Beiträge, die mit JESUS getaggt sind
A haughty look, a proud heart,
And the ploughing of the wicked are sin.
Proverbs 21.4
#Israel #jesus #Messiah #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #Trump
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #NicholasRoerich #Christ #Jesus
Global protests against Israel’s war in Gaza continue undeterred
1 of 3 | People hold placards calling for Israel to end the war in Gaza, which some call a genocide, during a protest in Jerusalem on Friday, December 13, 2024. Photo by Debbie Hill/ UPI | License Photo Dec.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
" #Christmas marks the birth of #Jesus of Nazareth over 2000 years ago in #Bethlehem, #Palestine, in what is now the Israeli Occupied #WestBank…
“‘Never again’ should mean never again to all peoples,”…“‘Never again’ has become ‘yet again’—yet again to supremacy, to racism, and to genocide. And sadly, yet again for the weaponization of the Bible and the silence and complicity of the Western #church…”
…why is anyone still debating whether this is a genocide or not?”"
“Christ is Still in the Rubble”: No Silent Nights in Gaza this Christmas Amidst Ongoing Israeli Bombardment
By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan In one of only a handful of times in the last century, Christmas this year coincides with the first day of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. In that spirit, let there be light. Let there be life.Democracy Now!
les médias adorent accuser Israël d'avoir gâché Noël à Bethléem - EUROPE SAYS
Comment les médias accusent Israël d’avoir gâché Noël à Bethléem (une fois de plus) Rinat Harash C’est àEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM) -
Via -
#Papst Franziskus, #Jesus und ein gefährliches Manöver
Die #Kirche rüttelt an ihrem eigenen fragilen Fundament, wenn dem #Juden Jesus seine Herkunft, seine Abstammung und seine Identität abgesprochen werden
Papst Franziskus, Jesus und ein gefährliches Manöver
Die Kirche rüttelt an ihrem eigenen fragilen Fundament, wenn dem Juden Jesus seine Herkunft, seine Abstammung und seine Identität abgesprochen werdenJüdische Allgemeine
Was soll man da noch sagen? Das ist Wahnsinn!"
#Jesus mit #Palästinensertuch
Der #Papst ist kein Antisemit, aber …
Eine Nahost-Kennerin wirft #Israel ohne Beweise die Vertuschung russischer #Kriegsverbrechen vor und im #Vatikan findet sich in einer Krippe das Jesus-Kind mit einem Palästinensertuch. Auch ein Jahr nach dem 7. Oktober hat die Welt in Sachen #Antisemitismus nichts gelernt.
#Israel #Christen #Katholiken
Der Papst ist kein Antisemit, aber … - Israelnetz
Israel-Beschuldigung ohne Beweise, Jesus-Kind mit Palästinensertuch im Vatikan: Die Welt hat in Sachen Antisemitismus nichts gelernt.Martin Schlorke (Israelnetz)
Der #Papst zeigt einseitiges Mitgefühl für #Judenfeinde
Das #Jesus -Kind in ein #Palästinensertuch einzuwickeln zeigt, dass der #Vatikan seine Tradition verleugnet, um im #Nahostkonflikt Partei zu ergreifen
#Katholiken #Israel
Vatikan: Papst Franziskus zeigt einseitiges Mitgefühl für Judenfeinde
Das Jesus-Kind in ein Palästinensertuch einzuwickeln zeigt, dass der Vatikan seine Tradition verleugnet, um im Nahostkonflikt Partei zu ergreifenJüdische Allgemeine
· History of Syria from biblical times through Islamic times to present times.
· Jeremiah 49.23-27 - a detailed prophecy of what has just happened in Syria.
· Assad gone – what now for Iran, Russia and Turkey?
· Good news or bad news for Israel?
· The labour pains of the last days and the return of the Messiah Jesus.
#Damascus #Israel #jesus #Messiah #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #Syria
Pope Francis on Saturday attended the inauguration of a seasonal nativity scene, presented by Palestinian officials, that featured a baby Jesus lying on a keffiyeh, the traditional scarf used by Palestinians as a national symbol.
The unveiling of the provocative nativity scene comes after a series of statements by the pope about the ongoing war between Israel and various Iranian proxies, which have angered some Jews and Israelis.
#pope #NativityScene #BabyJesus #Keffiye #Israel #Jesus #Vatican #Francis #Gaza #Genocide #Palestine
Erstmal herzlich lachen und dann kopfschüttelnd durch sein restliches Leben laufen. Oder wie soll auf so viel Dummheit reagiert werden?"
Keine #Juden – kein #Jesus
Warum Noa Cohen die perfekte Jungfrau Maria ist
#Israel #Christen #Film #Kultur
ملاك المقاومة والمساعدة للفلسطينيين
#Muslim #muslims #Christian #christians #judaism #jews #hindus #buddhists #Sikhs #catholics #Buddhists #hinduism #catholicchurch #vatican #allah #angels #humanity #Gaza #arab #Palestine #genocide #children #SaveTheChildren #miracles #Jesus #quran #torah #bible
‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.’ Acts 2.17-21
#churchleadership #ecclesia #faith #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #messianicmiracles #resurrection #Risen #salvation
Listen to the full interview with Pastor Tony Pearce by David Bass on RISE
Tony gives a regular end times prophecy talk to viewers online from across the world. The talk is about the concerning situation in the world, Quantum computers, counterfeit Christs and the future. This discussion was very interesting and refreshing.
#AI #antichrist #DigitalCurrencies #faith #iran #Israel #jesus
Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am dying, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers. Moreover I have given to you one portion above your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”
Genesis 48.21-22
#AssistedDyingBill #churchleadership #faith #ICCwarrants #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #prayer #salvation
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #faith #church #Religion #Jesus
Hear Tony Pearce’s latest talk on TRUMP TRIUMPHANT
What does it mean for America, Israel and the church?
Is this a ‘divine intervention against the criminal New World Order’ as Archbishop Vigano has said?
Or an open door to another round of deception?
#bible #GlobalCrises #Israel #jesus #Messiah #prophecy #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #SocialCrisis #socialmedia #Trump #USElection2024
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” Acts 1.9-11
#Israel #Jerusalem #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation #SecondComingofChrist #returnofmessiah
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” John 6
#BelieveJesus #breadandwine #breadoflife #churchleadership #faith #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come
2 Timothy 3.1
#Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #YezreelValleyHouseFellowship #Messiah #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #northernisrael