Beiträge, die mit GAMING getaggt sind
#PushSquare routinely publishes this kind of rage bait but #NintendoLife really doesn't go in for that. #Gaming #Journalism #ClickBait
You'd Better Believe The Last of Us 2 Demands a PSN Account on PC
Prepare yourself accordinglyKhayl Adam (Push Square)
#ClickMage #resourcemanagement #game #gaming #review #blog #cozy #casual #keymailer
#Blog #VideoGames #Gaming
FFXIV: How to Find an Art Party in 2025
Attending art parties in FFXIV is one of my favorite semi-social activities in the
#bodylink #kickstarter #gaming #videogame #motiongaming #game #blog
Rebuff Reality's BodyLink: The Future of Motion Gaming - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
The new generation of gaming is here, and Rebuff Reality seems to be its Shepard. With the launch of the BodyLink Kickstarter campaign, Rebuff reminds gamers what could have been if the Xbox Kinnect had gotten proper attention.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
#Gaming #VideoGames
FFXIV: A 2025 Progress Check In
It’s been far too long since I’ve written about where I am with FFXIV and where I’d like to go with the
A new year is well underway, but it’s not too late to unwrap over 100 interesting bits from the month of December for your reading pleasure in this new issue.
#blog #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #books #gaming #hardware
Anna´s Quest Review, A cute fa...
Anna´s Quest Review, A cute fairy tale game
I´ve come here with yet another adventure game, this time created by studio Daedalic who brought us the Deponia series and with a fairytale
Game Graveyard, 4 Dead MMORPGs...
Game Graveyard, 4 Dead MMORPGs Brought Back by Fans
No media is more condemned to becoming lost media than video games, but thanks to efforts from fans you can continue to visit these online
The Ghastly Mirror 👻
#Gaming #VideoGames #Blog #AFKJourney
AFK Journey: Season 2 Complete, Season 3 Begins Soon
Last week, I finally finished the main story for AFK Journey Season
Moin ihr Lieben,
es ist vollbracht:
Auf meinem Blog sind zwei neue Artikel online. Ich war fleißig.
Der eine Artikel ist der angekündigte Artikel über meine Most Wanted Games 2025 und weil ich gerade so im Flow war habe noch einen zweiten Artikel über meine Most Wanted Hardware 2025 geschrieben😃
Pünktlich zur CES 2025.
Ihr findet sie gewohnt unter dieser Adresse:
Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim Lesen. Und gerne kommentieren.
I've also uploaded a video version concurrently (attached as a reply). It was supposed to go up four months ago, but for reasons explained in the intro, I wasn't able to finish it until now, so it's covering six months' worth of my mini reviews.
#selfpromo #blog #film #movies #gaming #videogames
First Impressions 4-Jan-2025
__Happy New Year, everyone.🙂 I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. And now, as it’s the first Saturday of the month (and also the year in this case), it’s once again time for m…Max's Blog
"10 videojuegos que espero de 2025"
Espero que os entretenga.
#blog #post #gaming #videojuegos
10 videojuegos que espero de 2025
Ya hemos hablado de mis películas y mis series más esperadas de este 2025 y los videojuegos no van a ser menos. Con este post cierro la turra esta trilogía de entradas de «lo más esperado del año».…Bits de Ocio
#Gaming #VideoGames #Blog #Blogging
Backlog Bloggery: Aces & Adventures
This is an RPG deck building roguelite that incorporates some poker hand
Linden Lab Test Launches Browser-Based Streaming for Second Life — And You Can Try it Now
This works pretty well, actually. Starts up in about a minute, although on Brave browser I did have to disable Shields and uBlock Origin (may have been the latter that was blocking something).
Interestingly enough, I caught a brief glimpse of a Windows OS window during start up, so it appears to be running on a Windows emulator inside the browser (worked perfectly well on my Linux PC).
After I logged in (only needed to the first time) my avatar was where I last left it, and everything looks like the desktop app version does. Mouse control is slightly different as I could not long-click and drag the view around with my mouse, but the arrows etc all worked perfectly. The resolution also looked very sharp.
In truth, this could be easier than using the desktop app, as when you go in a second time, you don’t have to again fill the password in. And of course for new users, no installation first.
#Blog, #gaming, #secondlife, #technology
Should You Play One Finger Death Punch?
With epic stick figure Kung-Fu fights with weapons and destructible environment this game is so much fun and there’s Light Swords.ApexReaper Blog
Not Dead
Despite the new profile pic, let me assure you that this blog and myself are not quite dead. Welcome to 2025 I guess! A lot has happened since I last got the impetus to write about either tech or gaming, and the less said about some of it the bett…Kevin Blades Dot Com
#blasphemous #game #gaming #videogame #review #soulslike #blog #darkfantasy #dark #xbox #playstation #steam #nintendo
Why Blasphemous 2 is a Must-Play for Gamers - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
I bought a copy of Blasphemous 2 because I got a copy of the DLC and I wanted to try it out. I spent my own money and this will be my honest review.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
Here's my 2025 goals and projects in a nutshell!
#Gaming #Goals #Blog
"#Gaming Revenue Misses Estimate as #Xi Visit Deters Bettors"
Paywall. Use @bloomberg @bloomberg-bloomberg #China
Macau Gaming Revenue Misses Estimate as Xi Visit Deters Bettors
Macau’s gaming revenue fell 2% in December, missing analysts’ expectations as scrutiny over gambling activities tightened during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the world’s biggest casino hub.Shirley Zhao (Bloomberg)
Happy new year, and happy 7 years of The Almighty Backlog to me! This week we chug along with Turnip Boy and his quest to rip up paperwork and be a lackey for a corrupt government official!
#review #gaming #videogames #indiegame #blog #blogging
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Every now and again, I get the urge to play something very silly. It is mere coincidence that many of these games are ones played by some good friends of mine that stream them (note: it is obviousl…The Almighty Backlog
Bringing OpenStreetMap Data Into Minecraft
Over the years, dedicated gamers have created incredible recreations of real (and not so real) locations and structures within the confines of Minecraft. Thanks to their efforts, you can explore everything from New York City to Middle Earth and the U.S.S. Enterprise in 1:1: scale.
But what if you wanted to recreate your own town, and didn’t have the hundreds of hours of spare time necessary to do it by hand? Enter Arnis, an open source project from [Louis Erbkamm] that can pull in geographic data from OpenStreetMap and turn it into a highly detailed Minecraft map with just a few keystrokes.
Once generated, the map can be loaded into the Java Edition of Minecraft. This refers to the original build of the game that predates the Microsoft buyout.
Looks like a pretty interesting holiday project!
#Blog, #gaming, #minecraft, #OpenStreetMap, #technology
#UnoLinux #GOG #epicgames #gnu #linux #gaming #mastodon #blog
BUON ANNO! E con 2 titoli gratis!!!!
Cosa c'è di meglio di finire l'anno se non col riscattare il gioco gratis del giorno su Epic Games Store ed un giveaway su GOG?! Oggi fe...Linux Italia Gaming
2024 Goals in Review
It’s time to look back at the goals I made at the first of this year and see how I’ve
#tcg #deckbox #review #gamestop #gaming #gamingaccesories #blog
Ich habe es bisher nicht geschafft, meine Lesebrille zu bestellen. Ich kann den Bums momentan nur mit Mühe lesen 😭
#blog #anime #gaming
#gnu #linux #gaming #opensource #mastodon #blog #UnoLinux
Gioco gratis del giorno da Epic Games e Giveaway su GOG.
Oggi vi segnalo il gioco del giorno da riscattare sul Epic Games Store ed un giveaway su GOG. KILL KNIGHT Genere: Azione Sviluppatore: ...Linux Italia Gaming
Moin meine liebe Bubble,
ich habe mal wieder etwas auf meinem Blog geschrieben🙂
Und zwar meinen persönlichen Gamingrückblick einschließlich GOTY Enthüllung😃
Hier findet ihr den Artikel:
Kleine Warnung: Ich spreche in dem Artikel ein paar etwas schwerer im Magen liegende Themen an.
Es ist daher völlig ok, wenn ihr den Artikel erst nach Silvester lesen wollt.
8 best free-to-play games on Steam
Gaming doesn’t have to break the bank, especially when you have Steam’s incredible library of free-to-play games. Whether you’re into first-person shooters, strategy games, or fantasy worlds, Steam offers something for everyone.
Here are the top eight free-to-play games on Steam you can download and enjoy on your PC without spending a dime.
These are an interesting variety of games, and pretty well much something for everyone. I’ve been seeing quite a bit about new fishing fleet simulators in 2024, so although Fishing Planet is not the boat side of it, it is certainly a relaxing fishing sim game. Gaming cannot get more relaxing than fishing.
#Blog, #gaming, #technology
Read here:
Thanks to Will Freeman
#bitmapbooks #book #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #art #reading #foryou #asmr #bookstagram #booktok #fyp #blog #christmas
Remembering the Gaming Curios of Christmas Past
A look back to a time when the festive season gave developers an excuse to be playful, innovative, or just plain silly.Will Freeman (Bitmap Books)
Read here:
Buy the book:
Thanks to Will Freeman
#bitmapbooks #book #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #art #reading #foryou #asmr #bookstagram #booktok #fyp #blog #christmas #GremlinGraphics
Moled Wine: The warming tale of Gremlin Graphics’ unlikely Christmas hero
Monty played a key role in Gremlin’s emergence as a Britsoft icon – a story told in A Gremlin in the Works. For now, though, let's focus on the Gremlin mole’s seasonal misadventures.Will Freeman (Bitmap Books)
#gaming #giveaway #free #gnu #linux #unolinux #opensource #mastodon #blog #steam
Giochi gratis. Wizard of Legend su Epic Games Store e Distant Space 2 su Steam
Ieri purtroppo non sono riuscito ad informarvi del gioco del giorno in regalo sul Epic Games Store, ma oggi per farmi perdonare ve ne seg...Linux Italia Gaming