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Beiträge, die mit Steam getaggt sind

💡 Moroi: avventura surreale ispirata al folklore romeno


#blog #demo #game #gioco #gotico #hack #horror #indie #mitologia #moroi #news #pc #picks #puzzle #romania #slash #steam #surreale #tech #tecnologia @GameMoroi @GoodShepherdEnt

A few pictures of the opensource/remake project I'm working on📀, I get inspiration from ghibli universes, and old multiplayer games of my memories. 🪡🍓
I hope to meet great people,
here this year! 🦤🦎🐜
#videogame #opensource #graphism
#creativity #linux #arm #android #game
#colorful #java #dev #developer #3dart
#2d #gaming #jeu #ghibli #anime
#animation #indie #indiegame #retro #pixelart #art #dessin #gamedev #dev
#steam #cute #computer #color #tech

Im Rahmen des nächsten #Steam #NextFest erscheint eine #Demo zum #Gothic Remake. Spieler dürfen endlich in den Bereich innerhalb der Barriere zurückkehren und den Klassiker von 2001 erneut erleben. https://winfuture.de/news,149039.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Gerade hat #Valve die genauen Termine aller #Rabatt-Aktionen auf #Steam für das gesamte Jahr 2025 verraten. Während insgesamt 25 Events können #Gamer wieder etliche #Spiele zu #Sonderpreisen ergattern. https://winfuture.de/news,148863.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Kostenloses Survival-Spiel auf Steam entpuppt sich als gefährliche Malware-Falle. Valve entfernt #PirateFi und warnt Nutzer. Bis zu 1500 Systeme könnten infiziert sein. #Steam #Malware https://winfuture.de/news,148859.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Mit der "Die #Sims Legacy Collection" erweckt #EA zwei #Spiele-#Klassiker wieder zum Leben. Der erste und zweite Teil der #Lebenssimulation sind ab sofort in moderner Auflösung und in 16:9 auf #Steam verfügbar. https://winfuture.de/news,148550.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Japanische Banken blockieren Auszahlungen für #Erwachsenenspiele auf #Steam. Entwickler können ihre Einnahmen nicht auf japanische Konten überweisen. Ein Politiker sucht aber nach Lösungen für dieses Problem. https://winfuture.de/news,148532.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Als inoffizieller Nachfolger von #Command&Conquer schlug #TempestRising bereits Wellen. Eine neue #Demo auf #Steam gibt Fans jetzt noch einmal die Gelegenheit, kostenlos in den #RTS-Titel hineinzuschnuppern. https://winfuture.de/news,148275.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Meinung: Was bedeutet SteamOS?

Ein Meinungsbeitrag über die zukünftige Entwicklung des Gaming unter Linux und wie wir das einordnen können.

#gaming #steamos #steam #arch #valve #windows #Linux


Playing Frederic: Resurrection of Music with a mouse was one of my weirdest #gaming experiences. #rhythmgames #videogames #blog #steam


I've been playing #VoidCrew a #cooperative #SpaceSim #Game on my #SteamDeck recently and have posted up my impressions on my resurrected #blog.


I'm surprised how well it plays on a docked deck and I'm kind of flush with excitement that I can now play (some) of my #Steam library as if they were on a #console. Big telly and couch FTW! 📺 🎮


I've been playing #VoidCrew a #cooperative #SpaceSim #Game on my #SteamDeck recently and have posted up my impressions on my resurrected #blog.


I'm surprised how well it plays on a docked deck and I'm kind of flush with excitement that I can now play (some) of my #Steam library as if they were on a #console. Big telly and couch FTW! 📺 🎮


If you're looking for a beautiful and flavorful 2D souls-like, you need to be playing Blasphemous 2!

#blasphemous #game #gaming #videogame #review #soulslike #blog #darkfantasy #dark #xbox #playstation #steam #nintendo


Ieri purtroppo non sono riuscito ad informarvi del gioco del giorno in regalo sul #epicgamesstore , ma oggi per farmi perdonare ve ne segnalo ben due!


#gaming #giveaway #free #gnu #linux #unolinux #opensource #mastodon #blog #steam

If you're in the mode for a casual souls-like with solid flavor and gameplay, you might want to look at Lords of the Fallen, especially since it is on sale on Steam!

#soulslike #fantasy #dark #gaming #videogame #game #review #blog #pc #steam #wintersale


Holy moly!!

Times of Progress has been covered by Rock Paper Shotgun!!

This is pretty unreal. What a xmas present! 🎁


#indiegame #steam #press

Rage of the Dragons Neo is a fantastic modern port of a cult classic arcade fighting game, too bad online matchmaking is dead.

#fighting #game #videogame #pc #steam #xbox #playstation #nintendo #blog #review


Yet we have so many games where white people murder Black and Brown people and nobody bats an eye or opens their mouths.

US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam


#US #Valve #AlAqsa #Palestine #Israel #Steam #PC #Politics #Gaming

If you're looking for a casual 4x Strategy game that doesn't take all your time, check out the beautifully illustrated Songs of Silence on Steam today

#songsofsilence #fantasy #4x #strategy #steam #fall #gaming #videogame #review #game #blog #casual #pc


Shame on Valve for removing Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque game from Steam.

Shame on YouTube for terminating the game's channel.

I have played this game (but not the new mission), and it's just like any other shooter game. You play as a soldier, there are enemy soldiers shooting at you, and that's it.

Resisting occupation is not terrorism. #Occupation and #genocide are #terrorism.



#FreePalestine #Palestine #gaming #steam #valve

I tried out the Ink. in Early Access, and while I think it is cute, it needs a lot more work before it can earn my recommendation.

#roguelike #gaming #game #rpg #game #videogame #review #indie #blog #steam #earlyaccess
