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I submitted the manuscript for my next book!

It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.

It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄

#nature #animals #bookstodon #books #AmWriting
Fabulous! I hope we all get to read it!
That sounds like a cool project. As a child I used to read loads of folk tale books and Aesop's fables.
congrats! Heck of an achievement! 👏👏
I hope so, but I don't have an English language publisher yet.
It's in Hungarian. I am searching for an English language publisher, primarily for my Forgotten Myths book, but also for my other collections :)
best wishes! 👏👏👏
where and mostly how did you submitted it?
To the Hungarian publisher that published my previous books :)
Cool, i am always trying to send my work to Publishers here, but always get turned down :(
Yeah, that part is stressful... I lucked into my publisher. I ran a blog series on feminist folktales, and some art school students used it for an exhibit. I met my future editor at the exhibit opening :D She was looking for someone to write folktale collections for them. So I never actually queried...
lucky you...

I had back to back rejection letters going.

Its not enough {genre}
Now its to much {genre}
Yeah I think fiction is a whole lot harder to break into. Especially because a lot of publishers look for genre conventions that are sellable. My friends who write fiction struggle with the same problem.
Anansi the spider? I read a translation of some of that ... (so long ago I can't even estimate it). "The hat shaking dance" comes to mind, though.
Are Virginia Oppossums covered, too?
Sadly, no. I didn't include indigenous tales and the good ones were all of those