Beiträge, die mit Blog getaggt sind
Trump battles Harris for presidency, US Congress elections are on as America goes to polls - EUROPE SAYS
This live blog has been made freely available as a public service to our readers. Please consider supportingEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
I am not tired of Linux, but simple fallen into the background. Will not stopping posting about it here (not just because of the Foss part) if I find interesting or useful stuff.
#Linux #tech #blog
#towerdefense #game #gaming #videogame #td #steam #demo #blog #review
#blogwriter #writersofmastodon #writer #writerslife #blog #bloggers #politics #electionday #election2024
016 - This is like waiting for a potentially life-threatening diagnosis…
I feel like I can hardly breathe. I felt like this before back in 2016, though I was much more optimistic. After all, democracy worked the previous two times, why wouldn’t I feel confident? It shouldn’t be this close.CD Turner (CD Turner Writes)
At TEDIC, we firmly believe that technology must serve people, always respecting our rights. That's why we are part of the international campaign "Stop Killer Robots." We need autonomous weapons and artificial intelligence to be properly regulated so they don’t make deci
#Blog #DigitalCampaigns #ArtificialIntelligence #Brasil #KillerRobots #Paraguay
Expandiendo fronteras para la campaña Stop Killer Robots
En TEDIC, creemos firmemente que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de las personas, respetando siempre nuestros derechos. Por eso, formamos parte de la campaña internacional "Paremos a los robots asesinos".TEDIC
En TEDIC, creemos firmemente que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de las personas, respetando siempre nuestros derechos. Por eso, formamos parte de la campaña internacional "Paremos a los robots asesinos". Necesitamos que las armas autónomas y la inteligencia artifi
#Blog #CampaasDigitales #Brasil #InteligenciaArtificial #KillerRobots #robots
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
Um einander besser kennen zu lernen, dachte ich mir dieses Spiel ist passensd und nett. Na mal sehen... Man muss dazu die Frage beantworten, und darunter selber...Freundchen (Das Forum der Lunaria-Galaxie)
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
Ketten Assoziation
Falls Ihr mögt und Lust habt könnten wir noch ein weiteres Spielchen starten. Das Spiel ist sehr, sehr simpel. Es geht um Assoziationen. Diese dürfen in...Freundchen (Das Forum der Lunaria-Galaxie)
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
XXL Wortkette
Wir bilden gaaanz laaange Wortketten, die Sinn ergeben und nach dem Alphabet natürlich. AktienannahmestellenschalterbediensteterFreundchen (Das Forum der Lunaria-Galaxie)
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
…tion nach dem ABC
Danke Fizzy Lemon, dass du uns das jetzt ermöglicht hast. Also lasst uns auch hier spielen. Es geht darum möglichst viele Wörter mit der Endung ... nach dem...Freundchen (Das Forum der Lunaria-Galaxie)
#arm #blog #laptop #microsoft #news #picks #privacy #protonmail #protonvpn #surface #tech #tecnologia #windows @ProtonPrivacy
Proton VPN: arriva il supporto nativo per dispositivi Windows ARM
Proton VPN rilascia la versione nativa per Windows ARM: velocità, prestazioni ottimizzate e protezione avanzata per la nuova generazione di dispositivi Windowscristina (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
#webdesign #HTML5 #CSS3 #template #plugins #themes #WordPress #ecommerce #responsive #retina #marketing #website #blog #bootstrap #slider
Rare WordPress Theme: Creative Agency & Portfolio Site Template
Rare WordPress Theme: Best creative template to build any website design; business, portfolio, blog, shop, agency & much more in few clicksVisualmodo
Read more:
#R #RStats #Programming #Data #LearnR #RProgramming #setdiff #blog
The Complete Guide to Using setdiff() in R: Examples and Best Practices – Steve’s Data Tips and Tricks
Learn how to effectively use the setdiff function in R with practical examples. Master vector comparisons, understand set operations, and solve real-world programming challenges.Steve's Data Tips and Tricks
#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #RicohGRIII
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
#Blog #ClassicPress #Wordpress
WordPress en 2024 | Picando Código
Este no ha sido un buen año para WordPress. No voy a entrar en detalle de lo que ha pasado, una búsqueda rápida online da la información necesaria para leer sobre el tema.Fernando (Picando Código)
WordPress en 2024 | Picando Código
Este no ha sido un buen año para WordPress. No voy a entrar en detalle de lo que ha pasado, una búsqueda rápida online da la información necesaria para leer sobre el tema.Fernando (Picando Código)
#ycombinator #blog #tech
Programmer in Berlin: Culture
This is part 4 of a 5-part series detailing what I wish I had known as an American programmer moving to Berlin. This page details cultural differences and things I wasn’t aware of until I stumbled on them.Outer Haven
#photography #blog #cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #BlackAndWhite #Superheadz #SunAndCloud
Picture a Day: Nov 4
This blanket is magic. The kitties had been napping separately in different areas of the house, but when I put this blanket down, they both took over this part of the couch and have been napping together in between meals. 🙄😆Cheryl Lindo Jones (CJ's Wunderkammer)
#visualnovel #gaming #game #videogame #indie #blog #review #vampire
#blog #game #indiegame
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
„Sonntagskritik“ - Lunaria-Galaxie Blog
Mir fehlte an diesem Sonntag für fast alles die Motivation. Das merkte ich schon daran, dass ich nicht aus dem warmen Bett wollte. Irgendwann – zu spät - zwang ich mich zum Aufstehen. Relativ sicher bin ich, dass ich ohne Probleme bis in den Abend
#metroidvania #gaming #game #videogame #review #blog #pc #steam Auto mechanic car repair workshop theme is created as a wonderful solution for any cars and automobile websites, cars repair workshops, auto blogs, car services, garage and other industrial websites that require special cars niche functionality and auto service presentation #WordPress #Theme #Mechanic #Services #Blog #Responsive #SiteBuilder #WebDesign #Business #Car #Repair 🚙🚘🚗🚐🚍🚛
Mechanic WordPress Theme - Auto Workshop & Car Repair
Mechanic WordPress theme is a responsive auto services & car repair workshop template, a wonderful website builder tool & solution for WPVisualmodo
#technology #arcbrowser #indieweb #openweb #business #blog #news
Has The Browser Company Lost the Plot With Arc?
The Browser Company has built something great with their Arc browser, but with recent talk of pivoting to a new project, it seems they may be losing the plotSam Clemente (The Digital Renaissance)
So here's my first post in english 😊
#Blog #Blogging #GameDev #Retro #GameEngines #Panda3D
Chapter 1: What will this project be like?
Initial ideas on how I will approach my upcoming video game development project. I share my inspirations and the tools I know in this field.Matias H. Castillo Devlog
#blog #capacitiva #gpio #multitouch #news #picks #raspberrypi #tech #tecnologia #touchdisplay2
Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2: il nuovo schermo touch HD capacitivo
Il nuovo Touch Display 2 per maker e progetti industriali, offre schermo touch capacitivo, risoluzione HD, design rinnovato, e compatibilità fino al 2030cristina (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
#blog #javascript #bookmarklet #NaBloPoMo #WritingMonth
#space #blog
Moon Monday #200: Thank you, a crewed Chinese rover, Artemis updates, and more
Welcome to the 200th edition of my Moon Monday blog+newsletter! 🚀🌗 I’d like to take this moment to highlight four things working on Moon Monday has enabled: 1.Jatan Mehta (Jatan’s Space)
My guide breaks it down with easy-to-follow examples.
Read and comment! 📈🔗
#R #RStats #Programming #Learn #Tips #RProgramming #blog
How to Use NOT IN Operator in R: A Complete Guide with Examples – Steve’s Data Tips and Tricks
Unlock the power of the NOT IN operator in R with this comprehensive guide. Learn syntax, practical examples, and advanced techniques to master data filtering, vector comparisons, and custom operator creation for better R programming.Steve's Data Tips and Tricks
#photography #blog #Polaroid #LightTrails #night #traffic #highway #PolaroidWeek #PolaroidWeek2024
Picture a Day: Nov 3
Whoops, I forgot to post this before the midnight rollover. I was debating whether to post another Polaroid image or hold it back for next Polaroid Week, but I scanned it, so here it is.Cheryl Lindo Jones (CJ's Wunderkammer)
À ma mère 🙌
#FemmesInspirantes #Courage #Famille #HéroïnesSilencieuses #Détermination #AmourMaternel #HistoiresVraies #ForceDesFemmes #Résilience #VoixDesFemmes #books #selebunga #blog #mastodon
#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #Paris #RicohGRIII #subway
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
#Forum #Community #Blog #Spiele #Radio
Fünf Stufen im Nebel
Sie steht am Deck des Schiffes, spürt die Gischt der sich brechenden Wellen auf der Haut und den Wind im Haar. Ihr Blick ist starr auf die kleine Insel...Schattenglut (Das Forum der Lunaria-Galaxie)
Kingett's roundup for October
Short update! Off the Grid, version 2, is in the editing stages and will be published in 2025! YAY! In other news, Below is a roundup of all posts I made on...Sightless Scribbles
#blogging #blogs #blogger #electionday #article
Sightless Scribbles
Updates from my website, along with the occasional personal essay or short story! I’m the worst at being a brand, so this won’t be a topical newsletter. Anything that comes to mind.Sightless Scribbles
#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog
Now if I could nail this #exercise pattern. It’s actually more important.
What are your exercise tips?
#blog #recommendations #habits
#trans #blog #selfie #HRT
#queer #lgbtqia #daily #goth #nailsthatglow #nonbinary #spacecat #life #freewriting #journal