Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind
'Albanese says his government would use the same definition of social media as that used in Australia’s Social Media Services Online Safety Code. The code defines social media as electronic services that meet the following conditions:
● the sole or primary purpose of the service is to enable online social interaction between two or more end‑users
● the service allows end‑users to link to, or interact with, some or all other end‑users
● the service allows end‑users to post material on the service
● such other conditions (if any) as are set out in the legislative rules.' [Hellsite widget warning]
#auspol #mastodon
Australian kids under 16 will soon be banned from social media – but parents still don’t know which apps are out
The Albanese government has announced a plan to ban kids under 16 from social media. There’s no explanation why this age was chosen, and the decision flies in the face of expert advice.The Conversation
Australia: Ban gambling ads to protect the children.
Government: No not like that!
Disingenuous prices
And if they want to protect society, ban X.
#auspol #SocialMedia
Australia plans social media ban for under-16s
The government says it wants to mitigate the "harm" social media is inflicting on children.Hannah Ritchie (BBC News)
Murdoch paid out $750 million for spreading dangerous conspiracy theories relating to election fraud in the 2020 US election.
He also incited the El Paso terror attack. 23 dead. etc
#DuttonForPM #SocialMedia #disinformation #auspol
Unofficial Guardian News Bot (
Pauline Hanson claims Brisbane councillor racially vilified her by calling One Nation ‘racist’ https://www.theguardian.Chinwag Social
There's a lesson there for combatting Australia's own Trumpian forces come next year's federal election. Less lecturing and assumed victory, more open discussion and willingness to listen, to engage the disengaged and hopefully bring them along.
A huge advantage of being a small and irrelevant world power is we can watch and learn, as we did with our electoral system, then adapt far faster than the larger powers stuck in their inexorable trajectories. That could be very useful in this context.
#auspol #uspol
#auspol #australia #constitution
We built a tiny electronic nose that can beat a mouse at its own game
Small, high-speed odour sensors are a step towards robots with a sense of smell.The Conversation
Age of criminal responsibility: 10.
Age of social media responsibility: 16.
Australia. #AusPol
What is even the point of Australian Labor?
Waiting on a release for actual details but based on the press conference, Albanese and Nine's Minister Rowland just announced ID to access 'social media,' likening it to rules for purchasing alcohol.
Um .... I can't even.
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
This tweet is a parody. Barely.
#SocialMedia #journalism #disinformation #auspol
"The recent actions of Israel and the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) raise pressing questions about the consistent application of Australia’s anti-terror laws."
"‘... the only conclusion you can draw is that the Israeli army is one of the most criminal armies in the world’"
"Applying Australia’s anti-terror laws consistently is not just a matter of fairness; it is an issue of sovereignty. Australia has a duty to ensure that its proscription decisions are guided by national interests and an objective assessment of threats to its citizens, rather than aligning uncritically with the foreign policy of allied nations."
Why Israel and the IDF meet the criteria for proscription under Australian Anti-Terror laws - Pearls and Irritations
Recent actions by Israel and the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) raise pressing questions about the application of Australia’s anti-terror laws.Bernadette Zaydan (Pearls and Irritations)
How did Speers, a guy with nothing on his resume bar some radio gigs and decades at News Corp, and no discernable talents above hitting the botox too hard and interrupting interviewees before they've even spoken, slime his way into fronting every second show on the ABC?
What were management thinking?
#auspol #uspol
ABC NEWS Live Stream
Who will win the race for the White House? Witness history in the making with live election results and analysis from the ABC NEWS team.ABC iview
29/30/31 Octob... #auspol ( #auspol
Political Gadgets - Interests update
Machinery for democracy. Lift the lid on votes, money, lobbying, and more. Reach your own
#auspol #fuckthecolony
Sure Speers and friends are having a wonderful time though. Hope they didn't have to suffer the indignity of cattle class.
Also, what the fuck does the US election have to do with Insiders?
#auspol #insiders
Free tools providing insights into what our politicians stand for
Machinery for democracy. Understand how your representative votes, spends money, talks, and more. Make an informed voting
It's not just about the Chairman's Lounge
Dutton should start showing up to press conferences wearing his old police uniform so he'll be taken more seriously
The Shot 👇
(language warning)
The depravity of a society thoroughly brainwashed in their supremacy and religious stature as the chosen ones.
The primitive instincts of this society are fully on display - the more blood and suffering they see the more they crave. It’s literally ingrained in Israeli society.
And all those countries, and their media supporting them are part of it
Daniel Andrews tells Jewish donors to cut funds to antisemites
The former Victorian premier made the strong comments as he was awarded the Jerusalem Prize.Chip Le Grand (The Age)
Remarkable Australian comparative analysis supports BDS - Pearls and Irritations
Joyce's Israel-China comparative analysis lends robust support to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement directed against Israel.Richard Cullen (Pearls and Irritations)
Now how about a corruption commission that invites its own corruption investigation, gambling ad reforms that disappear into the ether along with the Truth & Treaty initiatives you promised, you convictionless pieces of shit.
Economists welcome student debt repayment changes but say government could do better for students than slash HECS debt
Economists have welcomed the government's plan to raise the level of income people need to earn before they need to make student debt repayments, but argue that reducing the cost of higher education would have greater benefits than slashing existing …Rachel Clayton (ABC News)
Free tools providing insights into what our politicians stand for
Machinery for democracy. Understand how your representative votes, spends money, talks, and more. Make an informed voting
The world is on fire and flooding and humans are murdering each other and locking up women and children. The government is lying all the time about huge policy issues that diminish the chance of a liveable future for us and our children. The opposition is lying all the time about huge policy issues that diminish the chance of a liveable future for us and our children. The national anti corruption commission is corrupt. Inequality is skyrocketing. Housing insecurity is skyrocketing.
Next to all of that, I do not give a flying fuck about flight upgrades for senior politicians.
Thanks for listening.
Re-elected Albanese government would slash HECS-HELP debts by 20 per cent
A re-elected Albanese government would reduce student debts by 20 per cent as part of a broader suite of changes to the system.Nicole Hegarty (ABC News)
The whole picture
Daily writing promptWhat are your favorite websites?View all responses Since I’ve become interested in the true picture of Australian politics I’ve turned to the alternative media sites…Mind-blowing books
(#Misinformation from #Russia)
REAL journalists understand context.
REAL journalists don't use:
- gaffes
- gotchas
- narratives
#journalism #bias #Garbage #auspol
Unofficial Guardian News Bot (
NSW police take legal action to prevent climate activists blockading Port of Newcastle https://www.theguardian.Chinwag Social
#AusPol #Housing
Approving new fossil fuel mines makes both the climate and housing affordability worse - The Australia Institute
Every time the government approves a new fossil fuel mines it choose to make it harder for people to build homes.Greg Jericho (The Australia Institute)
Increasingly their wins are one-offs. Political geniuses like B Clinton and Obama, who didn't really need the Party to work to win.