Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
🔥 Naplouse, en Cisjordanie occupée, est au cœur d'une escalade : raids militaires israéliens ⚔️, violences des colons 🏘️ et crise interne palestinienne 🇵🇸. Quels sont les enjeux humanitaires et politiques ? #Palestine #Naplouse #WestBank #Conflit #DroitsHumains #Colonisation Vue générale d'un centre commercial détruit dans le camp de réfugiés de Balata en Cisjordanie, qui a été démoli par des bulldozers de…
Naplouse : un front de tensions persistantes en Palestine
🔥 Naplouse, en Cisjordanie occupée, est au cœur d’une escalade : raids militaires israéliens ⚔️, violences des colons 🏘️ et crise interne palestinienne 🇵🇸. Quels sont les enjeux humanitaires …Homo Hortus
🌍 L'Autorité palestinienne est engagée dans une lutte ouverte avec les militants du camp de Jénine. Entre crise d'autorité en Cisjordanie et ambitions à Gaza, cette bataille soulève des questions cruciales sur l'avenir politique palestinien. 🕊️#Palestine #WestBank #Jénine #Politique #AutoritéPalestinienne #Conflit Des manifestants palestiniens brandissent des drapeaux…
L’Autorité palestinienne face aux militants de Jénine : une lutte pour la légitimité et le pouvoir
🌍 L’Autorité palestinienne est engagée dans une lutte ouverte avec les militants du camp de Jénine. Entre crise d’autorité en Cisjordanie et ambitions à Gaza, cette bataille soulève des…Homo Hortus
Bombardamenti israeliani su tutta la Striscia di Gaza, in particolare sul nord sotto assedio continuo, dove l'Idf sta prendendo di mira l'ospedale Kamal Adwan. A Jenin, Cisgiordania occupata, l'Anp...Radio Onda d`Urto
#Israel is the filthiest man-made savage entity in history.
Many churchgoers and decorations are notably absent from Bethlehem this year as Israeli forces set up checkpoints and other restrictions, preventing Palestinian Christians from visiting the city in the occupied West Bank.
- Qassam Brigades announces operation in Jabalia
- Hamas, Popular Front, Islamic Jihad call for an end to fighting in Jenin
- What is happening in northern Gaza?
- It’s a very tense situation around Kamal Adwan Hospital
- Israeli army planting explosives around Kamal Adwan Hospital
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Missile launched from Yemen hits Israel’s Tel Aviv city
Israel’s military said air defences failed to intercept the missile which is reported to have caused several injuries.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
Netanyahu’s Government is stepping up its plans ahead of the arrival of a sympathetic Trump administration. Deportation will be next on the agenda. Winning a battle possibly but not the war.
#Israel #WestBank #BylineTimes
Israel Is Accelerating Its Plans for the Complete Annexation of the Palestinian West Bank – Byline Times
Netanyahu's Government is stepping up its plans ahead of the arrival of a sympathetic Trump administrationMel Frykberg (Byline Times)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli occupation forces stormed several towns, cities and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, including #Balata, #Halhul and Al-Bireh.”
#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonial #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
'Palestinian lives are treated as if they have little or no value. Israel is able to operate this way because its patron, the U.S makes sure that it faces 0 consequences'"
#Westbank #Palestine #Israel #genocide #racism #classism #warCrimes #USA
Restrictions and attacks by the Israeli military, together with rampant settler violence, left many Palestinians unable to harvest this year's crop…..
@palestine @israel
#Israel #Palestine #Westbank #Gaza #Occupation #WarCrimes #Antireport
A deadly olive harvest season ends in the West Bank
Restrictions and attacks by the Israeli military, together with rampant settler violence, left many Palestinians unable to harvest this year's crop.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
"Dat er in Gaza zo veel doden vallen is voor veel mensen te verklaren, doordat het nu eenmaal een dichtbevolkt gebied is en Hamas zich onder de bevolking verstopt."
Alsof IOF-soldaten zich niet tussen Israëlische burgers "verstoppen" zodra zij niet vechten of in kazernes verblijven.
En alsof het wél rechtvaardig is om tevens vrouwen, kinderen en/of hulpverleners te vermoorden omdat een Hamas-strijder in hun directe omgeving het doelwit is.
En alsof er niet ook gemoord wordt als er helemaal geen (mogelijke) Hamas-strijders in de buurt zijn:
"Zoals een video van Palestijnse vrouwen en kinderen die proberen te vluchten naar veiliger gebied. Met witte vlaggen lopen ze in een groep over straat, dan klinkt er een harde knal. Een vrouw valt levenloos neer op de grond en het jongetje dat aan haar zijde liep, rent weg richting andere volwassenen."
Ik word kotsmisselijk van westerse media die Israëlische leugens blijven nakakelen.
Wie of wat belet Israël om heel Gaza plat te gooien en/of helemaal geen voedsel toe te laten mocht er (ik verwacht het niet) een deal komen waarbij Hamas alle gegijzelden vrijlaat?
#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Libanon #Syrie #Golanhoogte
Israëlische historicus documenteert oorlogsmisdaden in Gaza: 'Dit is genocide'
Historicus Lee Mordechai documenteert wat zich in Gaza afspeelt door foto's, video's, artikelen en rapporten te verzamelen in een database.Nasrah Habiballah (NOS Nieuws)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli occupation forces stormed several towns, cities and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, including #Balata, #Halhul and Al-#Bireh.”
#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonial #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Israel Targets Rafah, Jabaliya | Settlers Burn Mosque | West Bank Raids - Day 441 - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli airstrikes and artillery shelling targeted several areas in the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, Beit Lahia, and Jabaliya.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Additionally, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the implementation of six operations targeting the gatherings, sites and vehicles of the occupation army.”
#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #SettlerColonial #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Stabbing Four and Seizing Their Weapons - Resistance Roundup - Day 440 - Palestine Chronicle
The Al-Qassam Brigades announced stabbing attack that was carried out against an officer and three soldiers of the Israeli occupation army.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
„Israels Siedlungen auf besetztem Gebiet im Westjordanland verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht. Trotzdem kommen immer mehr Siedler in die sogenannten C-Gebiete. Sie sehen das Recht auf ihrer Seite.“
- Israeli settlers vandalise, start fire at mosque in the occupied West Bank: Report
- Photos: Scenes of despair as starving Palestinians scramble for food in Gaza
- Israeli military attacks northern, southern Gaza
- ‘Scorched earth’: MSF details horrors of Israel’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel kills 15 in Gaza shelters amid new report of ethnic cleansing
Medical charity MSF says Israeli forces have blocked aid and ‘forcibly displaced, trapped, and bombed’ Gaza’s civilians.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Palestinians #Syria #Syrians #Assad #Apartheid #Genocide #Imperialism
- YouTube
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#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Palestinians #Syria #Syrians #Assad #Apartheid #Genocide #Imperialism
- YouTube
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Dann ging die Kammer noch auf die #Antisemitismus-Resolution des DE Bundestags [...] ein. [...] Die "politische Pflicht der Bundesregierung zum aktiven Schutz Israels", so das VG, dürfte "substanziell gerade durch Rüstungsexporte nachgekommen werden können, sofern dies nach Abwägung der Bundesregierung auch menschenrechtlich & völkerrechtlich vertretbar ist."
🧵 1/2
#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Genozid
VG Frankfurt stoppt Waffenexporte an Israel wieder nicht
Ein Mann aus Gaza ist erneut mit einem Eilantrag gegen Rüstungsexporte an Israel gescheitert. Auch die neue Antisemitismusresolution spielte eine Rolle.Legal Tribune Online
Offenbar meint man die Lehre sollte sein:
'Never again - but not for Palestinians'"
Die Redaktion der #Tagesschau hat endgültig ihren rassistischen Verstand verloren.
🧵 1/6
#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid
Militant Israeli settlers set up a new tent and expand their illegal settlement outpost in the Burj area in the lands of the town of Silwad, east of #Ramallah in occupied West Bank
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics
@The Effort @israel group
Israel to Annex the West Bank – Why Now? And What are the Likely
Israel is getting ready to annex the occupied Palestinian West Bank. The annexation will be a major step backward on the road to Palestinian freedom and will likely serve as a catalyst for a
By Al Mayadeen English
“Israeli soldiers speak of the IOF spokesperson’s statements turning into a competition between the forces: ‘If the division kills 99 or 150, the next division in line will try to reach 200.’”
#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonial #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Competing over killing civilians: Haaretz exposes IOF Gaza violations
Israeli soldiers speak of the IOF spokesperson’s statements turning into a competition between the forces: "If the division kills 99 or 150, the next division in line will try to reach 200.”Al Mayadeen English (Competing over killing civilians: Haaretz exposes IOF Gaza violations)
Suárez is also a professional concert violinist and world-renowned cartographer.
#education #gaza #westbank
📲 Lecture: Media Education Foundation YT channel
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
HRW:"#Israel ontzegt #Palestijnen in Gaza toegang tot water, een daad van #genocide."
— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) December 19, 2024
32-year-old disabled Palestinian Mohammad Ahmed Hussein Masalma was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid on Beit Awwa near #Hebron earlier today.
According to local sources, the Israeli forces detained his body and prevented medical teams from reaching him, leaving him to bleed to death.
#WarCrime #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics
Come parte dello sforzo di giudaizzare Gerusalemme Est, #Israele demolisce 9 case nel quartiere di #Silawn, lasciando 9 famiglie - per un totale di 32 persone, tra cui 15 minori - senza casa.
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #18dicembre
Sie führen aus, dass #Israel nach dem Modell von #Gaza vorgehen soll - sprich die Bevölkerung vertreiben, wer bleibt töten und alle Gebäude, alle Infrastruktur komplett dem Erdboden gleich gemacht werden soll, und die Bevölkerung darin gehindert werden soll sich frei zu bewegen bzw zurückzukehren.
#Facebook #Instagram #Meta #DeleteFacebook #DeleteMeta #SocialMedia #Censorship
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
How Facebook restricted news in Palestinian territories
Palestinian news outlets have seen a steep drop in audience engagement since October 2023.Ahmed Nour, Joe Tidy and Yara Farag (BBC News)
Israeli occupation continues attacks on civilians in Gaza, West Bank
The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that Israeli occupation forces committed seven massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
- Netanyahu says troops will remain on Mount Hermon until ‘another arrangement’ is reached
- Photos: Funeral for those killed by Palestinian Authority forces in Jenin, West Bank clashes
- Israeli forces shoot and kill two Palestinians in occupied West Bank
- Ceasefire details on the table
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel kills 10 in Gaza City, WHO chief calls ‘for this hell to stop’
Victims include a grandfather who touched millions as he mourned his slain granddaughter, calling her ‘soul of my soul’.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)