Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #WestBank #Lebanon #Syria #Occupation #Israel #Expansionism #Imperalism #USA
- Hamas condemns delay of Palestinian prisoner release
- Israel attacks southern Lebanon hours before Nasrallah’s funeral: Report
- Two captives released on Saturday in good physical condition, says official
- Israel’s raid on Jenin continues for 34th day
- Libya speaker calls for Islamic-Arab fund for Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel postpones release of 620 Palestinians; Hamas frees 6 captives
Hamas says Israel must ‘respect the agreement’ as Palestinian families wait hours for detainees to be freed.Umut Uras (Al Jazeera)
"The UJC is thus arguably breaching this obligation in knowingly employing extremists who have been in breach of international law. They have done so by studying or training in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and by taking part in war crimes with Israeli occupation forces."
#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Colonisation #Genocide #UJC
UK government funds pro-genocide University Jewish Chaplaincy
“Spiritual” guides have close ties to illegal settlements.David Miller (Palestine is Still the Issue)
Eén van hen, Nael Barghouti, werd in 1978 veroordeeld wegens de moord op een Israëlische buschauffeur. In 2011 (na 33 jaar loodzware gevangenschap) was hij al eens vrijgekomen bij een gevangenenruil. Later werd Barghouti opnieuw door Israël opgepakt.
Als Israël kun je dit trucje eindeloos herhalen (zolang de IDF niet álle Palestijnen heeft vermoord).
Als *Hamas* één van de klootzakkken van de Israeli Destruction Forces zou gijzelen, die gisteren Palestijnse kinderen van 12 en 13 jaar van achteren doodschoten, zou de (westerse) wereld te klein zijn (
Want soldaten uit het "meest morele" leger op aarde hebben thuis gezinnen die op hen wachten!
#VukDeNOS *ONTHOUDT* u belastend nieuws over Israël. Bewust. Mogelijk "van hogerhand opgedragen" - en anders nóg beschamender. Relevant neuws *ACHTERHOUDEN* is óók propaganda (aanvulling 08:41: ca. 11 maanden geleden schreef ik
Terzijde: zo heeft de BBC een documentaire ([2], [3]) over Palestijnse kinderen verwijderd omdat de *verteller* daarin DE ZOON is van een (voormalig) Hamas-minister. Oftewel, zijn VADER zou "fout" zijn geweest tijdens de zelfverdediging van de Palestijnen (lees de fscking geschiedenis van dat volk).
Hoe *DRONKEN* worden we gevoerd door de westerse media?!? En "men" (u en ik niet) zich maar afvragen waarom GW, Trump en de AfD véél meer stemmen krijgen dan logisch is?
We zijn verraden door de #NOS.
#Staatsondermijnend #Gaza #Westbank #Propaganda #VukWNL #Vuk
BBC slammed for pulling film that 'humanised Palestinian children'
The BBC has pulled its documentary about children in Gaza from iPlayer after mounting pressure over a featured child being the son of a Palestinian minister, in a move some commentators have slammed as "cowardly".Imran Mulla (Middle East Eye)
This latest exchange round would have seen the liberation of 602 Palestinians including Nael al-Barghouti, the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner.
📰 Report: Al Mayadeen
Sources: Al Quds TV, PPC 👇🏽
#ceasefire #gaza #westbank
Netanyahu violates agreement, denies release of Palestinian detainees
The office of the Israeli prime minister says that authorities will not release prisoners scheduled to be liberated on Saturday.Al Mayadeen English (Netanyahu violates agreement, denies release of Palestinian detainees)
(please leave fascist corporate media Meta/X/Google)
@palestine group @israel group
#Palestine #Occupation #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide #WestBank #HostageExchange #SanctionIsrael #BoycottIsrael #SaveGaza
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #22febbraio
Operata all'occhio destro, rimossi frammenti di metallo e vetro, mentre l'occhio sinistro, che ha subito gravi danni, è in attesa di ulteriori interventi chirurgici con l'alto rischio di perderlo.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #22febbraio
#westbank #palestine #invasion
Invading ISR forces continued their military offensive across the northern West Bank on Saturday, intensifying raids in #tulkarm and its camps, while Palestinian Resistance groups vowed further retaliation.
📰 Report Al Mayadeen (staff still banned by ISR in Ramallah) 👇🏽
Israeli aggression on West Bank escalates; Resistance vows retaliation
The Israeli military’s assault on Tulkarm and its refugee camp has now entered its 27th consecutive day, while the Nur Shams camp remains under siege for the 14th day.Al Mayadeen English (Israeli aggression on West Bank escalates; Resistance vows retaliation)
The fate of the family is unknown.
#Occupation #Impunity #Unbelievable #Israel #Palestine #WarCriminal #Inhumanity #SanctionIsrael #BoycotIsrael #StopIsrael
@palestine @palestine @israel
Netanyahu Raids Palestinian Family Home in West Bank, Orders More Attacks on Natives
Occupied West Bank (Quds News Network)- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appeared in a picture, along with Israeli soldiers, boasting about breaking into a Palestinian family's home in aQNN Team (Quds News Network)
The fate of the family is unknown.
#Occupation #Impunity #Unbelievable #Israel #Palestine #WarCriminal #Inhumanity #SanctionIsrael #BoycotIsrael #StopIsrael
Netanyahu Raids Palestinian Family Home in West Bank, Orders More Attacks on Natives
Occupied West Bank (Quds News Network)- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appeared in a picture, along with Israeli soldiers, boasting about breaking into a Palestinian family's home in aQNN Team (Quds News Network)
Displaced from #Jenin and #Tulkarem, Palestinian residents say #Israel is waging a deliberate campaign to make the northern refugee camps unlivable.«
West Bank refugees reel from Israeli offensive
Displaced from Jenin and Tulkarem, Palestinian residents say Israel is waging a deliberate campaign to make the northern refugee camps unlivable.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
++ 📢 Riyadh to host Arab leaders for informal meeting ahead of Cairo's summit on Palestine: Report ++ 📌 Tel Aviv explosions investigation: 'Fear returns to the streets' ++ Violation of Truce:🕯 Palestinian woman killed by ISR forces in Rafah, South #gaza ++ ⚠️ ISR warplanes strike illegal crossings between Lebanon, Syria ++ ISR forces detain five Palestinians from #westbank ++
🌃 News rundown 15:30 CEST
#press #updates
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Su Radio Onda d'Urto è intervenuta Eliana Riva, giornalista e caporedattrice di Pagine Esteri aggionandosi sull'escalation in Cisgiordania, con particolare attenzione alla situazione a Tulkarem, e...Radio Onda d`Urto
- Israeli raids continue across occupied West Bank
- Arab leaders ‘using soft diplomacy’ on Gaza
- Another child killed by Israeli forces in West Bank
- Trump’s Gaza resettlement plan was never workable
- Gaza official reports more than 350 Israeli violations of ceasefire deal
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel claims one of four bodies returned from Gaza not a captive
Israel’s military said an identification process found the body did not belong to Shiri Bibas or any other captive.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
Foute (niet beste) #NOS,
Stop met het steunen van Netanyahu bij het saboteren van het staakt-het-vuren en het verheerlijken van geweld, o.a. bij het etnisch zuiveren van de Westbank (in plaats van in brand gestoken olijfboomgaarden laten jullie hoofdzakelijk Israëlische schade zien, zoals uitgebrande lege bussen).
Bericht eens over Israël's Hannibal Directive [1] - in plaats van elk fragment met anti-Palestijnse propaganda uit te vergroten, o.a. op het journaal (zojuist kreeg de gezochte oorlogscrimineel weer een podium), in losse artikelen en in jullie liveblog [2].
Of schrijf over het geplande excessieve geweld dat Israël [3] over haar buren uitstort. En zeg eens dat de "oorlog" NIET op 7-10-23 begon [4].
Of laat veel vaker beelden zien van wat Israël heeft aangericht, waarvoor het alles in het werk stelt, met jullie steun, om daar ASAP mee door te gaan [5].
Of hoe gegijzelde Palestijnen eruit zien als Israël hén "vrij"laat [6].
Of laat eens vaker tegenstanders van Netanyahu aan het woord [7] (zo kan ik nog uren doorgaan).
Palestijnen en Hamas zijn niet foutloos (zij hebben geen kantoren met computers en een sluitende administratie). Het is een schandaal dat *ZIJ* terroristen worden genoemd en Israëliërs niet. Hoe lang moeten we deze leugens nog aanhoren?
[1] "Hannibal directive" (bron: @rzeta0)
[2] Pro-Netanyahu propaganda: (op dit moment 10:14 wordt er een momentopname van gemaakt voor het nageslacht:
[3] "Explainer: The Dahiya Doctrine & Israel’s Use of Disproportionate Force" (bronnen resp. @aaronpettman en
[5] Drone-film van verwoest noord-Gaza:
[7] Bijna 1 jaar geleden (, maar ze zijn er nog steeds. Besteed dáár eens aandacht aan: ‘Wij, Israël-kritische Joden, worden compleet genegeerd’:
#VukDeNos #VukNieuwsuur #VukWNL #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria #ICCisRight #ICJIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #WarChildIsRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight
De kinderen speelden ‘Arabier en Jood’ en toen kwam de raket
De kinderen van Gaza hebben al drie oorlogsrondes meegemaakt. Hun huizen zijn gebombardeerd, ze hebben familie en buurtgenoten verloren en hebben de vreselijkste verwondingen gezien. Hoe help je de getraumatiseerde jeugd?Toon Beemsterboer (NRC)
- Israeli military kills Palestinian man as West Bank raids continue: Reports
- Israeli finance minister calls for return to war in Gaza
- Hamas accuses Netanyahu of stalling second phase of truce deal
- WATCH: Jordanian ex-FM urges dialogue for a political solution in Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel claims one of four bodies returned from Gaza not a captive
Israel’s military said an identification process found the body did not belong to Shiri Bibas or any other captive.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Palestine #WestBank #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide #Trump #Netanyahu
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Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
++ ⚖️ ICJ allows African Union to participate in case on Israel's obligations regarding 🔵 UN activities in occupied Palestinian territories ++🕯 Seven civilians killed in Syria leftover munitions blast: Monitor ++ ⚠️ ISR forces deliver 25 notices to empty Palestinian lands of agricultural rooms and crops in Nablus #westbank ++ 👩🏽⚕️👨🏾🚒⛺️ Red Crescent field hospital in #gaza City treats dozens of patients and wounded ++
🌃 News rundown 23:00 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Nahost-Experte Jan Busse sieht erste Anzeichen dafür, dass der Waffenstillstand zwischen Israel und Hamas nicht über die erste Phase hinausgehen wird.#GAZA #ISRAEL #Palästinenser #HAMAS #Netanjahu #Waffenruhe #Gazastreifen #Westbank
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #20febbraio
Euro-Med Monitor reveals details of Israeli army’s execution of elderly Palestinian couple after it used them as human shields
Israeli forces brutally killed two elderly Palestinians after using them as human shields during an invasion of Gaza City’s southern Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood last May, Euro-Med Monitor field investigations have revealedEuro-Med Human Rights Monitor
Thousands of Palestinian families flee West Bank homes as Israel confronts militants - EUROPE SAYS
FAR’A REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank (AP) — By car and on foot, through muddy olive groves and snipers’EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
- Mass displacement in occupied West Bank enters second month
- Gaza Media Office calls for more essential supplies
- Israel accuses Egypt of peace treaty ‘violations’: Report
- Israeli army says it killed Hezbollah fighter near border
- Egypt, Spain reject US plan to displace Gazans
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Hamas ready to free Israeli captives in one go for a permanent truce
Hamas’s proposal comes as Israel said negotiations for a second phase of the Gaza deal will begin this week.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #19febbraio
ההישג שהצבא מתפאר בו: תפס רק 82 כלי נשק בגדה בחודש - שיחה מקומית
מבצע "חומת ברזל" בצפון הגדה המערבית נמשך כבר קרוב לחודש. עשרות אלפי תושבים נעקרו מביתם במחנות הפליטים; עשרות נהרגו, רבים מהם אזרחים; עשרות מבנים נהרסו. אך לפי נתונים שהצבא עצמו פרסם, רק 82 נשקים נתפסו במהלך המבצע.אורן זיו (שיחה מקומית)
A just peace, not just a piece – by Banksy in Bethlehem
Street Artist Banksy
By Banksy from 2017 in Bethlehem, Palestinian town south of Jerusalem in the West Bank.
More by Banksy: Street Art by Banksy – A massive Collection (100+ photos)
For all enquiries, complaints, threats and hate mail visit Banksy is not on Facebook, Twitter or represented by any other gallery or
🧵 1/2
#Autoritarismus #Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid
Polizeilicher Druck erzwingt Wechsel des Veranstaltungsortes für Francesca Albanese in Berlin: DRINGENDER AUFRUF zur Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit - DiEM25 Communications
Die Veranstaltung „Reclaiming the Discourse: Palestine, Justice, and Truth“ mit UN-Sonderberichterstatterin Francesca Albanese und der Generalsekretärin von Amnesty International, Julia Duchrow, ist unmittelbar bedroht und wurde nun in die Junge Welt…DiEM25 Communications (DiEM25)
#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel
Statement zur Ausladung von Albanese: „Wo, wenn nicht an einer Universität?“
Die Freie Universität Berlin hat einen Vortrag der UN-Sonderberichterstatterin Francesca Albanese abgesagt. Der Freitag dokumentiert einen Aufruf von Wissenschaftsorganisationen und NGOs zur Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit an HochschulenAutorenkollektiv (der Freitag)
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #18febbraio
🔴 #livestream
Susan Ville (
DiEM25 #livestream will feature key discussions and presentations from leading voices in #humanrights, international law, and civil #society -- 🔴 Live from #berlin w/ UN Special Rapporteur for the PAL territories Francesca Albanese a.m.m.Mastodon
WATCH: Palestinian bookseller #MahmoudMuna recalls ‘inhumane’ treatment in Israeli prison
A Palestinian bookseller who was detained after his store was raided by Israeli forces for allegedly “inciting terrorism” told Al Jazeera of the “level of inhumanity” he experienced while in prison.
(video in link)
LIVE: Israel to receive four captives’ bodies from Gaza on Thursday
Six more living captives to be released in Gaza on Saturday as part of the ceasefire agreement, Hamas says.Maziar Motamedi (Al Jazeera)
The mass displacement carried out by Zionist forces in the occupied West Bank is the largest since 1967, according to experts cited by the New York Times (NYT) on 17 February.
“What makes this moment unprecedented is not only the scale of the displacement but also the accompanying
#News #AlAqsaFlood #palestine #repression #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank