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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

Ca. 80 jaar geleden vonden veel Joden, puur vanwege hun afkomst, de dood - mede vanwege de mening van menig Nederlander, die ongeveer zo geklonken zal hebben:

ik wil me niet verbinden met lieden die menen dat Duitsland genocide bedrijft

Aan de lopende band vinden *nu* veel Palestijnen, puur vanwege hun afkomst, de dood - opnieuw mede vanwege de mening van menig Nederlander. Zoals van Theodor Holman (*) vandaag in https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/ik-heb-geen-respect-en-ik-wil-me-niet-verbinden-met-lieden-die-menen-dat-israel-genocide-bedrijft~bfd5e075/:

ik wil me niet verbinden met lieden die menen dat Israël genocide bedrijft

Verderop schrijft Theodor Holman:

Dus zegt iemand: “Vertel eens, waarom vindt u het geen genocide?” dan zweeft er zachtjes van mijn glimlachende diplomatenlipjes: “Het is een ingewikkeld probleem, waar we eens uitgebreid over moeten praten.”

Ik weet namelijk dat discussiëren geen zin heeft.

Als een deel van de Israëliërs (met voor miljarden dollars aan westerse wapens) al tientallen jaren Palestijnen van hun land verdrijft (steeds vaker met extreem geweld en ouderwets uithongeren) is het inderdaad een ingewikkeld probleem hoe je het volstrekt buitenproportionele geweld van de IDF en kolonisten zou kunnen rechtvaardigen.

Ook als een deel van die Palestijnen hun eigen land en zichzelf met grof geweld (zónder bommenwerpers, tanks, drones en AI) daartegen verweert: dát is namelijk de zelfverdediging die aan de orde is.

En inderdaad, zolang mensen (ook met zelfverklaarde diplomatenlipjes) *weigeren* om de waarheid onder ogen te zien, heeft discussiëren totaal geen zin.

(*) Sowieso lijkt Theodor Holman geen verbinder: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Holman#Controversieel

#FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon

Updates: ++ 🚒👨🏾‍🚒👨🏻‍🚒 Seven firefighting squads working on extinguishing the fire in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv ++ 🔔❌💡Power outage after Hezbollah rocket attack on Tel Aviv ++ 🔔 ISR airstrike kills five in Beirut's Zokak al-Blat, leaves 24 wounded ++ Lebanon files complaint with 🔵 UN Security Council over targeting of army ++ UK's Labour avoided full arms embargo on Israel to protect special relationship ++

#mena #lebanon #gaza #westbank

🌃 Night Shift News rundown 22:00 CEST


"Per l'esercito israeliano che li domina, le vite dei palestinesi in #Cisgiordania sono insignificanti."

Un'attivista israeliana ha partecipato ad una raccolta delle olive in Cisgiordania.
Questo il suo resoconto.

✍️Yael Shenker insegna in Israele al "Sapir Academic College", è ricercatrice e scrive di cultura e cinema.

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #18novembre #WestBank

FOTO D'ARCHIVIO: Un contadino palestinese raccoglie olive in un uliveto in Cisgiordania.
Credito: Moti Milrod

We have some updates:

🛡 Security Update #lebanon 🛑⚠️ Israel continues violating international agreements with cluster bombs in Southern Lebanon: NNA ++ 🛑🕯 Remains of Islamic Health Authority 👩🏽‍⚕️👨🏾‍🚒 paramedics recovered ++ ⚠️ ISR forces storm school in northern Jordan Valley, assault staff member ++ Türkiye blocked Israeli president from entering Turkish airspace ++

🌃 Night Shift News headlines rundown 15:00 CEST

#gaza #westbank #mena



Senator Fetterman, who first ran as a progressive democrat, sounds like this now.
Many Democratic Senators very much sound like him when it comes to #palestine #gaza #westbank. New York Senators—both Democrats—are no different.


Pretty crazy that an IOF murderer has a Punisher logo - co-opted by neo-Nazis and white supremacists - next to a Star of David.

If you told a Holocaust survivor in the 1950's that Israelis would be wearing symbols of Nazism, let alone next to Stars of David, they wouldn't believe you.


#Gaza #WestBank
A photo of an IOF soldier, facing to shoot out of a cast iron grated window. He's wearing typical battle gear, holding an M4 derivative, and wearing a helmet with a black and white patch on it. the patch is a stylised black and white Israeli flag, sliced diagonally to reveal and punisher symbol

If you've got 30 minutes, listen to this doctor.

Genocide is happening with Biden and Harris being 100% onboard, to the point of wilfully losing Muslim voters because of it.

Want to be pissed at anyone for losing the US election? Be pissed at Biden and Harris


#Gaza #WestBank

"Harey Zahav, a settlement real estate company, advertised #Gaza settlements with the slogan “A house on the beach is not a dream!” Now, the same company is promoting the construction of three new houses in the West Bank settlement Teneh Omarim through #AxelSpringer’s #Yad2 platform"



#Palestine #WestBank #Israel #genocide #HaltDieFresseBild

"Eine YNET-Recherche deckt dubiose Verstrickungen zwischen #Netanjahu und Paul #Ronzheimer auf. Der BILD wurden gezielt exklusive Zugänge Dokumente zugespielt, um (teils nachgewiesen falsche) Berichterstattung im Interesse des Premierministers zu garantieren"


#Propaganda #HaltDieFresseBild #AxelSpringer #Netanyahu #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid

Ich möchte nochmal daran erinnern, was #Lindner und die #FDP im Herbst 2022 für eine antisemitische, klassistische Scheiße abgezogen haben.

"Wie Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner versuchte, bei Zahlungen an Holocaust-Überlebende zu sparen."


Diese Partei interessiert sich für Jüdinnen & Juden genauso sehr, wie Neonazi für Frauenrechte: sie sind ihnen egal. Sie instrumentalisieren Diskriminierte nur für ihre Hetze.

#Antisemitismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank

Ramallah – An Israeli military court at the Salem military camp has sentenced Rasha Herzallah, a journalist with the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA), to six months in prison and a fine of 13,000 shekels (approximately $3,300). The sentence was handed down today, Sunday, November 17.

#journalists #genevaconventions
#gaza #westbank #press #media

📰 Report by WAFA 👇🏽 (prime source)

Israeli military court sentences WAFA’s Rasha Harzallah to prison and fine

Bisher konnten Siedler das Land in der #WestBank nur indirekt erwerben. Nun will die Regierung von #Israel dies ändern. Siedler könnten dann direkt irgendwo wild Land in der WestBank kaufen, einem Land was Israel nicht gehört. Die Armee müsste dann wo immer sie Land gekauft haben dies beschützen.

Die Gesetze besetzten Landes ändern um einen Ausverkauf zu ermöglichen wäre ohnehin Annektion. Nun macht man mehr & mehr klar, dass man die WestBank definitiv annektieren wird.

Two months on: Reflections at the grave of Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi https://mondoweiss.net/2024/11/two-months-on-reflections-at-the-grave-of-aysenur-ezgi-eygi/ #Israel #WestBank

The Broader Push to Rewrite #History.

Israel's assault on #Palestinian #heritage goes beyond fabricated #archaeological narratives—it’s a #systematic effort to erase history and consolidate control. Here are more key aspects of the campaign:

#Looting of #WestBank #Antiquities :

For decades, #Israel has #exploited the occupied territories' rich archaeological sites, #smuggling thousands of #artifacts to build its #colonial narrative. The new bill seeks to #institutionalize this #theft, granting #extremist officials unchecked authority over excavation and #HeritagePreservation in Palestinian areas.

The Role of the Israeli Antiquities Authority:

Under the guise of #AcademicResearch, the #IsraeliAntiquitiesAuthority frequently removes artifacts from the West Bank, exhibiting them in Israeli #museums without acknowledging their Palestinian origins. This process not only strips Palestinians of their #cultural history but also bolsters Israel’s claim to the land.

Settler-Led Excavations:

Settler organizations like #Elad are at the forefront of #illegal excavations, particularly in East #Jerusalem. These digs disrupt Palestinian neighborhoods, displace families, and create #tourist sites glorifying biblical narratives while erasing the #multicultural history of the region.

Linking Settlements to #BiblicalClaims:

Israeli settlement expansion is increasingly tied to archaeological claims. By declaring areas with supposed biblical significance, such as #Hebron or #Shiloh as part of #Jewish heritage, the #llegalOccupation justifies #annexation and denies Palestinians access to their land.

The International Fallout:

Despite warnings from Israeli #archaeologists and global institutions, the government continues its #unilateral moves. If the bill passes, Israel risks severe isolation, as #CulturalTheft violates international conventions, including #UNESCO protection of #CulturalHeritage during conflicts.

These moves are not just an assault on history—they are an extension of the colonial project, reshaping the narrative to legitimize an occupation that erases Palestinian identity. The stakes go beyond antiquities; they encompass the right of a people to their past, present, and future.

Full article by Alaa Al-Lami:


Occupied West Bank violence: Israeli settlers ramp up attacks on Palestinian homes - YouTube

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

"Im Einbürgerungstest wird gefragt, welche Voraussetzungen für eine Mitgliedschaft in einem jüdischen Makkabi-Sportverein gelten. Diese irrelevante Frage ist im Kontext eines Tests, der grundlegende Kenntnisse über Politik und Gesellschaft abprüft, deplatziert."


"Und nein, es ist nicht Fake oder Photoshop. Hier ist der Link zur PDF-Datei - https://bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Integration/Einbuergerung/gesamtfragenkatalog-lebenindeutschland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=19 - Frage 118"


#Rassismus #Autoritarismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank

Israeli settlers attack the village of Beit Furik east of Nablus.


Israeli settlers have invaded the village of Beit Furik outside Nablus in the occupied West Bank. Dozens of masked settlers entered the village and burned houses and cars. Israeli soldiers blocked the roads surrounding the village and stood by as the settlers launched their attack, local media reported.

#Israel #Colonialism #EthnicCleansing #WestBank #BeitFurik #Arson #Seige #SettlerViolence

Settlers light a Palestinian home on fire in the West Bank village of Beir Furik, east of Nablus.

They probably came from the settlement of Itamar, one of the most extreme and violent in the West Bank. The IDF later showed up but I can promise you there will be no accountability whatsoever.

#Israel #Palestine #WestBank


#MMN #MeansMorningNews with #SamSachs


- #Trump forges alliance with #neocons ahead of 2nd term
- #ApartheidIsraeli minister calls for full annexation of #WestBank
-'Border Czar' named to oversee #massdeportations in the U.S.
-Zionist propaganda distorts reality around football riot in #Amsterdam

Note to USA:
Get your Congress members to vote NO on #HR9495 which is nonsensically named 'The Stop Terror Financing And Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act'.
This bullshit allows the U.S.Treasury Secretary to revoke 501c3 tax exempt status , and worse for any group or organisation that is in #SolidarityWithPalestine 🇵🇸

I believe the vote is today, but check

I see so many people talk about Palestine, about this worldwide hatred toward Islam, but I see so few post AJ.

Are you more comfortable with rich white billionaires paying your journalists than a Middle-Eastern country? You might just be racist


#Gaza #WestBank #Amsterdam

And yet, our colleagues told us the situation is even worse in the north of Gaza – an area which we couldn’t access. Recently, the situation there has simply become a nightmare.

Als Artzen zonder Grenzen [1] en organisaties als Human Right Watch [2] dit blijven herhalen, MOET iemand daar natuurlijk de schuld van krijgen.

In Nederland BV zijn dat de Moslims en/of alle Marokkanen (maar dat mag je geen racisme noemen). Stel je voor dat wij Israëliërs, laat staan Joden die Israël steunen, iets zouden verwijten.

(Ging het destijds al om een veel grotere groep toen Job Cohen en, notabene stoephoerenloper, Rob Oudkerk het over 'kutMarokkanen' [3] hadden?)

Je zal maar op Yeşilgöz (voormalig Turks asielzoeker) of Omtzigt (nu vluchteling) hebben gestemd.

[1] https://www.msf.org/in-gaza-all-components-society-have-been-destroyed
[2] https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce8ygyem84jo
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW61Bwt5UEE

#Hypocrisie #Gaza #Genocide #Westbank #Lebanon #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #Achahbar

I find it kind of scary that in Israeli society right now, speaking out only for hostages is as far as any one can go towards speaking to the Palestinians, lest they be arrested, yet so many are ready to see that miniscule act of defiance that is permitted by the state, as tacit support for the war.

Come on people

#Gaza #WestBank

"Amid the devastation in #Gaza, #Israel’s escalating media censorship, suppression of dissent, and targeting of journalists are deliberate efforts to block global access to information, the Committee found. It also noted how #socialMedia companies disproportionately removed “pro-Palestinian content” in comparison with posts inciting violence against Palestinians."


#Palestine #WestBank #genocide #racism #journalism

"Israeli" has now become synonymous with "genocidal maniac".

The fact world leaders don't get this is distressing as hell


#Gaza #WestBank

++ 📰 Dutch government could fall over handling of Amsterdam violence, media report ++ 📲 Hezbollah publishes footage of attack on Kirya, dissects base ++ UK threatened with court-ordered ban on arms exports to Israel ++ 📢 March in Amman calls for end to Israeli aggression on Gaza, Lebanon ++ Iranian official in Beirut in talks to end Israel escalation in Lebanon ++

🌃 Night Shift News relevant headlines rundown 22:30 CEST

#gaza #westbank #lebanon #mena



###The Israeli army is going to demolish the house of a Palestinian in #Hebron who killed an Israeli soldier near #Jerusalem last year.

This is a common occurrence, but there is a difference. His house was already demolished by this action and what they are going to destroy now is a house rebuilt at the beginning of this year.

#Israel #Occupation #Politics #Palestine #WestBank #Jerusalem #Inhumanity #IDF #WarCrime

#Israel’s #WestBank #settlers hope #Trump’s return will pave the way for major settlement expansion.

Mm hmm. It's not just #Gaza, but West Bank too. All the voters who hated #KamalaHarris for her stance towards Gaza ➡️ https://mastodon.social/@rameshgupta/112851254385165082 can rejoice, now that #Trump will be in charge.


It's hard not to love Francesca Albanese.

She speaks the truth with true authority, and fears no small man:


#Gaza #WestBank

"Die Ausschreitungen rund um das Maccabi-Spiel in #Amsterdam sind wiederholt als Pogrom bezeichnet worden. Die Gewaltexzesse sind klar zu verurteilen. Wer aber die Ereignisse in Amsterdam in eine Traditionslinie mit der antisemitischen Gewalt des letzten Jahrhunderts stellt, betreibt eine gefährliche Relativierung der Geschichte."


🧵 1/4

#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Rassismus #Antisemitismus

Messianic Christians together with religious fanatics in Israel are ethnically cleansing #Gaza and #westbank as well as making it increasingly difficult for secular Israelis to live in their country. How can they criticize Iran when they want a similarly fanatical theocracy?