Beiträge, die mit Steam getaggt sind
#yasha #arpg #rpg #fantasy #roguelike #gaming #game #steam #demo #blog #review #playstation #xbox #nintendo
#blog #demo #game #gioco #gotico #hack #horror #indie #mitologia #moroi #news #pc #picks #puzzle #romania #slash #steam #surreale #tech #tecnologia @GameMoroi @GoodShepherdEnt
Moroi: avventura surreale ispirata al folklore romeno
Moroi ti trasporta in un incubo della mitologia rumena; un'avventura Hack and Slash dove l'amnesia è solo l'inizio di un viaggio attraverso il Motore Cosmico.Graziano (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
I hope to meet great people,
here this year! 🦤🦎🐜
#videogame #opensource #graphism
#creativity #linux #arm #android #game
#colorful #java #dev #developer #3dart
#2d #gaming #jeu #ghibli #anime
#animation #indie #indiegame #retro #pixelart #art #dessin #gamedev #dev
#steam #cute #computer #color #tech
#microtopia #villagebuilder #ants #gaming #game #videogame #blog #review #casual #pc #steam
Gothic Remake: Fans dürfen endlich selbst spielen - Demo steht bereit
Mit dem Gothic Remake geht für viele Retro-Gaming-Fans ein Traum in Erfüllung. Das Spiel soll noch dieses Jahr erscheinen. Jetzt gibt es im Rahmen des Steam Next Fest auch endlich eine Demo.Felix Krauth (
Steam Sales: Valve verrät Termine für alle Rabatt-Aktionen 2025
Das gesamte Jahr bietet Valve auf seiner Plattform für Videospiele immer wieder Rabatt-Aktionen an. Oft unter einem bestimmten Motto werden dann etliche Titel zu Sonderpreisen verkauft.Felix Krauth (
Hacker schafften es, ein Spiel voller Malware auf Steam hochzuladen
Ein kostenloses Survival-Spiel auf Steam entpuppte sich als gefährliche Malware-Falle. Valve entfernte "PirateFi" umgehend und warnte Nutzer. Wer das Game heruntergeladen hat, muss nun sein komplettes System zurücksetzen.Witold Pryjda (
Valve warnt vor Early-Access-Spielen, die länger nicht mehr aktualisiert wurden. Die schlimmsten Software-Leichen gibt es im deutschen Store aber nicht mehr.
#Spiele #Steam #ValveSoftware #news
Die Sims 1 & 2: Kultspiele feiern als Legacy Collection großes Comeback
Zum 25. Geburtstag der Lebenssimulation bringt Publisher EA die ersten beiden Teile der Serie in einer Sonderedition zurück auf Steam. Fans erwarten mit den beiden Legacy Collections die Grundspiele und unzählige Erweiterungs-Packs.Felix Krauth (
#fiction #interactivefiction #gaming #game #videogame #fantasy #review #blog #steam #pc
Steam: Japanische Banken verweigern Sex-Game-Entwicklern ihr Geld
Japanische Entwickler von Erwachsenenspielen auf Steam stehen vor einem finanziellen Problem: Denn Landesbanken blockieren die Auszahlung ihrer Einnahmen. Das wirft diverse Fragen auf, denn die Begründung der Banken steht auf wackeligen Beinen.Witold Pryjda (
Tempest Rising: Demo zu inoffiziellem C&C-Nachfolger startet auf Steam
Echtzeitstrategiespiele feierten Anfang der 2000er Jahre ihre Blütezeit. Unter den erfolgreichsten Titeln war auch Command & Conquer.Felix Krauth (
"Assetto Corsa EVO" soll im Early Access reifen, auch in VR. Wir testen, ob die technischen Mängel das authentische Fahrgefühl ausbremsen.
#Steam #Test #VirtualReality #news
Mit Origin wollte EA einst Druck auf Steam machen. Nun wird der Spiele-Client endgültig abgeschaltet, Nutzer müssen zur EA App wechseln.
#ElectronicArts #Spiele #Steam #news
Frederic struggling with the medium
Playing Frederic: Resurrection of Music… with a mouse.Sword of Seiros
I'm surprised how well it plays on a docked deck and I'm kind of flush with excitement that I can now play (some) of my #Steam library as if they were on a #console. Big telly and couch FTW! 📺 🎮
I'm surprised how well it plays on a docked deck and I'm kind of flush with excitement that I can now play (some) of my #Steam library as if they were on a #console. Big telly and couch FTW! 📺 🎮
#blasphemous #game #gaming #videogame #review #soulslike #blog #darkfantasy #dark #xbox #playstation #steam #nintendo
Why Blasphemous 2 is a Must-Play for Gamers - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
I bought a copy of Blasphemous 2 because I got a copy of the DLC and I wanted to try it out. I spent my own money and this will be my honest review.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
#gaming #giveaway #free #gnu #linux #unolinux #opensource #mastodon #blog #steam
Giochi gratis. Wizard of Legend su Epic Games Store e Distant Space 2 su Steam
Ieri purtroppo non sono riuscito ad informarvi del gioco del giorno in regalo sul Epic Games Store, ma oggi per farmi perdonare ve ne seg...Linux Italia Gaming
#soulslike #fantasy #dark #gaming #videogame #game #review #blog #pc #steam #wintersale
Lords of the Fallen Review: A Casual Souls-like Experience - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
If you're in the mode for a casual souls-like with solid flavor and gameplay, you might want to look at Lords of the Fallen.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
Times of Progress has been covered by Rock Paper Shotgun!!
This is pretty unreal. What a xmas present! 🎁
#indiegame #steam #press
Times Of Progress is an elegant, focussed city builder set during the Industrial Revolution
Times Of Progress is a special game for me, because it's the first news tip I have ever received from Sin Vega, Prime M…Edwin Evans-Thirlwell (Rock Paper Shotgun)
#fighting #game #videogame #pc #steam #xbox #playstation #nintendo #blog #review
Is Rage of the Dragons NEO Worth Buying? Honest Review - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
Rage of the Dragons Neo is a classic fighting game available on multiple platforms. It features unique characters, challenging AI, and a helpful training mode. However, it suffers from a lack of online matchmaking due to a limited player base.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
#voidsols #game #gaming #videogame #review #blog #soulslike #adventure #darksouls #action #pc #steam #keymailer
US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam
#US #Valve #AlAqsa #Palestine #Israel #Steam #PC #Politics #Gaming
US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam
Developer Nidal Nijm decries label of ‘terrorist propaganda’ for Fursan al-Aqsa, which covers the Israel-Hamas conflict.Nicole Carpenter (Polygon)
#songsofsilence #fantasy #4x #strategy #steam #fall #gaming #videogame #review #game #blog #casual #pc
Discover Songs of Silence: The Casual 4X Strategy Game - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
If you're looking for a casual 4x Strategy game that doesn't take all your time, check out the beautifully illustrated Songs of Silence!josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
Shame on YouTube for terminating the game's channel.
I have played this game (but not the new mission), and it's just like any other shooter game. You play as a soldier, there are enemy soldiers shooting at you, and that's it.
Resisting occupation is not terrorism. #Occupation and #genocide are #terrorism.
#FreePalestine #Palestine #gaming #steam #valve
Steam Removes Oct 7 Game at Request of UK Counter-Terrorism Unit
The creator of a game that allows players to recreate “Operation al-Aqsa Flood” says it’s no different than Call of Duty.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)
#exowanderers #gaming #videogame #game #review #twinstickshooter #scifi #steam #pc #couchcoop #blog #earlyaccess
#roguelike #gaming #game #rpg #game #videogame #review #indie #blog #steam #earlyaccess
Ink. Is a Cute Game, but it Needs a Lot More Work - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
I was sent a free copy of Ink. to review for my blog. While I am very grateful for the opportunity, I won’t let it sway my opinions. This will be my honest review.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
#visualnovel #story #game #videogame #gaming #review #steam #pc #blog #review
#towerdefense #game #gaming #videogame #td #steam #demo #blog #review
#metroidvania #gaming #game #videogame #review #blog #pc #steam
#castlevania #metroidvania #indie #indiegames #gamer #videogame #game #review #blog #action #fantasy #pc #steam #ps5
#gamer #gaming #gamergirl #xbox #nintendo #playstation #steam #steamdeck
#transgamer #transgirl #transphotographer #transgender #gaypunk #gothgirl #gothbabes
#indiegame #indiegames