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Beiträge, die mit PRESS getaggt sind

‘आप’ ने दिल्ली के चुनाव में उतारे 11 उम्मीदवार, 6 ‘सरप्राइज’ नामों पर सियासत।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #press #news #politics #aap #bjp #elections #elections2025 #strategy #candidates #BattleReady #BattleForDelhi #FightForDelhi

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

So the good folks at MSNBC appear to have all migrated to BlueSky. They had a golden opportunity to roll their own instance in the fediverse with their own rules. But, no, they go with yet another for profit algorithm driven platform where someone else makes the rules.

Oh, what could have been.

#Fediverse #Press #MSNBC #BlueSky

World News Yemen topraklarından İsrail’e füze saldırısı: Sirenler çaldı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/yemen-topraklarindan-israil-e-fuze-saldirisi-sirenler-caldi-187472.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Talisca, Fenerbahçe'ye gelmeyi kabul etti! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/talisca-fenerbahce-ye-gelmeyi-kabul-etti-187471.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Mike Tyson'la dövüşür müsün? sorusuna Sergen Yalçın'dan olay cevap https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/mike-tyson-la-dovusur-musun-sorusuna-sergen-yalcin-dan-olay-cevap-187469.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News İspanya'dan Netanyahu hakkındaki tutuklama kararına destek https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ispanya-dan-netanyahu-hakkindaki-tutuklama-kararina-destek-187467.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News TFF Başkanı Hacıosmanoğlu'ndan bakanlara ziyaret! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/tff-baskani-haciosmanoglu-ndan-bakanlara-ziyaret-187465.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

"A line we thought we'd never hear before.. #MattGaetz has pulled out. There's a first time for everything! Gaetz' attempt to be our Attorney General's been aborted. In a blow to #Trump, #Gaetz' throbbing anger & breathless ineptitude..has left him flaccid"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgIYjOU4UkQ #news #politics #us #press #media #ukraine #russia #usa #podcast #youtube #video #donaldtrump

https://apple.news/ArE2kXrVQRwiuvegW1ZRS-A #press #israel

Matt Gaetz Pulls Out! First Time For Everything, I guess!

Watch Finished Stream!!
https://www.youtube.com/live/XCCTDiCiBDE #news #press #media #politics #podcast #video #livestream #usa

World News Son dakika: Yetkisiz çakar ve silah kullananlara kötü haber! Resmen yasalaştı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/son-dakika-yetkisiz-cakar-ve-silah-kullananlara-kotu-haber-resmen-yasalasti-187453.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Germany plans to mobilize 800,000 troops in the event of a Russian invasion of NATO - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The publication refers to classified German documents, including “Operation Germany”—a 1,000-page plan outlining Berlin’s preparation for a potential World War III scenario.

The document details which buildings and infrastructure need protection and guides businesses and civilians on how to respond in case of a threat.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia


#news #press #politics

World News Bakan Şimşek'ten 'Vergi borçları siliniyor' iddialarına yanıt https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bakan-simsek-ten-vergi-borclari-siliniyor-iddialarina-yanit-187451.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Busted! High-ranking Mexican cartel leader arrested and charged with drug trafficking.

Gutierrez-Ochoa "allegedly faked his own death and assumed a false identity to evade justice and live a life of luxury in California."

The Jalisco cartel produced millions of doses of fentanyl & disguised them to look like Xanax, Percocet or oxy, resulting in ~70K overdose deaths/yr in the U.S. #drugs #press


World News Kanada, UCM'nin Netanyahu hakkındaki kararının ardından ülkeleri uluslararası hukuka uymaya çağ https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/kanada-ucm-nin-netanyahu-hakkindaki-kararinin-ardindan-ulkeleri-uluslararasi-hukuka-uymaya-cag-187446.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Putin'den son dakika savaş duyurusu: Küresel boyut kazandı! Kritik 'Oreşnik' hamlesi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/putin-den-son-dakika-savas-duyurusu-kuresel-boyut-kazandi-kritik-oresnik-hamlesi-187444.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

La mort est dans le pré.
[Reporterre] - Thierry, agriculteur, brise le tabou des #pesticides et reçoit des menaces.

Le maraîcher bio Thierry Gozzerino alerte sur le danger des pesticides, alors que du #glyphosate est encore utilisé dans les canaux d’irrigation de la plaine de la Crau. Il est la cible d’intimidations.

[Accès libre]


#AgroIndustrie #AgroChimie #PollutionAgricole
#RevueDePresse #Press

World News İsrail'den Lübnan'a hava saldırısı: 22 kişi öldü https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/israil-den-lubnan-a-hava-saldirisi-22-kisi-oldu-187442.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Milli Görüş camiasından Saadet'teki krize ağır yorum... Resmen 'bölünme' dediler https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/milli-gorus-camiasindan-saadet-teki-krize-agir-yorum...-resmen-bolunme-dediler-187440.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Tunceli Valiliğinden Cevdet Konak ve Mustafa Sarıgül hakkında açıklama https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/tunceli-valiliginden-cevdet-konak-ve-mustafa-sarigul-hakkinda-aciklama-187438.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

"The AI Reporter That Took My Old Job Just Got Fired"


"A local newspaper in Hawaii experimented with AI-generated presenters to engage and boost its readership. After two months, the bots have been shelved."

#AI #journalism #reporters #press

"News Influencers Have Eclipsed Traditional Media"


"More and more Americans are getting their news from influencers on the internet."

#News #Journalism #Press

World News Şahinbey Belediyesi, 1.Uluslararası Stratejik Müzakereler Forumu'na ev sahipliği yapıyor https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/sahinbey-belediyesi-1.uluslararasi-stratejik-muzakereler-forumu-na-ev-sahipligi-yapiyor-187414.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

I na koniec przykład praktyczny jak wygląda przykładowy druk gazet na przykładzie NY Timesa. Tutaj widać to ciekawie na filmie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrWP2z8I0Qk

#media #press #newspaper #drukgazet #druk

World News Hulusi Akar'dan 3. Dünya Savaşı uyarısı! "Şakası yok" deyip açıkladı: İsrail'e k https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/hulusi-akar-dan-3.-dunya-savasi-uyarisi-sakasi-yok-deyip-acikladi-israil-e-k-187412.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Dlaczego druk gazet w drukarni gazet jest najtańszy?
Zupełnie inaczej prezentuje się wydrukowana publikacja w drukarni gazetowej sfocusowanej na druk dzienników, zupełnie inaczej w drukarniach w których ekspresowy druk – a taki musi być druk dziennika – nie jest kluczowy. Drukarnie, które specjalizują się w druku publikacji jakościowych, gdzie czas nie gra najważniejszej roli, pozwalają na mieszanie technologii (czyli okładka w innej gramaturze niż środek), pozwalają na wybieranie własnego formatu, i na wiele innych.

Zaś drukarnia gazetowa specjalizująca się w druku dzienników, przede wszystkim skupia się na szybkim druku. W praktyce oznacza to wyeliminowanie wszystkich rozwiązań, które mogłyby spowolnić ten proces. I oznacza to zoptymalizowanie druku tylko pod tą technologię.

#drukarnia #drukgazet #wydruk #press #media

World News Bir ülkeden son dakika İsrail ve Netanyahu kararı! Resmen ilan ettiler https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bir-ulkeden-son-dakika-israil-ve-netanyahu-karari-resmen-ilan-ettiler-187408.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press