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Since today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Ectopic", I decided to go with an older drawing that I had had made into sticky notes with the text "Ectopic Pregnancy is Deadly if Medical Treatment is withheld".

If you wanted some of these sticky notes, I'm giving them away to folks who ask for them while signing up for my Stickers and Stamps project. https://www.patreon.com/posts/101665552

#SciArt #art #ink #drawing #MastoArt
Abstract drawing of an ectopic pregnancy with text saying "Ectopic Pregnancy is Deadly if Medical Treatment it withheld". Across the image is a watermark with text saying "#SciArtSeptember Day 13: Ectopic by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Neuro". I decided to play with patterns based on Neuromuscular Junctions, in my daily #inkyDays drawing.

I'm posting all of this month's drawings in public posts on my Patreon and Ko-fi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111214864 https://ko-fi.com/Post/InkyDays-September-2024-M4M612QKIY

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by microscopic nueromuscular junctions. There is a watermark across the photo with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 14: Neuro by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Curie". Marie Curie is one of my all time heroes and role models. For my drawing, I decided to go with an abstract representation of radiation. The result is a different kind of pattern than I've been drawing so far, but it's the perfect use of this gorgeous greenish ink I've been wanting to play with.

#SciArt #ink #drawing #art #WomenSTEM
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is a representation of radiation and there are circles representing atoms, and from these atoms bright yellow-green waves radiate out across the page. There is a watermark across the image with the text "#SciArtSeptember Day 16: Curie by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Lumen".

I decided to go with inspiration from Histology and imagined an artery or another tissue structure with a lumen. I also indulged in colors reminiscent of H&E staining, commonly used in histology.


#SciArt #Histology #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by a cross section of of vein or artery, but it looks a bit like a squishy circle with polka dots. There is a watermark across the image that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 18: Lumen by Kristin Henry. My glass dipping pen is next to my sketchbook.
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Microscopic", which doesn't really give me any ideas because it's too big of a subject and I'm usually drawing microscopic structures and patterns. So I decided to play with microscopic Radiolaria in today's drawing.

I tried using circle templates, to help with getting the circles more perfect. Hmmm...I think I like free-hand circles better. But it was good to try it.

#SciArt #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is based on a spiky microscopic radiolarian structure. There's a watermark across the image with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 19: Microscopic by Kristin Henry"
Had such a fantastic day at the Noe Valley Art Festival! Now, I'm completely exhausted.

I managed to draw today's #inkyDays drawing before heading out to set up my booth. I went with some fun little fungi.

#ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like mushrooms with polka dots on their stems and caps.
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Spore", so I'm drawing some cute little imaginary fungi for today's #inkyDays drawing.

My drawings, this month, are in public posts on my Patreon and Kofi:

#SciArt #ink #drawing #art #fungi #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by tiny fungi, and one of them has released spores into the air. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 24: Spore by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Membrane", so I decided to play with drawing a phospho-lipid bilayer. I usually draw these with black ink, but I felt like adding a little color today.


#inkyDays #SciArt #Biology #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by the microscopic structures in a cell's membranes. My glass dipping pen is next to my sketchbook. There is a watermark across the image that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 25: Membrane by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Galliformes", which is just such a delightful word! I went abstract, as usual, but tried a different technique than I usually play with. It kinda worked, and I'm sure I'll need to play with it more.


#SciArt #ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by a peacock feature up close. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 26: Galliformes by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Crown Shyness". For my drawing, I decided to go with a pattern that could be either macroscopic or microscopic structures.

#SciArt #ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like nerves branching or looking down on tree tops. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 27: Crown Shyness by Kristin Henry"
Today's #SciArtSeptember prompt is "Chaos". I decided to take inspiration from a cool math thing: the "Chaos Game".

Rather than attempt precise drawing, I wanted a more organic feel....with just a hint of the underlying structure. The triangles didn't come out, but the resulting pattern turned out interesting.


#MathArt #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is based on the mathematical Chaos Game with dots of different colors. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "#SciArtSeptember Day 29: Chaos by Kristin Henry".
Today's drawing completes eight years of drawing, daily. To celebrate, I'm going with some dancing starfish.

Here are the posts with this month's daily drawings, and more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111214864 https://ko-fi.com/Post/InkyDays-September-2024-M4M612QKIY

Tomorrow with be the first drawing of year 9!

#SciArt #MathArt #ink #drawing #art #CreativeCoding #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like two brightly colored starfish dancing with joy.
It's October! So many fun creative prompt lists are out there this year!

I went with the Mathtober prompt for today's #inkyDays drawing: "Tangent". https://mathober.com/

This month, I'll probably skip around the various prompt lists, and maybe some of from my SciArt Prompt Generator. https://artatomic.itch.io/prompts

New Month, new posts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313 https://ko-fi.com/Post/InkyDays-October-2024-I2I6145KKJ

#Mathtober #SciArtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #GenArt #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is made of circles and tangential lines. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober 2024, Day 1: Tangent by Kristin Henry"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Inverted". I decided to go with a simple branching fractal, and to fill the negative space instead of the shape, for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot. The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313 https://ko-fi.com/Post/InkyDays-October-2024-I2I6145KKJ

#MathArt #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my scetchbook. The abstract pattern is a simple branching fractal and looks a bit like a tree. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 2: Inverted by Kristin Henry"
I did my drawing this morning, before I knew my laptop was toast, but never got around to posting it. The Mathtober prompt today is "Potential". I went with "action potentials" in nerve cells, for my #inkyDays drawing.

I'm finally able to post it for my supporters. I'm logged back into Patreon, but not Ko-fi yet. I'll get to ithttps://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313

#Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook.

The abstract pattern is inspired by nerve cells.
After the stress of yesterday, and my continued efforts to get things back to normal again, I wanted to return to a comforting pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot. I've posted the finished drawing on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral.
Today's #mathtober prompt is "Integer Partitions".

So, for today's drawing, I drew Integer Partitions with ants. I guessed that the partitions of 4 would fit on a page of my sketchbook.

I wrote a little about my years of math anxieties, along with today's drawing on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313

#SciArt #MathArt #art #ink #drawing #art #ants #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is a rendering of the integer partitions of the integer 4, with ants. There's a watermark across the image with text that reads "#Mathtober 2024 Day 5: Integer Partitions"
I'm not quite done with yesterdays Mathtober prompt: Integer Partitions. I wanted to see if I could draw the partitions of 5! It kinda works, but the alignments are a little wonky. Oh well.

#MathArt #SciArt #art #ants #inkyDays
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by Integer Partitions of the number 5, with ants. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Integer Partitions of 5, with Ants by Kristin Henry"
I couldn't resist trying these Integer Partitions with bees. I figured partitions of three might fit on a page in my sketchbook. They barely fit. Ended up with some overlapping wings in today's #inkyDays drawing.


#MathArt #SciArt #art #bees #GenerativeArt #ink #drawing #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract drawing is of bees organized in the integer partitions of 3. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Integer Partitions of 3 with Bees by Kristin Henry"
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Twisted Sphere", so I decided to play with some swirls in today's #inkyDays drawing.


#MathArt #mathtober #ink #drawing #art #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like swirly glass ornaments.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Consistency". This got me thinking about what I've been drawing consistently: ants. So, of course, I drew ants following harmonic patterns.


#Mathtober #MathArt #SciArt #art #ink #drawing #ants #MastoArt #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has ant motifs drawn as if walking along the curves of a simple harmonics diagram. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day9: Consistency by Kristin Henry"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Frustum". I went with a fun pattern I've been playing with recently.

I also made progress on a large-ish piece I've been working on. It's inspired by the Haversian systems in our bones.


#mathtober #math #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a crazy steam-punk pipe system.  There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 10: Frustum by Kristin Henry"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
My brain needed a break today, and it's been grey and overcast all day. So went with a cheery floral for today's drawing. A little sunshine on the page of my sketchbook.

Here's an in-progress shot, with my glass dipping pen.

As usual, the finished drawing (and more) is now posted for my sup porters on Patreon:

#inkyDays #inktober #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt #flowers
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral. My glass dipping pen is next to my sketchbook.
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Cyclic Hexagon". This looked pretty cool concept, and fairly easy to draw by hand, so I decided to play with colors and negative space.


#Mathtober #MathArt #SciArt #art #ink #drawing
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has triangles inside of a circle. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 13: Cyclic Hexagon by Kristin Henry"
Going back to the first Mathtober prompt for this month (Tangent), and playing with that pattern a little differently in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

I also made more progress on this large piece I've been working on, inspired by Haversian systems in our bones.

#inktober #SciArt #MathArt #GenerativeArt #MastoArt #art
Hand drawn genertive/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has straight lines at angles, and circles along the lines...kind of like bubbles.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Log". I was feeling playful earlier today, and I decided to avoid log-scale, and instead draw a structure that often produces logs.

Yes, I'm late posting, though I drew it this morning. I've been busier than usual today :)

#mathtober #SciArt #MathArt #inkyDays #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a tree. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 16: Log by Kristin Henry"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Today, I'm drawing some happy fish, calmly swimming across the page. Shortly, I'll be heading to Mare Island, to start getting set up for the three days of the Maker Faire. https://makerfaire.com/bay-area

#ink #drawing #art #MastoArt #GenerativeArt #MakerFaire #fish
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has Koi fish motifs as if they are swimming across the page.
Got up super early this morning, so we'd be on time to finish setting up and being ready when the doors opened at the Maker Faire today.

Before we left, I sat down for a quick drawing. Today's Mathtober prompt is "Deltoid", so I played with a network of triangles.

#MakerFaire #Mathtober #inkyDays #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like trangles with ruffles along the edges, and connected with little circles. Hard to describe.  There is a watermark across the image with test that reads "Mathtober Day 18: Deltoid by Kristin Henry"
Had to leave early in the morning again today, so we could get to the Maker Faire early enough to prepare for the doors opening. I'm exhausted, but enjoying so many people saying my work is amazing....and giving short little 'lessons' on coding and chemistry and how I create my artworks, when people ask me to.

So I went with a simple pattern for today's drawing, before heading out this morning.

#SciArt #MakerFaire #art #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a scrunci, but it's difficult to describe.
It's been such a busy weekend at the Maker Faire. So early this morning, on this last day of the Maker Faire, I drew some busy bees before we headed out.

Here's an in progress shot.


#inkyDays #MakerFaire #SciArt #bees #wip #art #ink #drawing
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has some motifs that kind of look like bees.
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Curvilinear", so I'm playing with some curvy little fungi patterns in today's #inkyDays drawing.


#inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #art #ink #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like fungi. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 21: Curvilinear by Kristin Henry"
Today's Mathtober prompt is 'Moment', so I drew ants meandering along a curve with the words "ants are having a moment" in today's drawing.

I also made a little bit of progress on the big piece inspired by Haversian systems.

These are now posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi:


#SciArt #Mathtober #inktober #ants #art #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like ants meandering along a curve with words that say "and are having a moment". Across the image is a watermark with text that reads "Mathtober Day 22: Moment by Kristin Henry"
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Polynomial". So, of course, I drew ants crawling along the curve of a polynomial equation. Especially since the ants were having a moment, yesterday.


#ink #inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #art #ants #MathArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract drawing looks like ants are crawling along the curve of a polynomial equation. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 23: Polynomial by Kristin Henry"
#inkyDays 10/24/24

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Spider Graph". I didn't draw any creatures this time, just an abstract chart with ink in various shades of blue.

I also finished the Haversian system drawing. Well, almost. I still need to sign it, and cut it off of the watercolor block when it's fully dry.


#inktober #inktober2024 #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like it could be a radial chart or based on a spider web. There's a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 24: Spider Graph by Kristin Henry".
Sometimes, my daily drawings go a bit wonky. When that happens, I just try to play with the mess. Today, I took inspiration from the Mathtober prompt "Antiprism", which is a really cool topic, even though I got messy with it.


#inkyDays #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #art #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like faceted jewels connected at some of the corners. It's hard to describe.
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Elliptic", so I had to play with some budding blobs for today's drawing.

I also played with some different ink combinations in some cute little fungi drawings.

I've now posted these for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #inkyDays
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like cells or blobby things budding from the edges. The watermark across the image has text that reads "Mathtober Day 26: Elliptic by Kristin Henry"
I decided to draw some cute little fungi for today's drawing, to help me push away some of the stress current events are causing.

I also drew some on watercolor paper.


#inkyDays #ink #drawing #inktober #art #fungi
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like mushrooms with polka dots on the stems and caps. The watermark across the image has text that reads "#inkyDays October 27, 2024 by Kristin Henry"
Today's Mathtober prompt is "Set", so I decided to draw a set of fungi in which every cap is a different color. I liked it so much that I decided to draw some on watercolor paper too. I might bring these to upcoming shows.


#inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #fungi #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like mushrooms with polka dots on the stems and caps. The watermark across the image has text that reads "Mathtober Day 28: Set by Kristin Henry"
Happy Halloween!

And that wraps up this month's daily drawings. I've really enjoyed the #mathtober prompts.

They're all posted now for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like a smiling jack-o-lantern.
And all of a sudden, it's November. A new month brings new posts for my daily ink drawings.

Today, I wanted to play with this fungi pattern and some different color combinations.

Here's an in-progress shot. The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:


#ink #drawing #art #fungi #wip #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like mushrooms with polka dots on their stems and caps.
Most of the art supplies I just ordered were watercolor paper blocks. But there were also a couple of new-to-me ink bottles, and they arrived this morning. I couldn't resist drawing some dancing starfish with them, for today's #inkyDays drawing.

#ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like two sea stars that are joyously dancing.
Going super simple in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot. It's posted in this month's posts for my supporters:

#ink #drawing #art #fungi #GenerativeArt #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like skinny fungi or flower stems.
Went with a calming floral pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing. This time, it's in one of my new inks.

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral.
Some cute little fungi, each a unique color, happily hanging out together, for today's #inkyDays drawing.

#ink #drawing #art #fungi #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like five mushrooms with polka dots on their stems and caps.
I'll be doing a lot of drawing today.

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a fancy organic chemistry diagram with beads.
I meant to draw some calm little fish today, but these came out a little more agitated than I intended.

Oh well.

This months drawings are posted for my supporters on patreon and kofi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115187289 https://ko-fi.com/Post/InkyDays-November-2024-O5O815JT4C

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #fish #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like fish swimming around.
Today, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort colors and try a different combination. It didn't go as badly as I feared, but I doubt I'll try these inks together again . Ha!


#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by atomic bonding angles.
Playing with simple shapes and an abstract network structure in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

Finished drawing now posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi, in this month's posts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115187289

#wip #ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page in my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry diagram.
Playing with a pattern inspired by turkey tail mushrooms for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

Finished drawing now posted:

#ink #drawing #art #wip #fungi #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by turkey tail mushrooms.