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Beiträge, die mit Faith getaggt sind

« Those who trust develop a finer sense for the good, even at the hight cost of blighted hopes. Charmed by the spell of love, faith is, as it were, imposed upon their heart. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772412147467730944/those-who-trust-develop-a-finer-sense-for-the

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #soul #heart #love #trust #good

« Faith is something that comes out of the soul. It is not an information that is absorbed but an attitude, existing prior to the formulation of any creed. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772327885827686400/faith-is-something-that-comes-out-of-the-soul-it

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #soul

« In the realm of faith, God is not a hypothesis derived from logical assumptions, but an immediate insight, self-evident as light. To rationalists He is something after which they seek in the darkness with the light of their reason. To men of faith He is the light. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772243016606007296/in-the-realm-of-faith-god-is-not-a-hypothesis

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #DivineIntelligence #light

« Those who are open to the wonder will not miss it. Faith is found in solicitude for faith, in an inner care for the wonder that is everywhere. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772143818908827648/those-who-are-open-to-the-wonder-will-not-miss-it

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #wonder #everywhere

« Faith is sensitiveness to what transcends nature, knowledge and will, awareness of the ultimate, alertness to the holy dimension of all reality. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772056830732124160/faith-is-sensitiveness-to-what-transcends-nature

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith

France to remember Charlie Hebdo attacks 10 years on | National https://www.byteseu.com/630051/ #attacks #charlie #CharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdoShooting #faith #France #Islam #IslamRelatedControversies #JeSuisCharlie #Media #partners/afp #Religion #ReligiousControversies
France to remember Charlie Hebdo attacks 10 years on | National

France to remember Charlie Hebdo attacks 10 years on | National https://www.byteseu.com/629747/ #AbrahamicReligions #attacks #charlie #CharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdoShooting #faith #France #Islam #IslamRelatedControversies #JeSuisCharlie #Media #partners/afp #Religion #ReligiousControversies
France to remember Charlie Hebdo attacks 10 years on | National

« Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but the endless, tameless pilgrimage of hearts. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771958292510588928/faith-is-not-the-clinging-to-a-shrine-but-the

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #heart

« Faith allows us to enter peacefully into the dark night which faces every one of us at one time or another. »

― Catherine Doherty

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771868497395531776/faith-allows-us-to-enter-peacefully-into-the-dark

#quotes #CatherineDoherty #faith #serenity #darkness

« The strength of faith is in silence, and in words that hibernate and wait. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771776232492859392/the-strength-of-faith-is-in-silence-and-in-words

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #stength #silence

« Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. »

― Augustine of Hippo

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771695218827395072/faith-is-to-believe-what-you-do-not-see-the

#quotes #AugustineOfHippo #faith #believing

« Faith — is the Pierless Bridge
Supporting what We see
Unto the Scene that We do not. »

― Emily Dickinson

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771332894075600896/faith-is-the-pierless-bridge-supporting-what-we

#quotes #EmilyDickinson #faith #bridges

« Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand. »

― Augustine of Hippo

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771232063549538304/understanding-is-the-reward-of-faith-therefore

#quotes #AugustineOfHippo #faith #understanding #believing #reward

« Never yet did there exist a full faith in the Divine word which did not expand the intellect, while it purified the heart; which did not multiply the aims and objects of the understanding, while it fixed and simplified those of the desires and feelings. »

― Samuel Taylor Coleridge

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/771141351209304064/never-yet-did-there-exist-a-full-faith-in-the

#quotes #SamuelTaylorColeridge #faith

« Reason lives on the systematization of the past, but Faith is the promise of the future. »

― Christopher Dawson

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770696099225812992/reason-lives-on-the-systematization-of-the-past

#quotes #ChristopherDawson #faith #reason #future #past #systems

« Faith makes the discords of the present, the harmonies of the future. »

― Robert Collyer

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770597590792339456/faith-makes-the-discords-of-the-present-the

#quotes #RobertCollyer #faith #harmony

« Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. »

― Erich Fromm

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770506244592189440/love-is-an-act-of-faith-and-whoever-is-of-little

#quotes #ErichFromm #faith #love

« No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence. »

― George Eliot

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770420765060415488/no-soul-is-desolate-as-long-as-there-is-a-human

#quotes #GeorgeEliot #faith #trust #reverence #soul #spirit #humanity

« Faith is an awareness of divine mutuality and companionship, a form of communion between God and man. It is not a psychical quality, something that exists in the mind only, but a force from the beyond. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770239681899233280/faith-is-an-awareness-of-divine-mutuality-and

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #DivineIntelligence #covenant #communion

If a god can create things by speaking them into existence, wouldn’t he also have the power to eliminate evil, calamity, and needless suffering by speaking them into non-existence? Why would a loving god not do that?

#atheism #faith #god

📢 new post on The Winged Life !

« Ascent, » a poem written in March 2020 which documents some of the challenges of spiritual ascension…

🔗· https://poligraf.substack.com/p/ascent

#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry

#maturity #destiny #hope #humanity #spirit #karma #faith #maturation #insights

« Faith implies no denial of evil, no disregard of danger, no whitewashing of the abominable. He whose heart is given to faith is mindful of the obstructive and awry, of the sinister and pernicious. It is God's strange dominion over both good and evil on which he relies. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/769332099071213568/faith-implies-no-denial-of-evil-no-disregard-of

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #evil #good #faith #DivineIntelligence

Acts 2 – The greatest miracle of all

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.’ Acts 2.17-21

#churchleadership #ecclesia #faith #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #messianicmiracles #resurrection #Risen #salvation


📢 new post on The Winged Life !

featuring the lyrics of « One Day, » a catchy pop number that is actually a prayer to the divine disguised as a love song…

🔗· https://poligraf.substack.com/p/one-day

#writing ✏️ #writerscommunity #CreativeWriting #poetry #lyrics #poems #OriginalPoem #indie #selfpublish #author #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #faith #spirit 🎧 #Substack

It is taboo in our society to criticize a person’s religious faith... these taboos are offensive, deeply unreasonable, but worse than that, they are getting people killed. This is really my concern. My concern is that our religions, the diversity of our religious doctrines, is going to get us killed. I'm worried that our religious discourse- our religious beliefs are ultimately incompatible with civilization.
―Sam Harris

#atheism #faith #god

We Must Be PREPARED For What’s About to Happen – >11K VIEWS SO FAR!

Listen to the full interview with Pastor Tony Pearce by David Bass on RISE

Tony gives a regular end times prophecy talk to viewers online from across the world. The talk is about the concerning situation in the world, Quantum computers, counterfeit Christs and the future. This discussion was very interesting and refreshing.

#AI #antichrist #DigitalCurrencies #faith #iran #Israel #jesus


The Assisted Dying Bill – prayers

Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am dying, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers. Moreover I have given to you one portion above your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”
Genesis 48.21-22

#AssistedDyingBill #churchleadership #faith #ICCwarrants #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #prayer #salvation


Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing religious life at a small church in Lucerne, Switzerland, where a virtual Jesus is caring for the concerns and needs of the faithful.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #faith #church #Religion #Jesus

Aure Free Press

« He who doubts from what he sees
Will ne'er believe, do what you please.
If the Sun and Moon should doubt,
They'd immediately go out. »

— William Blake

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/734094241939275776/if-the-sun-and-moon-should-doubt-theyd

#quotes #WilliamBlake #poetry #poems #moon #sun #faith #trust

📢 new post on The Winged Life !

« On The Run » aims to convey the pursuit of a vision of artistic freedom and self development despite the recurring temptations of personal demons…

🔗· https://poligraf.substack.com/p/on-the-run

#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #indie #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #faith #spirit #lyrics #SelfDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #quest