Beiträge, die mit iDF getaggt sind
Key messages in the leaflets:
The implementation of #Trump ’s expulsion plan, "which will force you to be forcibly displaced whether you like it or not".
"The map of the world will not change if all the people of Gaza disappear from existence, and no one will ask about you".
"Neither #America nor #Europe care about Gaza at all, nor even your Arab countries, which are our allies now and provide us with money, oil and weapons, and they send you shrouds."
Promises of aid in exchange for collaboration, an effort to sow division amongst the population.
#IsraelTerroristState #terrorism #EthnicCleasing #idfterrorists #idf #iofcowards #israel #palestine #usa #uspol
Während weiterhin Zweifel an der Fähigkeit der libanesischen Streitkräfte bestehen, die Verfestigung der #Hisbollah zu verhindern, vollendet die IDF den Rest ihres Rückzugs.
#Israel #USA #Libanon #Terror #UNIFIL #LAF
Warum die IDF an fünf Schlüsselpositionen im Süden Libanons bleibt - Israel Heute
Während weiterhin Zweifel an der Fähigkeit der libanesischen Streitkräfte bestehen, die Verfestigung der Hisbollah zu verhindern, vollendet die IDF den Rest ihres Rückzugs.Israel Today
„In recent months, the mothers of soldiers deployed in the Gaza Strip have formed various groups to mobilize against the government, in order to maintain the ceasefire and prevent their children from dying. Since October 2023, 405 Israeli soldiers have been killed in Gaza.“
#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza
Doi copii și un bărbat de 83 de ani luați ostatici pe 7 octombrie 2023 din Israel au fost uciși cu brutalitate în Gaza, în timp ce mama copiilor este dată dispărută – armata israeliană (IDF)
Ariel Bibas, în vârstă de patru ani, și fratele său, Kfir, nouă luni, au fost uciși în captivitate în noiembrie 2023, afirmă IDF. Potrivit armateiPetru Clej (G4media)
"#Israel's 'hearts lie in tatters' as #Hamas hands over first dead "hostages""
"48,291 #Palestinians... have been reported killed in the #Gaza war according to the official figures of the Gaza Health Ministry, as well as 166 #journalists and media workers, 120 academics, and over 224 humanitarian #aidworkers,"; the last 3 categories are almost all or entirely #IDF victims. There have been 1,706 Israeli killed en toto. @palestine
Hamas to hand over first dead bodies of hostages
Hamas says they will include the Bibas family, who for Israel have become a symbol of the captives.Raffi Berg (BBC News)
Israëlische militairen breken vakantie in Nederland af uit vrees voor vervolging
De twee Israëlische mannen waren in Amsterdam, maar zijn terug naar Israël gevlogen uit vrees voor een rechtszaak.NOS Nieuws
Israël: deze week onderhandelingen over tweede fase bestand
In dit liveblog lees je het laatste nieuws van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas en andere ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
«I soldati hanno messo una corda esplosiva intorno al collo dell'uomo e lo hanno costretto a perlustrare gli edifici per otto ore. Dopo il suo rilascio, un altro reparto lo ha ucciso con un colpo di pistola».
#Idf #Israele #Gaza #ScudiUmani
Israeli soldiers used 80-year-old Gazan as human shield, then killed him
Soldiers put an explosive cord around the man's neck and forced him to scout buildings for eight hours. After his release, another division shot him dead.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Man in Florida 'shoots two #Israelis he thought were #Palestinian
Bei Facebook anmelden
Melde dich bei Facebook an, um dich mit deinen Freunden, deiner Familie und Personen, die du kennst, zu verbinden und Inhalte zu teilen.Facebook
»“Operation Iron Wall,” Israel’s largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada, has displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps since it was launched on Jan. 21. Wahaj Bani Moufleh photographed the extreme destruction.«
PHOTOS: Israel ravages West Bank refugee camps
Israeli forces have displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps in the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
All that is available is some propaganda pieces by the Israeli media without a SINGLE mention of the actual events on that day and all those killed there are listed as "murdered by Hamas".
#October7 #Propaganda #Hannibaldirective #IDF #Israel #Hamas #Media #SocialMedia #History
A young #Palestinian woman and her injured child.
#gaza #israel #palestine #WarCrime
Israeli soldiers used 80-year-old Gazan as human shield, then killed him
Israeli soldiers used 80-year-old Gazan as human shield, then killed him
Soldiers put an explosive cord around the man's neck and forced him to scout buildings for eight hours. After his release, another division shot him dead.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Ha-makom independent investigative news site exposed another use of human shields in Gaza. In this incident, an #IDF officer attached a detonator cord to the elderly man's neck, threatening to detonate it if he didn't comply. The man was then forced to walk in front of the soldiers as they cleared houses for eight hours.
The so-called "Mosquito Procedure" is a commonly used practice where IDF soldiers force civilians to enter buildings ahead of them, allegedly to check for booby traps or militants. In this case, after the operation, the man and his wife were ordered to evacuate on foot to a "humanitarian zone." However, the soldiers did not inform other units in the area of their movement and the couple was subsequently shot and killed by another unit of the Israeli army, after walking only 100 meters.
While the IDF often blames the soldiers, denying the existence of a formalized procedure, soldiers interviewed claim it is a common practice. In a previous case which IDF investigated, the spokes' office said that "lessons were learned".
IDF's rules of engagement in Gaza are extremely strict, and anyone moving in a zone after the evacuation deadline is considered a militant (a practice which is also illegal under international humanitarian law, which requires parties to a conflict to distinguish between combatants and civilians, and to only target combatants).
See also:
H/t @faab64
חשיפת המקום: פלסטיני בן 80 שימש מגן אנושי כשרצועת נפץ קשורה לצווארו. כעבור 8 שעות הוא נורה למוות
קצין בכיר בחטיבת הנח״ל קשר פתיל נפץ לצווארו של קשיש עזתי, שאולץ לטהר בתים בשכונת זייתון. במשך שעות שימש כמגן אנושי, עד שהחיילים ציוו עליו ועל אשתו לעזוב את השכונה. לאחר דקות שניהם נורו למוות | חשיפת המקום הכי חם בגיהנוםאילי פארי (המקום הכי חם)
נורה למוות
Exposing the scene: An 80-year-old Palestinian used as a human shield with an explosive belt tied around his neck. He was shot dead 8 hours later
#gaza #idf #humanshield #istrael
חשיפת המקום: פלסטיני בן 80 שימש מגן אנושי כשרצועת נפץ קשורה לצווארו. כעבור 8 שעות הוא נורה למוות
קצין בכיר בחטיבת הנח״ל קשר פתיל נפץ לצווארו של קשיש עזתי, שאולץ לטהר בתים בשכונת זייתון. במשך שעות שימש כמגן אנושי, עד שהחיילים ציוו עליו ועל אשתו לעזוב את השכונה. לאחר דקות שניהם נורו למוות | חשיפת המקום הכי חם בגיהנוםאילי פארי (המקום הכי חם)
#Israel #antidrone #cUAS #counterdrones #DroneWar #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN
Israel Tests 20 New Anti-Drone Weapons
Defense industry trials showcase advanced interception technologies for rapid
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel #IDF #EthnicCleansing