Beiträge, die mit Netanyahu getaggt sind
Wat gaat Netanyahu uithalen om te voorkomen dat hij op 2 december moet getuigen?
#Netanyahu #Israel
Netanyahu komt er niet onderuit: hij moet binnenkort getuigen in een corruptiezaak
Het wordt een spektakel dat hij graag wilde vermijden: de premier van een land in oorlog die zichzelf in de rechtbank verdedigt.Sacha Kester (DPG Media)
The Israeli military is conducting an ethnic cleansing operation in the northern Gaza Strip.
Twee Nederlanders uit Gaza geëvacueerd
Twee Nederlanders die vastzaten in de Gazastrook komen vandaag aan op Schiphol. De twee zaten ruim een halfjaar vast in het gebied en worden nu geëvacueerd.Nieuwsuur
Unclear what the legal basis for this request is. If #Israel has an issue with Judge Hohler's impartiality, it should seek her disqualification instead of engaging in this fishing expedition and sheer conjecture
Maybe the hope is the cases will go away if all ICC judges are harassed out of service.
Did SIM cards warn Israel of Hamas's October 7 attack
Did Netanyahu know of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack? Allegations reveal Israeli SIM cards activated in Gaza before the assault.By ELIAV BREUER (The Jerusalem Post)
Ik zei al eerder: Door #wilders' bond met #Israël is hier gewoon een nieuw front van de vernietigingsoorlog van Netanyahu geopend.
Israelul pune sub semnul întrebării imparţialitatea unui judecător de la CPI în cazul Netanyahu
Israelul a pus sub semnul întrebării imparţialitatea unui judecător de la Curtea Penală Internaţională (CPI) desemnat să facă parte din completul ce vaRedacția (G4media)
Şantaj, scurgeri în presă şi manipulări: scandalurile care afectează Biroul premierului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu
Scurgerile părtinitoare către mass-media de informaţii confidenţiale, presiunea de a manipula procesele verbale ale şedinţelor anterioare zilei de 7Redacția (G4media)
#Știri #Israel
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu s-a adresat, din nou, poporului iranian: „Ştiu că nu vreţi acest război. Nici eu nu-l vreau”
Premierul israelian, Benjamin Netanyahu, s-a adresat din nou direct poporului iranian într-o înregistrare video, în care a declarat că leadershipul dinRedacția (G4media)
You don't have to take my word for it. Here's the official press release:
Moving to BlueSky is not an escape. Growing a base there is just putting in a bunch of work to create a platform that will be co-opted by crypto bros as soon as X breaks in half.
p.s. crypto bros (#a16z) also own #Substack
#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #USDT #Trump #DonaldTrump
A little #Palestinian #girl who has luckily survived an #Israeli attack sitting on the floor in the remains of what used to be a hospital.
A #Palestinian #boy holding his younger sibling.
El régimen #antisemita de #Netanyahu no sólo bombardea la Franja de #Gaza 🇵🇸 y el #Líbano 🇱🇧, sino que también golpea brutalmente a los #judíos en las calles de las ciudades #palestinas ocupadas.
Hace esto sobre todo con los #judíos ortodoxos profundamente religiosos que no quieren servir como carne de cañón en las aventuras de #Netanyahu Mileikowsky.
#netanyahu #hamas #israel #gazagenocide
The not-so-secret history of Netanyahu's support for Hamas
From sabotaging Oslo to funneling Qatari cash into Gaza, Bibi has spent his career bolstering Hamas to help perpetuate the conflict.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
#Netanyahu's Ethnic Cleansing in #Gaza Is on Display for All to See - #Haaretz Editorial
#Știri #Israel
Yair Netanyahu acuză Shin Bet că a încercat să îl răstoarne de la putere pe tatăl său și că a torturat soldați
Yair Netanyahu, fiul premierului Benjamin Netanyahu, a acuzat luni serviciul de securitate Shin Bet că a încercat să răstoarne guvernul tatălui său și căRedacția (G4media)
#Știri #Israel
Premierul israelian Netanyahu cere o nouă amânare în procesul de corupţie care îl priveşte invocând "incidente de securitate"
Echipa de avocaţi a premierului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a cerut tribunalului din Ierusalim o nouă amânare de peste două luni a audierii sale înRedacția (G4media)
#netanyahu #israel #gaza
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves…
#BloodMoney #Gaza #GasReserves #BigMoneyAgenda #Netanyahu #Fascism #Resources #MassMurder #EthnicCleansing
"#Netanyahu, Smotrich and #BenGvir are waiting for the hostages to die to ‘justify #Gaza land grab’ - Ynet
The issue of the #hostages in Gaza will be solved 'naturally and tragically,’ according to the #Israel-i leadership. The right-wing ministers will then use these deaths as further pretext to permanently occupy and ‘establish Jewish #settlements’ in Gaza, Ynet added. It has never been about the hostages." @palestine @israel #Palestinians
And this is how it headlines its article: 'Eyewitnesses describe Israeli air strike as a 'massacre' in northern Gaza town of Jabalia.'
Three things to note which are typical of how our corporate and legacy media covers Israel's genocidal rampage: eyewitnesses just "DESCRIBE" this monstrous act and it occurred merely "REPORTEDLY" but Israel "CONTINUES ITS RENEWED OFFENSIVE AGAINST HAMAS.' So once again Israel's explanation is given immediate credence while doubt is implied regarding what witnesses saw.
What would any normal person call the mass murder of an entire family? So, let's rewrite that headline, shall we?
#auspol #Australia #Gaza #Palestine #Netanyahu #Genocide #Israelism
Eyewitnesses describe Israeli air strike as a 'massacre' in northern Gaza town of Jabalia
Israel's military says it is reviewing the strike, which it says was targeted at Hamas. The dawn strike is part of a renewed push by Israel to prevent Hamas from regrouping.ABC News
#israel #ataquesisraelpalestina #netanyahu #benjaminnetanyahu #ataquesisrael #global
Acusan al jefe de Gabinete de Netanyahu de extorsión para alterar actas del 7 de octubre
El jefe del gabinete del primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, fue acusado este domingo de extorsionar a un oficial de su secretaría militar para que alterara las actas de las discusiones mantenidas en las horas previas al ataque de los milici…Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
> Lors du Conseil des ministres hebdomadaire, le Premier ministre israélien a reconnu pour la première fois ce dimanche avoir donné son feu vert à l'attaque aux bipeurs.
Benyamin Netanyahu reconnaît avoir donné son accord à l'attaque aux bipeurs du Hezbollah
Lors du Conseil des ministres hebdomadaire, le Premier ministre israélien a reconnu pour la première fois ce dimanche avoir donné son feu vert à l'attaque aux bipeurs contre le Hezbollah libanais, les 17 et 18 septembre, a indiqué à l'AFP son porte-p…RFI
De vraag blijft: hoe en waardoor hebben onze politici, media, kranten, burgemeester #Halsema zich zo kunnen laten misbruiken door #Israel #Netanyahu
#nos #nieuwsuur #Volkskrant #Schoof #Timmermans #Wilders #Maccabi #Amsterdam
Geweld tegen Maccabi-supporters heeft voor Netanyahu de hoogste prioriteit, ook uit politiek belang
In Israël is heftig gereageerd op de agressie tegen Maccabi-aanhangers in Amsterdam, die voor velen de noodzaak van een Joodse staat bevestigt. Netanyahu heeft ook politieke redenen om de kwestie hoog op te nemen.Anne ter Rele (DPG Media)
#Știri #Terorism
Israel recunoaște deschis că a fost în spatele exploziei pagerelor folosite de militanții Hezbollah pentru a comunica, în luna septembrie. Prim-ministrul Netanyahu a confirmat, într-o ședință cu miniștri, că a autorizat operațiunea. - Biziday
Un purtător de cuvânt al cabinetului prim-ministrului israelian a declarat pentru agenția AFP că Benjamin Netanyahu a confirmat, duminică, faptul că a datAuras Rosu (Biziday)
"PM quoted telling cabinet operation took place despite ‘opposition’ from senior defense officials, in dig at recently sacked defense minister Gallant"
#Hezbollah #terrorists #Lebanon #Netanyahu #pagers #press
#Știri #Israel
Netanyahu susține că a vorbit de trei ori la telefon cu Trump după ce a fost ales președintele SUA
Premierul israelian, Benjamin Netanyahu, a declarat duminică că a avut trei convorbiri telefonice cu preşedintele ales al SUA, Donald Trump, de laRedacția (G4media)
#Știri #Terorism
Netanyahu recunoaşte responsabilitatea israeliană pentru exploziile echipamentelor de comunicaţii ale Hezbollah în septembrie
Prim-ministrul Benjamin Netanyahu a recunoscut, duminică în timpul reuniunii de guvern, responsabilitatea israeliană pentru explozia echipamentelor deRedacția (G4media)
'These were good and very important conversations,' Netanyahu said in a statement, according to Reuters."
~ The Guardian
#Netanyahu #Trump #Israel #Gaza #Palestinians
🔺El primer ministro del régimen de #Israel, Benjamín #Netanyahu, prepara un golpe contra el poder judicial #sionista, revela un exagente de inteligencia #israelí.
🔗Más detalles
Exjefe de inteligencia israelí acusa a Netanyahu de planear un golpe | HISPANTV
El primer ministro del régimen de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, prepara un golpe contra el poder judicial sionista, revela un exagente de inteligencia israelí.HISPANTV.COM
#Știri #Israel #Olanda
Netanyahu ordonă Mossad-ului un plan de acțiune pentru prevenirea violențelor la evenimentele sportive, după atacurile asupra suporterilor evrei din Amsterdam
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a ordonat vineri Mossadului, serviciul de informații israelian, să elaboreze un plan de acțiune pentru prevenireaRedacția (G4media)
La ONU registra al menos 24 ataques israelíes en Gaza con fósforo blanco
Esta sustancia arde cuando entra en contacto con el oxígeno y se adhiere fácilmente a la ropa y a la pielinfoLibre
"The Israeli fans instigated the violence after arriving in the city and attacking Palestinian supporters before the match, an Amsterdam city council member said.
“They began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that’s actually where the violence started,” Councilman Jazie Veldhuyzen told Al Jazeera on Friday.
AP needs to publish a correction to their erroneous coverage. There were thousands of witnesses who disagree with the AP account, which is based on Dutch "authorities", partisan friends of #Netanyahu @wdlindsy
I've suggested that people use the contact form from AP for corrections.
Israeli football fans clash with protesters in Amsterdam
Amsterdam city council member says ‘Maccabi hooligans’ instigated violence and attacked Palestinian supporters.Al Jazeera