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Alright Mastodon, tell me about your favorite weird animals 😄

#animals #nature #biology
Are bats weird? Gosh, I am so basic.
totally weird 😄
There's so many good weird animals its hard to pick one.

I'll go with the horshoe crab today, because they're like weird walking bowls with pointy tails that have been almost unchanged since the Cambrian era.
love them! If it ain't broke don't fix it
It's not very weird anymore because the internet made the world smaller, but when I was a lot younger I had a serious crush on the whole concept of Pangolins. No one else here had even heard of them.
same! Honestly most of the people around me didn't know about them until covid, sadly... Love them :)
I used to have a little tripod..or geocities site devoted to pangolins, which shows how long ago I liked them really. I wrote a Pangolin poem, now.. hopefully lost forever.
Are pangolins still on the weird list?
Another one for Pangolins!
I think it is highly advised not to use mating behaviour of marine sponge-inhabiting millimeter-sized isopodes to draw conclusions for humans (I see you, manosphere 🧐).

But you asked for weird animals 😅
bats are pretty high on the list #fliedermus https://www.dwds.de/wb/dwb/fliedermus
or aardvarks in general 😄
As babies they are additionally very wrinkly. So ugly, so cute!
The muntjaq is one I recently learned of. It’s a tiny deer with long fangs, and it has all of these scent glands on its face that pop open and closed in a very unsettling way.
I love all small deer 😄 kancils especially
Most intelligent of the invertebrates.
Communicate via super quick skin changing. Their chameleon like absolutes are off the chats crazy.
Weird advanced eyesight.
Interior shell.
Also kinda cute.
The Alligator Gar is pretty weird.

Moose. The longer you look at them, the weirder they get.
Our state insect? https://factanimal.com/tarantula-hawk/ Just. What.
both amazing, thank you!
Also mantis shrimps. These are predatory crustaceans with specially adapted claws that hit the prey with great power as fast as a bullet, either with a club-like blunt force smashing through shells, or a spear-like appendage.
wow tiny teeny snails, love it 😄
We were fascinated by the Coati in Mexico on a trip this year. They look like a cross between a lemur and a cat.
we zoo-adopted one of them 😄 love hem
Sea horses.
Greenland shark. Lives centuries, has poisonous body, can swallow prey animals whole after sucking them in, is really large, and slow, looks funny. 🦈
tiger beetle. It runs so fast when chasing prey it makes itself go blind.