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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind

#BREAKING NEWS: It's the Top 20 news website rankings in Australia for January! Massive thank you to the 7.96 MILLION Australians who read Guardian Australia last month 🙌👏

ABC surged back to No1 with +731k readers to reach 12.48m, as newscomau dropped to No2 on 11.76m after losing -413k readers in the month. Guardian Australia added +651k readers to hold 6th 💪 with 7.96m, 1.25m readers ahead of SMH at No7, who dropped -266k readers in January. And only 200k readers behind 7News in 5th! That's normally about a 2m audience gap.

DailyMail added +936k readers in January, on top of their +1.1m in December, to now be ranked No4, and up an astonishing 2m readers since they recorded 6.6m readers in November. That Nov measure had them 650k readers behind Guardian Australia and below us in the rankings at No7.

Huge months for SBS and BBC, with both adding more than 800k users in January to take top10 spots at the expense of The Age and NY Times. All NewsCorp properties in the Top20 lost audience, with newscomau -413k, The Australian -279k, SkyNewsOz -169k, Herald Sun -222k and DailyTele -377k

#audience #journalism #media #newspapers #journalists #digitalmedia #audiencedevelopment #audienceengagement #audiencegrowth #seo #newsproduct #auspol
Table of the Top 20 news brand rankings. Source: Ipsos Iris Online Measurement Service, January 2025, Age +14, All Devices (PC/Laptop, Smartphone and Tablet)s, Text, Brand Level, News Category Excluding aggregators and Weather, Audience (000s), Audience Reach (%), Average Mins PP

James Stevens claimed $161,421 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

James Glenday points out the absurdity of the #LNP not only matching but SURPASSING #Labor's $8.5 billion #Medicare plan withing HOURS, by $500 million.


Opposition spending planned on a beer coaster.
Labor would be crucified.

#journalism #auspol

GP visits to become free for most under $8.5b 'legacy defining' Labor Medicare promise

Anthony Albanese says he'll make 90% of GP visits free from out-of-pocket expenses by 2030. This is a bargain for the government with a price-tag of only $8.5 billion. It's also a strong, traditional Labor policy for social services.

I'd like to think this is a sign that Albo is getting back to his roots, and announcing policies that will get the approval of the Greens and other left-leaning parties. It's also laying the groundwork for another "Mediscare" campaign in anticipation of Peter Dutton's toxic bullshit.

Boosting funding for bulk-billing will have massive flow-on effects for the general wellbeing of Australians: quality of life, ability to function in school and at work, and therefore a long-term payback for the economy. Anyone arguing against this policy has a deep-seated ideological hatred for "poor people" and knows nothing about the economy — I'm looking at you, Peter Dutton.

Details I'd like to hear more about:
- Mental health care funding got a boost, so it's good to see the government taking this neglected area more seriously.
- Dental health care was not mentioned, and it absolutely needs to be covered by Medicare. Teeth are a vital part of your body that require life-long care and shouldn't be at the mercy of private health insurance.
- GPs got screwed by Scott Morrison when he made a bunch of massive cuts to Medicare. The government will need to coordinate with GPs to make sure they get fair compensation for their work.
- Peter Dutton having a sook, and rolling-out that tired old lie about Labor being wasteful with money.

#AusPol #AnthonyAlbanese #Albo #Medicare #MentalHealth #ScottMorrison #ScottyFromMarketing #Mediscare #PeterDutton

"(#ABC MD David) Anderson told the court he believed Lattouf should never have been appointed as a casual radio host because of her “partisan view on #Israel-#Gaza”.

He couldn't provide evidence of her alleged #antisemitism.

#journalism #auspol


Peter Dutton must be really embarrassed, only a month ago he was pushing Starlink as a replacement for the NBN !!

Now Ukraine is being threatened with starlink being cut off so Trump can help himself to $500 billion of Ukrainian resources. #auspol

I wonder if any of our failed amateur journalists will ask the question??


Honest Government Ad: "Our Last Fair Election"

The Juice Media bring their attention to the dodgy new amendments that try to entrench the duopoly.

Australia has preferential voting so you can give your first vote to the independents or Greens. /2



Inhaltswarnung: Jack Waterford | Whether Labor or Liberals, independents must put boot on neck of next govt

50,000 Gazans murdered by the Israeli Govt. Hundreds thousands more starved, brutalised, maimed, with homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, basic infrastructure left in rubble.

And day after day, the ABC leads with the remains of Israeli victims of Hamas - and covers that and that alone.

Horrifying. Conspiring to sack Antoinette Lattouf appears the least of the prejudice.



#gaza #genocide #israel #auspol

Inhaltswarnung: #USpol #Tariffs #TrumpLies

Varun Ghosh is 60.13% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

The #ABC has a new correspondent in the US, Kamin Gock, and unlike the current mob he isn't f'ing around. KUDOS!

PS. Watch the chyrons. They're written by a Trump apologist.

#Trump #Russia #Ukraine

#journalism #misinformation #MediaWatch #auspol

Australia Institute, Ken Henry quote: Mining & Forestry are NOT underwriters of Australia’s prosperity, and generate only 2% jobs combined
#auspol #australia #mining #forest #environment
Photo of Ken Henry, former Treasury Secretary with his words “"Those who believe this nonsense cannot be trusted with the wellbeing of future generations…We have political leaders who insist that mining and forestry underwrite Australian prosperity. I will state it plainly. Those who believe this nonsense cannot be trusted with the wellbeing of future generations. - Ken Henry Former Treasury Secretary. "Mining & native forest logging industries, collectively, employ only ~2% of the labour force."

This is worth 17 minutes of your time: Emma Shortis on how Australia should respond to the new world order



Inhaltswarnung: 'No corruption issue arises': NACC dismisses referral of teal MP

Kristy Mcbain claimed $151,763 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

US Big Tech, destroying industrial relations laws and sliming up to Australia's major parties with the profits.


via @FerdiMagellan

Graph showing Uber Australia donated $55,000 to Labor and $30,000 to the Coalition in 2023-24.

$57,278,095 in Federal contracts to the big consultants in 2025. $1,589,500 yesterday. - Accenture: $1,589,500 {439} (https://politicalgadgets.com) #auspol

I've just finished this fascinating and important book, which was recommended to me on this platform, so thanks to the person who did that.

It should probably be compulsory reading for all Australian students.

I've got to get it back to the library tomorrow because there are 8 reservations waiting for it

#Bookstodon #AusPol #History
Blue softback book cover with white writing. Warra Warra Wai: How Indigenous Australians discovered Captain Cook & what they tell about the coming of the Ghost People, by Darren Rix and Craig Cormick

This is not news. There are Chinese warships close to Australian waters all the time, and vice versa.

It is being made into news because the Australian defence establishment is literally kacking its dacks because the entire basis of their strategic planning has been shown to be based on assumptions that were always questionable and are now obviously invalid.


Watchdog rules "clean gas" claims from Gina Rinehart company are false, misleading | RenewEconomy #AusPol


You know what journalistic euphemism I haven't seen in years?

"...feeling tired and emotional"

#journalism #Australia #AusPol

State by state, quality Independent political candidates – from world-record athletes to renowned surgeons. Candidates motivated by climate & environment action, and equity
#auspol #australia #democracy #politics #justice


This article is so concerned with portraying the risks with Putin (as if there is some hope that Trump is not already complicit) that it can't see Trump for who he is. At the very least, it is softly playing the 'too close' line instead of asking: what sort of person wants to do this?

This is the line by which the article signals its intention to engage in both-sides diplomacy, instead of unconstrained reporting:

"Dialogues, however, are nothing new."

And with that, it's in the can for another day, and continuity of thought is broken.

#uspol #auspol #journalism


Inhaltswarnung: #uspol #auspol #worldpol

'This under-explored topic is particularly important to consider in the wake of controversial new laws in Australia which will require jail time for some specific terrorism offences.' #Gaza #Palestine #genocide #warcrime #Israel #Netanyahu #USA #Trump #australia #auspol https://johnmenadue.com/sourcing-antisemitism-paid-actors-and-urgent-questions-to-be-asked/

Jane Hume: "The average mortgage holder... has paid an additional $50k a YEAR..."

Angus Taylor: "...an extra $50k in interests costs since we started seeing interest rate increases"

James Glenday has his homework to do.

#LNP #InterestRates #journalism #misinformation #auspol

I propose that we stop selling aluminium to countries that can't spell or pronounce the word properly


For threatening Brittany Higgins, David Sharaz & Alex Greenwich, David William Wonnocott sentenced to three years & two months gaol, minimum of 16 months. The 51-year-old was living in NNSW with his mother. He has previous convictions. #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/19/david-william-wonnocott-death-threats-against-brittany-higgins-prison-sentence-ntwnfb

For the record, and in the full knowledge that nobody cares, I am no longer a member of a political party. I'm staying on the sidelines in the imminent federal election. What I do in future elections is as yet unknowable.

#auspol I guess.

Jefferson Investments donated $71,680 in 2023-24. That was $29,680 to Labor and $42,000 to the Coalition. {7531} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Fish and chips shouldn’t come with a catch: how Australia can keep illegal seafood off our plates Read more…https://theconversation.com/fish-and-chips-shouldnt-come-with-a-catch-how-australia-can-keep-illegal-seafood-off-our-plates-249481