Beiträge, die mit hezbolláh getaggt sind
Turkey and Israel are reaping rewards from the chaos in Syria
The surprise offensive by Syrian rebels led by a radical Islamist group with roots in Al Qaeda dramatizes the enormous regional repercussions set off by Israel’s war against Lebanon’s Hezbollah.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Știri #Israel #Siria #Terorism
Armata israeliană a tras asupra unor "rute de contrabandă cu arme" ale Hezbollah la frontiera siriano-libaneză
Armata israeliană a anunţat vineri că a efectuat lovituri aeriene asupra unor "rute de contrabandă cu arme" ale Hezbollah de la frontieraRedacția (G4media)
#MideastPeace #MilitaryTechSecurity #alqaeda #erdogan #gaza #hezbollah #iran #IranRevolutionaryGuards #isis #syria #turkey
Israel’s Role as Catalyst for Toppling Assad Regime – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
Exposing secrets of the Israeli national security stateRichard Silverstein (Tikun Olam תיקון עולם)
#UNRWA #humanitariancrisis #Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Slams Israel’s Disinformation Campaign
Agency Warns of Reputational Damage and Staff Safety Risks as 251 Personnel Killed Since War's
#UNRWA #humanitariancrisis #Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Slams Israel’s Disinformation Campaign
Agency Warns of Reputational Damage and Staff Safety Risks as 251 Personnel Killed Since War's
Turkey and Israel are reaping rewards from the chaos in Syria - EUROPE SAYS
The surprise offensive by Syrian rebels led by a radical Islamist group with roots in Al Qaeda dramatizesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Hezbollah's Liaison Office in #Beqaa Valley Region:
Announces that the party will be dispatching 114 teams of engineers, technicians, and officials to every city, town and village, to assess the damage from the war.
Each family that lost their house will receive $12,000 USD in compensation from the party, and Hezbollah will also pay their rent until they have moved back in.
Families of homes that were lightly damaged will receive checks from Qard al-Hassan bank to cover a percentage of the repair costs.
Hezbollah is not just a resistance movement, but a socio-political movement that actually takes care of its people and its supporters.
#Lebanon #Israel
@lebanon group @israel group
The Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire Doesn’t Mean An End To Conflict In The Region - EUROPE SAYS
On December 3, Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz went to northern Israel to meet with IDF troops andEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Hizballah #LebaneseResistance #WarOnLebanon @lebanon @israel
In Lebanon, people with disabilities isolated and abandoned by war
More than 900,000 people in Lebanon are classified as living with disabilities, according to the United Nations Development Program.Nazih Osseiran (The Japan Times)
The death toll in Lebanon in more than a year of war between Israel and Hezbollah has reached 4,047 people, most of them since a September escalation, authorities have said.
#Lebanon #morethanayearofwar #Israel #Hezbollah #4,047 #September
„Lebanon and Israel have reached an agreement to end the Hizbollah-Israel fighting that began on 8 October 2023. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Heiko Wimmen, David Wood and Mairav Zonszein examine the truce’s terms and weigh the chances that the parties will honour them.“
„Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed keep striking "with an iron fist" against perceived Hezbollah violations of the truce. His defense minister warned that if the ceasefire collapses, Israel will target not just Hezbollah but the Lebanese state -- an expansion of Israel's campaign.“
An Israeli strike kills a shepherd in Lebanon, further shaking the tenuous ceasefire - The Mainichi
NABATIYEH, Lebanon (AP) -- Israeli forces carried out several new drone and artillery strikes in Lebanon on Tuesday, including a deadly strike that thThe Mainichi
Middle East latest: Israeli strikes on Gaza hospital wound 3, Netanyahu vows ‘iron fist’ in Lebanon
Israeli drone strikes hit Kamal Adwan Hospital on Tuesday, wounding three medical staff at one of the few hospitals still partially operating in the northernmost part of Gaza, the facility’s director said. Dr.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire in Lebanon tested by intensifying cross-border strikes as both sides claim breaches - EUROPE SAYS
Israel unleashed its largest wave of airstrikes across Lebanon since agreeing to a ceasefire with Hezbollah last week,EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Știri #Siria #Terorism
Un atac israelian în apropiere de Damasc l-a ucis pe ofițerul șef de legătură al Hezbollah cu armata siriană (surse)
Un atac aerian israelian asupra unei mașini la periferia siriană a Damascului l-a ucis marți pe Salman Jumaa, șeful Hezbollah responsabil cu legătura cuRedacția (G4media)
Israel threatens to expand war, ‘go deeper’ into Lebanon if Hezbollah truce collapses
Israel threatened on Tuesday to return to war in Lebanon if its truce with Hezbollah collapses, and said this time its attacks would go deeper and target the Lebanese state itself, after the deadliest day since the ceasefire was agreed last week.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Volgens het staakt-het-vuren dat vorige week woensdag van start ging, krijgen Israël en Hezbollah zestig dagen de tijd om hun militairen en infrastructuur terug te trekken uit het grensgebied. Toch vinden al de hele week aanvallen...
#staakthetvuren #Israël #Hezbollah
Hoe kan staakt-het-vuren tussen Israël en Hezbollah standhouden terwijl ze elkaar weer aanvallen?
Volgens het staakt-het-vuren dat vorige week woensdag van start ging, krijgen Israël en Hezbollah zestig dagen de tijd om hun militairen en infrastructuur terug te trekken uit het grensgebied. Toch vinden al de hele week aanvallen plaats.RTL Nieuws
Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire in Lebanon tested by intensifying cross-border strikes as both sides claim breaches
Israel unleashed its largest wave of airstrikes across Lebanon since agreeing to a ceasefire with Hezbollah last week, killing at least 11 people on Monday after the Lebanese militant group fired a volley of projectiles as a warning over what it said…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Israel threatens to expand war ‘go deeper’ into Lebanon if Hezbollah truce collapses - EUROPE SAYS
Israel threatened on Tuesday to return to war in Lebanon if its truce with Hezbollah collapses, and saidEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Iraqi fighters head to Syria to battle rebels but Lebanon's Hezbollah stays out, sources say
Syria's civil war had been frozen since 2020, with Assad in control of most territory and all major cities.Maya Gebeily (The Japan Times)
#Liban #Hezbollah #Israël
Et voilà, à peine le cessez-le-feu signé entre Israël et le Hezbollah, que les bombes pleuvent déjà sur le sud du Liban. Une trêve en trompe-l'œil, piétinée par des frappes israéliennes qui mettent en péril un accord déjà fragile.
La Trêve en péril : Israël met le Liban au bord du gouffre - Le Père Peinard
Et voilà, à peine le cessez-le-feu signé entre Israël et le Hezbollah, que les bombes pleuvent déjà sur le sud du Liban. Une trêve en trompe-l'œil, piétinée par des frappes israéliennes qui mettent en péril un accord déjà fragile.La rédaction (Le Père Peinard)
Israel and Hezbollah exchange strikes as ceasefire violations mount
The exchanges of fire put a U.S.-brokered ceasefire between the two in an increasingly fragile position less than a week after it took effect.Maya Gebeily (The Japan Times)
Het Israëlische leger zegt aanvallen te hebben uitgevoerd op tientallen doelen van Hezbollah in Libanon. Wel zegt het leger dat Israël wil vasthouden aan het staakt-het-vuren dat vorige week is ingegaan.
#Israël #Hezbollah #Libanon
#Israel #Hezbollah #US
Israel, Hezbollah exchange fire after truce; US believes ceasefire still holds
Hezbollah launched an attack targeting an Israeli position; Israeli army said the group launched two projectiles towards one of its posts in the area of Har Dov | World NewsAFP (Hindustan Times)
Hezbollah Breaks Ceasefire in First Attack on Border Zone, Says Israel - EUROPE SAYS
The Israeli military says Hezbollah fired into a disputed border zone on Monday, the group's first reported attackEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)