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Beiträge, die mit Deaths getaggt sind

#gaza #palestine #genocide #children #babies #deaths #israel #warcrimes



Ehrlich gesagt wären die #USA auch ohne den ganzen #Faschismus mächtig am Arsch.

Erst ham'se ihre #Bevölkerung en mass auf #Opioide gehookt & dann über nacht einfach fallen gelassen. Und "große Überraschung" - die Leute haben sich ihren Stoff woanders besorgt

"#Overdoses involving #SyntheticOpioids, primarily #Fentanyl, are the leading cause of U.S. #deaths in people ages eighteen to forty-five."

Nun gibts natürlich Prohibitions - #Kriminalität der übelsten Sorte.



Lancet just published a study on "Traumatic injury mortality in the Gaza Strip from Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024"
#lancet #gaza #deaths

How many people died from #COVID19? Probably more than 20 million. The World Health Organization #WHO has said member countries reported more than 7 million #deaths from COVID-19 but the true death toll is estimated to be at least three times higher. Data is no longer collected other than #wastewater. In the U.S., an average of about 900 people a week have died of COVID-19 over the past year, according to the #CDC. #publichhealth #pandemic #facts #wearamask please https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/5-years-after-it-appeared-things-we-know-and-still-dont-know-about-covid

Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children - Global Research https://www.globalresearch.ca/red-alert-issued-excess-deaths-skyrocketing-covid-vaxxed-children/5876292
#covid #covid-19 #covid19 #covid19vaccination #vaccination #bigpharma #fraud #children #deaths #deepstate

#NewYear day was just another day of #killing for murderous #Russia and #Israel -- these global #pariahs need to be stopped and their #nefarious leaders sentenced for #crimes against humanity!
"2 #killed in Russian drone #attacks on #Kyiv on New Year's Day"
"Israel attacks #Gaza over consecutive days into new year, many #deaths reported"
#SaveUkraine #SaveGaza #SavePalestinians
NHK World News headline on 2nd January 2025 reads: "Israel attacks Gaza over consecutive days into new year, many deaths reported".
NHK World News headline reads: "2 killed in Russian drone attacks on Kyiv on New Year's Day".

The spread of American (Western) democracy in action
THIS is the true nature of the American government. Attacking a defenseless country which poses no threat to the United States, and has committed no act of war or hostility against us.

The United States government is a gangster government, filled with violent, tyrannical, garbage people.
#Pentagon #ISIS #US #american #Western #democracy #imperialism is #war #bombings #deaths for #Syria and #mankind

Les bombardiers B-52 américains bombardent actuellement la Syrie... Ils nettoient les détails pour que personne ne puisse témoigner

#syrie #usa #EL #russie #assad #actu #bombardements #imperialisme #pentagone #syrieecrasee #biden #trump


Video: Israeli father of a fallen soldier excoriates the Israeli government and top military​ f​or abusing the military to wage a heinous war.
#israel #soldiers #father #deaths #hostages #military #Netanyahu #commanders

Russia Suffers Deadliest Day of War So Far: Kyiv https://www.byteseu.com/581848/ #deaths #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #Soldiers #Ukraine
Russian soldiers