Beiträge, die mit SPAM getaggt sind
Nein, #Sieve-Regeln sind nicht wirklich ein gangbarer Weg, da der Spam immer von random Adressen/Domains ala usw. kommt.
#SPAM #Mailboxorg
Spam-Mails sollen direkt als Spam gekennzeichnet und somit gemeldet werden. Da bin ich mal gespannt, wie viel da noch kommen...
#telekom, #teleköm, #spam, #mail
He's going on about how he's not going to even try to moderate for truth any more and is going to move to Texas to be more like Twitter. 🤮
They have to stop trying to remove disinformation because all the AI spambots they intend to flood their network with have no concept of truth of meaning at all 😆
The bots will pretend to be black, or that they're donating to charities, or have a family life, or whatever.
Just meaninglessness, everywhere, all the time. That's the future of corporate social.
So glad I'm out of that bollocks.
#facebook #zuckerberg #ai #spam #moderation