Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind
#Știri #Israel #Olanda
Netanyahu ordonă Mossad-ului un plan de acțiune pentru prevenirea violențelor la evenimentele sportive, după atacurile asupra suporterilor evrei din Amsterdam
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a ordonat vineri Mossadului, serviciul de informații israelian, să elaboreze un plan de acțiune pentru prevenireaRedacția (G4media)
La ONU registra al menos 24 ataques israelíes en Gaza con fósforo blanco
Esta sustancia arde cuando entra en contacto con el oxígeno y se adhiere fácilmente a la ropa y a la pielinfoLibre
De overheid van Israël reageert fel op het geweld tegen Israëlische supporters afgelopen nacht in Amsterdam. Er zijn zorgen om de veiligheid van Israëlische staatsburgers, maar premier Benjamin Netanyahu gebruikt het incident ook om zijn politieke punt te...
#Israël #Netanyahu #prmoment
Blaming Jewish people, as a whole, for what a group of extremists are doing in #Palestine is not only as absurd as people blaming #Palestinians, as a whole, for what Hamas did, it is counterproductive to the greater movement, where Jewish voices are the most effective ones.
Antisemitism is no more a winning argument than #islamophobia, and neither are really appropriate or civil discourse.
Stop blaming entire groups for the actions of a few members.
- TechHub Moderation
In the evening, they faced a group of people who fought back and it turned ugly.
Now the whole "victim" card is out. The world is asked to condemn this "anti semiti" terro and the fascist leader of Netherlands have called for stronger measures to guarantee the safety of "Jews".
Israel is bringing their ugly terror to #Europe and with blessings of #UEFA and #FIFA abd protection of local authorities, these Israeli Taliban's are portrayed as innocent victims and fascist #Netanyahu is using them to gain support and paint himself as an innocent leader who cares about his people.
#Israel #Netherland #Terrorism #Hooligans #Footbal #Amsterdam
Politiek veroordeelt geweld tegen Maccabi-fans in Amsterdam,
Premier Schoof veroordeelt 'antisemitische aanvallen' in Amsterdam
Hij spreekt van "onacceptabele aanvallen op Israëliërs" na ongeregeldheden de afgelopen nacht in Amsterdam.NOS Nieuws
Premier Schoof veroordeelt 'antisemitische aanvallen' in Amsterdam
Hij spreekt van "onacceptabele aanvallen op Israëliërs" na ongeregeldheden de afgelopen nacht in Amsterdam.NOS Nieuws
All while Trump urges Netanyahu to be more aggressive in Gaza, and to do the same in the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and, inevitably, Iran.
Great job y'all. Fantastic 👏🏿
I hope you'll be happy with the grave new world you've helped to create.
#TheJungle #USPol #Harris #Gaza #Trump #Netanyahu #WestBank #Lebanon #Syria #Iran
Bundestag verabschiedet Antisemitismus-Resolution: Welche Folgen das haben wird
Bundestag will staatliche Förderung von Projekten, die ...Süddeutsche Zeitung
Donald Trump’s Victory Makes the International Far Right Happy
Javier #Milei, Jair #Bolsonaro, and Benjamin #Netanyahu are some of those who are celebrating the new occupant of the White House.
On Wednesday, leaders of far-right movements and governments around the world embraced the victory of Donald #Trump and identified with his positions. From #Argentina to #Israel, #ultranationalist, #fascist, or conservative leaders celebrated the Republican candidate’s win against Democrat Kamala #Harris.
#politics #USElection
Gideon Saar, fost rival al lui #Netanyahu în cadrul Likud, preia mandatul la Externe.
Israel Katz este noul ministru israelian al Apărării / Gideon Saar, fost rival al lui Netanyahu în cadrul Likud, preia mandatul la Externe
Gideon Saar, numit ministru al afacerilor externe al Israelului în locul lui Israel Katz, care a devenit ministru al apărării după demiterea lui YoavRedacția (G4media)
Oamenii cer încheiarea unui acord privind ostaticii.
Proteste în Israel după ce Netanyahu l-a demis pe ministrul Apărării / Oamenii cer încheiarea unui acord privind ostaticii
Proteste au izbucnit în Israel, după ce premierul Benjamin Netanyahu l-a demis pe ministrul Apărării Yoav Gallant, transmite BBC, preluată deția (G4media)
Proteste in Israele dopo che Netanyahu ha licenziato il ministro della Difesa
Protests in Israel after Netanyahu fired the Defense Minister
Please provide the text you would like me to translate. I need the text to be able to translate it! 😊
#Israel #Netanyahu #Defense #DefenseMinister
#Israel #Gaza #Kriegsverbrechen #InternationalesRecht #Israelstoppen #Hamasstoppen #NethanyahuInDenKnast #GegenJedenAntiemitismus
Turmoil at the ICC as fears rise over Israel and the U.S. interference
The delay in issuing ICC warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, followed by the replacement of the presiding judge, has raised serious concerns about the court’s functioning and possible machinations behind the scenes.Craig Mokhiber (Mondoweiss)
«Divergenze su Gaza», così Netanyahu ha licenziato Gallant
"Differences over Gaza led to Netanyahu firing Gallant."
#Palestine #Netanyahu #Gaza
«Divergenze su Gaza», così Netanyahu ha licenziato il ministro della Difesa Gallant
(LaPresse) Il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha sollevato dall'incarico il ministro della Difesa Yoav Gallant. Al suo posto nominato Israel Katz, attuale ministro degli Esteri. Gideon Saaar rimpiazzerà Katz.Corriere TV (Corriere della Sera)
#Netanyahu #Israel #IDF
The coup is one step forward. Netanyahu is doing everything Trump has been dreaming about
CNN reports: "The move came as voters in the United States, Israel’s most important ally, voted for their next president. Gallant is a close interlocutor for the U.S. administration, and has been said to have daily conversations with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. The reshuffle also comes as Israel awaits a potential retaliatory attack from Iran."
#Israel #Netanyahu #YoavGallant #IsraelHamasWar #News
Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin #Netanyahu a limogé mardi son ministre de la Défense #YoavGallant, avec qui les relations étaient devenues tendues durant la guerre à #Gaza, et a nommé à sa place l'actuel chef de la diplomatie #IsraëlKatz
#Știri #Israel
Netanyahu l-a demis pe ministrul Apărării, Yoav Gallant, invocând lipsa de încredere în acesta
Prim-ministrul Benjamin Netanyahu a anunțat că îl demite pe ministrul apărării Yoav Gallant, un vechi rival în cadrul Partidului Likud, invocând o lipsăRedacția (G4media)
👉 #IDF @palestine @israel
Five people have been arrested, the latest of them an Israeli #army officer, as part of the investigation into leaked classified documents from the Prime Minister’s Office.
The leaked documents were allegedly written by Hamas, forming the basis of an article in London’s Jewish Chronicle suggesting Hamas had planned to smuggle hostages out of #Gaza via #Egypt; as well as an article in the German newspaper Bild saying Hamas was prolonging hostage talks as a form of psychological warfare against Israel.
According to public broadcaster Kan, the leaked material was not found by Israeli forces in Gaza, but was discovered thanks to “another kind of intelligence.” Prosecutors are taking the case so seriously in part because it risks revealing key intelligence-gathering methods to #Hamas.
this sounds a lot like a false flag #propaganda ploy./Farhad
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
"Das Durchstechen der Geheimdienstinformationen sollte, so schreibt Ravid, die öffentliche Meinung in Israel beeinflussen, indem Netanyahus harte Haltung in der Feuerpausen- und Geiselfrage mit Argumenten unterfüttert wurde"
#Israel #Netanyahu #Krieg #Hamas
Premier Netanyahu unter Druck: Leak eines Top-Secret-Berichts an die »Bild«-Zeitung erschüttert Israel
An den Ermittlungen waren der Inlandsgeheimdienst, Armee und Polizei beteiligt: Israels Justiz prüft, ob mehrere Personen Geheimdokumente über die Hamas an Journalisten durchgestochen haben.DER SPIEGEL