Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind
Itamar Ben-Gvir ha renunciado como ministro de Seguridad Nacional de #Israel. El político ultraderechista deja el puesto en desacuerdo con la tregua acordada entre el Estado israelí y la organización político-militar «Hamas». Bezalel Smotrich, otro referente de la ultraderecha israelí y ministro de Finanzas, amenaza con dimitir si no se reanuda la campaña militar sobre los #TerritoriosPalestinos una vez que hayan sido liberados los rehenes israelíes.
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Gaza #Qatar #US #USA #America #UnitedStates #ArmsEmbargo #BDS #CeaseFire #Boycott #Zionist
Israeli Sniper Killed Child in Gaza 1 Day After Ceasefire Went Into Effect
Israeli forces have violated the ceasefire numerous times since Sunday, Palestinian news sources say.Sharon Zhang (Truthout)
Las fuerzas armadas israelíes han realizado “una operación militar significativa y amplia” en #Cisjordania. El Ministerio de Salud de este territorio palestino reporta 35 heridos, sin diferenciar entre civiles y militares.
“#Israel no ha logrado alcanzar sus objetivos en #Gaza”, opina la Yihad Islámica, una de las principales organizaciones político-militares de los #TerritoriosPalestinos. La tregua entre Israel y «Hamas» rige solo en la #FranjaDeGaza.
Ha dimitido el teniente-general Herzi Halevi, uno de los cuadros militares más altos de #Israel. Halevi ha renunciado tras asumir su responsabilidad en los fallos que le facilitaron a «Hamas» planificar y ejecutar la operación terrorista «Diluvio de al-Aqsa», que dejó cerca de 1.200 muertos y casi 250 rehenes el 07 y 08 de octubre del 2023. Su salida se volverá oficial el 06 de marzo.
Gaza ceasefire: Hamas emerges strong
As a ceasefire brought calm to Gaza's ruined cities, Hamas was quick to emerge from hiding.The militant group has not only survived 15 months of war with Israel — among the deadliest and most destructive in recent memory — but it remains firmly in co…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
MIT Shuts Down Internal Grant Database After It Was Used to Research School’s Israel Ties
Amid Gaza protests, a report from MIT Coalition for Palestine details research funded by Israel on drone swarms and underwater surveillance.Akela Lacy (The Intercept)
#Știri #Palestina #Terorism
Israelul anunţă lansarea unei operaţiuni ”antiteroriste” la Jenin, în Cisiordania. Un mort, anunţă Ministerul Sănătăţii la Autorităţii Palestiniene
Armata israeliană anunţă marţi că a lansat o operaţiune militară într-o zonă autonomă palestiniană, la Jenin, în Cisiordania, unde potrivit MinisteruluiRedacția (G4media)
Thread of images and video clips from Gaza.
US citizens, here is what our US tax dollars and Biden’s unconditional support for the Israeli government have accomplished.
Raphael Mimoun רפאל מימון (
Attached: 1 image This is what Gaza looks like today 1/15 #Israel #Palestine #Gaza Photos and videos from Haaretz:
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🕛 22.01. 00:00 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Syrischer Außenminister erstmals in Davos ++
Syriens Übergangsaußenminister Schaibani hat seine Teilnahme am Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos bestätigt - eine Premiere für das Land. Die israelische Armee hat einen Militäreinsatz im Westjordanland begonnen. Die Entwicklungen zum
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel
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By dehumanizing Palestinians, media enabled genocide in Gaza
Learning from history necessitates challenging the powerful.The Electronic Intifada
#press #news #Israel #Palestine #Nederland
State Attorney Amit Isman decided to call off the case against the five due to the high chance of 'false confessions and mere bragging''
from #DropSiteNews
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By Mera Aladam
Published date: 21 January 2025 15:50 GMT
"#Israel’s state attorney on Monday dismissed an investigation against five men suspected of killing a bound #Palestinian they held captive in the aftermath of the Hamas-led 7 October attacks.
Despite video evidence and admissions of guilt from the suspects, Amit Isman dropped the investigation citing “low credibility of the confessions, which are likely just bravado”. "
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#Gaza #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Israel drops case against five men accused of murdering Palestinian captive
Israel's state attorney on Monday dismissed an investigation against five men suspected of killing a bound Palestinian they held captive in the aftermath of the Hamas-led 7 October attacks.Mera Aladam (Middle East Eye)
El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja y el Creciente Rojo reclama que tanto #Israel como «Hamas» cumplan la tregua acordada para facilitar el acceso de los gazatíes a insumos vitales y a servicios básicos. “Atravesar grandes multitudes y emociones intensas fue un desafío durante los traslados y, en #Gaza, los equipos del Comité tuvieron que gestionar los peligros de los explosivos sin detonar y la infraestructura destruida”, declaró Mirjana Spoljaric, su presidenta.
Israel has intensified its operations in the West Bank, unleashing settlers to carry out violent attacks and imposing strict closures at checkpoints between cities. Thousands of Palestinians have been left stranded outside their towns, facing brutal assaults, all unfolding amid global and regional silence.
#Terrorism #Israel #Occupation #WestBank
@palestine @israel
Israel Sets the West Bank Ablaze: Military Blockades, Raids, and Settler Attacks Amid Global Silence
Bethlehem/PNN /Israel has intensified its operations in the West Bank, unleashing settlers to carry out violent
More on:
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Israeli Strikes Reportedly Destroy Iran’s Covert Nuclear Facility
Key Points and Summary: Israel’s late-October 2024 airstrike on Iran’s Talegahn 2 facility near Tehran has dealt a severe blow to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear ambitions.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #WestBank #Israel
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#Israeli leaders suggest the operation was plotted during a backroom deal made during #Gaza ceasefire vote
Sharif Abdel Kouddous
and Mariam Barghouti
Jan 21, 2025
from #DropSiteNews
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#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Israel Invades Jenin Days After Signing Gaza “Ceasefire”
Israeli leaders suggest the operation was plotted during a backroom deal made during Gaza ceasefire voteSharif Abdel Kouddous (Drop Site News)
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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Trump und Israel: Eine unbequeme Wahrheit - EUROPE SAYS
Es ist eine unbequeme Wahrheit – und trotzdem muss sie klar und deutlich ausgesprochen werden: Ohne die unmissverständlicheEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
The Israeli Ambassador to Ireland has claimed that Ireland "is stuck in an echo chamber" over its criticism of Israel's conduct in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
#Israeli #Ireland #Israel #Gaza #WestBank
New Syrian Government Rejects Claims of Goods Ban from Israel, Iran, and Russia - EUROPE SAYS
Syria’s de facto leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, also known as Abu Mohammed al-Golani, waits to welcome the senior UkrainianEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
US green card holder stabs 4 in Tel Aviv terror attack — then is shot dead - EUROPE SAYS
A Moroccan national with a US green card stabbed and wounded four people in a terror attack inEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Liberal democracy faces doubts. But collapse? Not likely.
Democracy, it is often heard these days, is in crisis.Serge Schmemann (The Japan Times)
Gewalt im Westjordanland: Siedler bei Ausschreitungen von Sicherheitskräften verletzt
Die Gewalt im Westjordanland ist eskaliert: Radikale Siedler greifen palästinensische Dörfer an und werden von israelischen Sicherheitskräften beschossen. Zwei Siedler werden verletzt, jetzt laufen Ermittlungen.DER SPIEGEL
To avoid collective ruin requires renewed global cooperation
Alarmingly, geopolitical tensions are deepening just as humanity faces existential threats demanding urgent international cooperation.Mohamed Elbaradei (The Japan Times)
Hezbollah commander shot dead outside his home
The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, affiliated with Hezbollah, reported Tuesday evening that the commander of Hezbollah's western al-Baqaa region, Mohammed Hammadi, was shot dead in front of his home.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
-- ACTUALITÉS #EchangesDePrisonniers #Hamas #Israël #Libération #Actualités
Patru răniți cu răni moderate și ușoare.
Atacatorul a fost eliminat.
Teroristul, 🇲🇦🇲🇦#Marocan, aparent cetățean 🇺🇸#American.
#Știri #Israel #SUA #Terorism
Atac terorist cu cuțitul în Tel Aviv / Patru răniți cu răni moderate și ușoare / Atacatorul a fost eliminat / Teroristul, marocan, aparent cetățean american
Un atac cu cuțitul s-a desfășurat în această seară, marți, în două locații de pe străzile Nahalat Binyamin și Kalisher din Tel Aviv, relateazăRedacția (G4media)
-- ACTUALITÉS, Situation des prisonniers… #Palestine #Israël #DroitsHumains #Justice #Torture
Bei einem Messerangriff in Tel Aviv sind laut israelischem Rettungsdienst vier Menschen leicht bis mittelschwer verletzt worden. Der Angreifer sei von einem Passanten erschossen worden, hieß es zu der Attacken in zwei Straßen der Innenstadt von Tel Aviv.
In der Gegend mit zahlreichen Restaurants und Cafés waren zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs Medienberichten zuf…
🕙 21.01. 21:46 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Syrischer Außenminister erstmals in Davos ++
Syriens Übergangsaußenminister Schaibani hat seine Teilnahme am Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos bestätigt - eine Premiere für das Land. Die israelische Armee hat einen Militäreinsatz im Westjordanland begonnen. Die Entwicklungen im
Wegen des Verdachts auf Mitschuld an Kriegsverbrechen hat Frankreichs Justiz einen Haftbefehl gegen den gestürzten syrischen Machthaber Baschar al-Assad erlassen. Konkret geht es um den Tod eines französisch-syrischen Mannes im Juni 2017. Die Ermittlungsrichter verdächtigen Assad der Mitschuld an Mord und des Angriffs auf Zivilisten.
Die Zeitung Le Parisien be…
🕤 21.01. 21:33 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Syrischer Außenminister erstmals in Davos ++
Syriens Übergangsaußenminister Schaibani hat seine Teilnahme am Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos bestätigt - eine Premiere für das Land. Die israelische Armee hat einen Militäreinsatz im Westjordanland begonnen. Die Entwicklungen im
– Insurgente.
Tu diario de contrainformación
ISRAEL continúa asesinando a palestinos dos días después de comenzar el alto al fuego
El Ministerio de Salud de Palestina ha informado que al menos 6 palestinos han sido asesinados por soldados sionistas y 35 han resultado heridos. Este es el balance inicial tras el asalto de los un…Insurgente. Tu diario de contrainformación
#gaza #hamas #global #israel #ayudahumanitaria
La tregua permite localizar 66 cuerpos más en Gaza, mientras entran 950 camiones de ayuda esencial
Los equipos de Defensa Civil palestina recuperaron durante el día de ayer al menos 66 cuerpos de entre los escombros de las casas y edificios destruidos por la ofensiva israelí en diferentes puntos de la Franja de Gaza.Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)