Beiträge, die mit OBAMA getaggt sind
Michelle Obama Skips Jimmy Carter's Funeral, Was To Sit Beside Donald Trump
Former First Lady Michelle Obama was noticeably absent from former President Jimmy Carter's funeral at the Washington National Cathedral on Thursday.Anushree Jonko (NDTV)
#Trump already tried to withdraw #US forces from Syria in 2018, precipitating the resignation of his SecDef #JimMattis. Recently, Trump said that US needed to stay out Syria.
US troops need to stay in Syria to counter the Islamic State group, Austin says
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told The Associated Press that the U.S. needs to keep troops deployed in Syria to prevent the Islamic State group from reconstituting as a major threat.TARA COPP (AP News)
- Dans cette opération américano-israélienne, les programmateurs de la National Security Agency (NSA), à Fort Meade (Maryland), près de Washington, collaborent avec une unité spéciale de guerre électronique de Tsahal, connue sous le nom d'Unité 8200. Initialement baptisé «The Bug» par ses créateurs, le virus va être testé avec succès sur des centrifugeuses libyennes d'un modèle semblable, saisies en 2003. -
#spy #USA #Iran #Israel #obama
L'offensive secrète d'Obama contre l'Iran
Révélations sur l'extrême implication du président dans les cyberattaques contre le programme nucléaire deTéhéran.Maurin Picard (Le Figaro)
A decade after #Obama’s normalization, Trump’s team looks to ratchet up pressure on the island.
from #DropSiteNews
By Ed Augustin
Dec 20, 2024
#VivaCuba #LetCubaLive #CubaSi #EndTheBlockade #CubaSolidarity #EndTheEmbargo #Biden
#EndSanctionsAgainstCuba #OffTheList
#news #politics #press #USPolitics #USA #US
Ten Years After Normalization With Cuba, Trump Hardliners Take Cuba Back In Time
A decade after Obama’s normalization, Trump’s team looks to ratchet up pressure on the island.Drop Site News
We must be careful of the West and reactionary Gulf leaders false concerns for Syria as they assist #USA hegemony and interests in the region.
#Syria #Libya #Trump #JohnKerry #Russia #geopolitics #Obama
Syria: The Return to the Scene of Obama’s Crime
Syria: The Return to the Scene of Obama’s Crime The U.S. Must Stop Supporting Right-Wing Forces to Advance Its’ Geopolitical AgendaBAP Communications Support (The Black Alliance for Peace)
#syria #obama #media
They could not have fucked up worse.
We desperately need to face that reality.
#Pelosi #DeadwoodDems #Hoyer #Clyburn #Nadler #Neal #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Jeffries #WassermanSchultz #Schumer #Durbin #resistance #FascistTakover #Obama #Biden #Reid
"#Obama continued and expanded #Bush’s most evil policies. #Trump continued and expanded Obama’s most evil policies. #Biden continued and expanded Trump’s most evil policies. Now Trump is preparing to keep the streak going." #CaitlinJohnstone
The Face At The Front Desk Changes The Corporation Remains The Same #Duopoly #Plutocracy #Corporatism #Genocide #Colonialism
The Face At The Front Desk Changes, The Corporation Remains The Same
Obama continued and expanded Bush’s most evil policies. Trump continued and expanded Obama’s most evil policies. Biden continued and expanded Trump’s most evil policies. Now Trump…Caitlin Johnstone
He inherited a great economy from #Obama and destroyed it (BEFORE the #pandemic.)
He ignored #Covid and killed more Americans in 11 months than every war since WWII. Which destroyed the #SupplyChain and caused #inflation to skyrocket.
I refer to it as: "The house was still standing when he lit the match" paradox.
"I'm a Black writer. Like, I'm the descendant of this. And you tell me I got to look away from segregation, which is about the mildest word I can say about it, that's the price of it? No!"
#TaNehisiCoates is the man we all thought #Obama was.