Beiträge, die mit Manipulation getaggt sind
An interesting but plausible take on Musk's 'interest' in the UK, although I suspsect that X is merely a vehickle, a rich man's toy. Wider commercial interests rather than just social media is likely. And he hopes that the UK will be a weak bastion, not having the weight of the EU to lend heft to its position.
#Musk #Manipulation #BuyingPolitics #LiesBlatantLiesAndMusk
The massive scale of the #election #manipulation attack #Russia pulled off in #Romania has been revealed.
This is what happens when platforms have no accountability or transparency. There are no defences, nada. Everything is lies. Far-right, pro-Russia get elected, democracy dies.
Coming to your country’s election next.
#nafo is here to help, but Russia has tens of billions of dollars in the game.. 🙄
Russia and China just rigged Romanian Elections using 10 million fake Tiktok accounts - Kyiv Insider
Everyone in Romania knew that Russians had somehow rigged last week’s first-round presidential election but weren’t sure just yet as to how they did it. Today we got the (Kyiv Insider)
„Die Bild-Zeitung ist für ihre Unterstützung Israels bekannt. Wie aber kam es, dass sie zum Spielball einer Verschwörung aus dem Büro Benjamin Netanjahus wurde und die israelischen Proteste für einen Geisel-Deal maßgeblich schwächte?“
Why it's so important to support news outlets are local, and so can be real-world fact checked by the communities they report for...
And you know what?
It worked…
#Election2024 #manipulation #media #misinformation
#TheGuardian #Assange #Corbyn #MI5 #MI6 #LabourParty #Labour #England #Britain #UK #centreLeft #leftOfCentre #elections #UKPol #politics #SocialDemocracy #SocDem #media #security #manipulation #coOpting #conflation #confusion #antisemitism #Guardian #DumpTheGuardian #manufacturingConsent
How the UK Security Services neutralised the country's leading liberal newspaper
The Guardian, Britain’s leading liberal newspaper with a global reputation for independent and critical journalism, has been successfully targeted by security agencies.MARK CURTIS (Declassified Media ltd)
#FAIR: via @FAIR
#raceMaking #NYT #media #racism #ThomasFriedman #columnist #NewYorkTimes #manipulation #warCrimes #USWars #coloniality #propaganda #genocide #callToGenocide #reputation #whiteSupremacy #manufacturingConsent
ACTION ALERT: Friedman’s Vermin Analogies Echo Ugly Pro-Genocide Propaganda
Thomas Friedman compared the targets of US bombs to vermin, the sort of metaphor historically used to justify genocide.FAIR
Netanyahu implicated in leak of classified documents
The Israeli prime minister is suspected of waging a secret influence campaign to prolong the war in Gaza.Jean-Philippe Rémy (Le Monde)
A Postmortem of Ukrainian Nationalism: Part Two
The Depopulation of the BorderlandsEvan Reif (DD Geopolitics)
Tale of the Holodomor. Kiev region. Part 5
In previous posts there were reports of the Kiev regional government about the delivery of meat in the first and second quarters of 1933. This report is interesting because at the height of the famine, that is, at a time when all the dogs were to be eaten, in the Kiev region there are tens of thousands of tons of cattle for delivery. Which had to be fed all winter and kept somewhere..... The amount of feed needed to keep pigs, I think, all imagine?
There were also sows, milk producing cows (reports on milk yield in the first half of 1933 are also given in the previous post), egg laying hens, sheep for wool etc. (you can also find those reports in the previous post).
Well, in order not to say that after the delivery of meat in the first quarter of 1933 the peasants had nothing left, here is the report of the Kiev regional administration on the delivery of meat for August 1933
Which shows that in August 1933, the peasants of the Kiev region, "finishing the last dogs", gave another 20418 quintals of live weight of livestock
And now the answers to the most common comments...
As I did not warn you about "...and my grandmother told me..." today it is one of the most frequent arguments against the Holodomor.
I respect all grandmothers in the world, and what they tell, but if these words are not documented (at least something) they remain stories.
If we believe the words, then let's believe everything they tell us.
"One in two hundred women in the U.S. claims to have gotten pregnant without sex."
Aliens were inducing a man to have an intimate relationship with a monster
2. Regarding the fact that not all areas were equally affected by the famine.
First of all, according to the official statistics, the human losses in Ukraine (USSR) alone were 7 million (!) people. Seven million out of 28 million people lived on its territory. And Kyiv region (again according to official statistics) is one of the most affected
3. Regarding the fact that Soviet statistics are unreliable and lie....
Which of the above reports do you consider fake? Again, if there are other versions of the report of the regional government of the Kiev region, for example, on the delivery of meat, then feel free to put it out...
4. Well, about these terrible photos used as confirmation of the Holodomor
then, again, for the umpteenth time, "check everything they put in your ears!"
ALL these photos were taken by F. Nansen in 1922 in the Volga region.Голод_в_Поволжье_(1921-1922)
Of the more than 10,000 photos of those times, there is NOT ONE photo confirming the mass starvation of 1933.
More in the next post
#Russia #ukraine #famine #Holodomor #fraud #manipulation #russian #history #USSR