by Kate Bush
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Doing In Me Head by Amyl and The Sniffers
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I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free by Nina Simone
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
Jane Wyman, American Airlines in MGM's Three Guys Named Mike Postcard.
#janewyman #AmericanAirlines #MGM #ThreeGuysNamedMike #Postcard #aviation #Movies #CabinCrew #Avgeek
Respect by Aretha Franklin
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Ladies of the Canyon by Joni Mitchell
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Lola by The Raincoats
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Typical Girls by The Slits
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- a guided tour of the exhibition ‘How Dare You: Gender, Action and Climate Crisis'
- a salon with equal-rights activists
- an exhibition of activist banners
- drop-in crochet
- a singalong with protest songs from the Rødstrømpernes (‘Red Stockings’) campaigns for free abortion, equal rights and equal pay.
#Aarhus #InternationalWomensDay
Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag 2025 - KØN
Kom med og deltag i Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag på KØN, hvor du bl.a. kan høre om køn og klima, se den nye udstilling med aktivistbannere fra museets samling, synge med på rødstrømpesange i caféen og deltage i samtalesalon om kvinders ligestill…KØN
Joyeux anniversaire Olympe 🎂🎉 !
Mon #vélo m'a accompagnée sur :
- 8058 km
- Paris - Athènes en #bikepacking
- Des cols et le #Ventoux en gravel
- Mon premier ultra
- Mon 1er nouvel an à vélo
- De nombreuses sorties le temps d'une heure, d'une journée, d'un weekend ou plus.
Ma plus fidèle compagne de route est témoin de mes joies, de mes peurs, de mes doutes, de mes souffrances et colères, et je lui parle parfois.
Me répond-elle ? Les dessins de @ramuncho laissent penser que oui.
Hommage à Olympe de Gouges.
Et à toutes les femmes, à vélo ou non.
Photos : Arcadio REYES @arcadioreyesphoto
#8mars #MomentVélo #internationalwomensday #FemmeàVélo
Women’s rights do not advance on their own. They are won through persistence and can easily be lost without vigilance.
We must lead by example and create a world where opportunities are fair for all – not just for International Women’s Day, but every single day.
Ivor Cutler and Linda Hirst - Women of the World
You might know the Jim O’Rourke version, but this is the original from 1983.
Women of the World by Ivor Cutler, Linda Hirst
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
Frauen in Führungspositionen? Bei uns im BMDV sind es fast die Hälfte. Ein guter Anfang – aber da geht noch was! 💪
Damit alles läuft, brauchen wir mehr Frauen in Verantwortung. Mehr Gestalterinnen, mehr Perspektiven, mehr Fortschritt.
Dein Platz ist noch frei! Jetzt bewerben: 👉 damit-alles-lä
#Frauentag #InternationalWomensDay #DamitAllesLäuft #IWD25