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Beiträge, die mit AntiZionism getaggt sind

Feb 11
Counter demo against Zionist bullying of Francesca Albanese
Di 19:15
Todon Acties
Amsterdam Student Encampment (source)
Tomorrow the CIDI will demonstrate AGAINST the arrival of Francesca Albanese. We think it is important that Francesca will be heard and want to show that we support her.

That is why we will organize a counter-demonstration.

As is so often the case during our counter demonstrations against Zionist demos, there is a certain level of risk involved in participating as the Dutch police are so very obviously not on our side.

RST phone number will be shared tomorrow, so please keep an eye on social media for the latest updates.

We strongly advise everyone travel, arrive & leave in groups. Designate a separate pre-meeting location &/or a safe place to converge post-action in the event you a separated from your crew. We also recommend keeping kuffiyehs, signs & flags hidden until you reach the counter-demo location.

Illustration credit: Cosmo Poetic Chaos

During the Anarchist Book Fair in Amsterdam a few weeks ago, I joined a very interesting workshop about the (so called) 'Anti-Deutsch' and 'Staatsräson'. The conclusion was that left-wing Zionism is unjustly attributed solely to the Anti-Deutsch themselves. (almost) The whole left-wing political spectrum is corrupted by Zionism. The organizers of the workshop (@scrappy_capy_distro) were also present with a distro during the Book Fair with a lot of interesting zines. I was given three zines about this topic. Fortunately they are also online available. So let's dump some links. This will hopefully inform German leftists (especially anarchists) who are ideologically confused.

*German Anti-antisemitism and Zionism; An Anthology*

ℹ️ https://en.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/german-anti-antisemitism-and-zionism
:pdf: https://cdn.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/german-anti-antisemitism-and-zionism_a5.pdf

*The (anti-)German ideology; Towards a critique of anti-German “communism”*

ℹ️ https://en.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/the-anti-german-ideology
:pdf: https://cdn.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/the-anti-german-ideology_a5.pdf

*Germany’s Trip to the “Bahamas”; From a Product of the Left to a Neo-Authoritarian Sect*

ℹ️ https://en.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/germanys-trip-to-the-bahamas
:pdf: https://cdn.scrappycapydistro.info/zines/germanys-trip-to-the-bahamas_a5.pdf

#AntiDeutsch #Staatsräson #Zionism #antiZionism #Deutschland #GermanLeft #anarchism #antifascism #Germany #Israel #Palestine #FreePalestine

"German Anti-antisemitism and Zionism
An Anthology"

Drawn despiction of a demonstration with Israeli and anti-fascist flags, and a banner with the text: "Gegen Jeden Antisemitismus)
The (anti-)German ideology
Towards a critique of anti-German “communism”

Raphael Schlembach
Germany’s Trip to the “Bahamas”
From a Product of the Left to a Neo-Authoritarian Sect

Bernhard Schmid

#Skwawkbox | Breaking: Jewish anti-genocide campaigner Yael Kahn re-arrested


#AntiZionism #YaelKahn #Gaza #Genocide

#Skwawkbox | Video: Jewish anti-Zionist #Greenstein’s uncompromising Liverpool speech

"Jews are the moral alibi for imperialism."


#AntiZionism #TonyGreenstein #Gaza #Genocide

When our governments insist with all their propaganda tools that speaking out against #Israel is #antisemitic - conflating #antizionism with #antisemitism - we can't be surprised that some angry teens in #Amsterdam - furious about an ongoing genocide - make the same mistake.

Fighting the latter, implies fighting the former.

#Skwawkbox | Video: ‘Zionist thugs’ invade Jewish anti-genocide demo and Muslim woman dragged out of ‘debate’


#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #Antizionism