Beiträge, die mit Gáza getaggt sind
He spoke tonight in Gaza saying:
“Long live the resistance, and here it is and it has not ended, and we left with our heads held high. The occupation tortured us until the last hour and could not understand that we left thanks to the resistance and its decision.
Long live the resistance! Long live Palestine free and Arab!”
#PFLP #Gaza #MohammedGhali #FreePalestine
These five workers were not part of the Gaza Deal, Hamas said they simply waited until it was safe to release them.
One Thai worker can be seen in the clip below taking selfies with Palestinian freedom fighters and even is allowed to pose holding a fighters rifle.
Iconic af
#FreePalestine #Thailand #Hamas #Gaza
As has become almost routine Hamas' Al Qassam Brigade's soldiers led a IOF soldier Agam Berger to be handed over to the Red Cross. A total of 3 Israelis were released by Hamas.
As is typical Hamas held a formal ceremony releasing their PoW who clearly has been cared for and was returned in good health despite the scene of an utterly bombed out Jabalia camp surrounding the press conference.
#AgamBerger #Hamas #Gaza
Reports of civilian deaths at the hands of IOF in Rafah have continued to come out with the most recent I've seen just 4 hours ago.
#IOF #Gaza #Palestine #BisanOwda
In places the clothing of hundreds of people lay in neat rows, discarded at gun point during an IOF stripped and searched before a forced march.
The emaciated reporter recounts how these strip searches were conducted.
#Gaza #Genocide
Imo Hamas is doing everything they can to very visible demonstrate that the organization is a functioning popular government. The fact uniformed Hamas police can walk the streets unmolested by the IOF is a defeat for Israels stated goals in Gaza.
#Gaza #Hamas
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the US, to meet President Donald Trump and special envoy Steve Witkoff.
He says he won't send a delegation to the talks until he returns.
🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine
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Reporting from Jerusalem, FRANCE 24’s Noga Tarnopolsky says the Israeli army continues to deny that it has issued evacuation orders for camp residents, but “it appears that more than 20,000 people have left the Jenin refugee camp".
🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine
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He discusses why Donald Trump’s administration is set to be the most Make Israel Great Again administration is history, Donald Trump ‘handing over’ the West Bank to Israel for its Greater Israel plans, Netanyahu’s expectation of Trump to fight with him in a regional war with Iran, and much more.
🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine
Full Scottish - 02/02/2025 - B...
Full Scottish - 02/02/2025 - Broadcasting Scotland
On this week's Full Scottish, Nadia Chand, Siobhan Tolland and Linda Fabiani discuss the weeks top Scottish and international news.reftvadmin (Broadcasting Scotland)
Bei der Explosion einer Autobombe auf einer Hauptstraße am Rande der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind am Morgen 14 Frauen und ein Mann getötet und 15 weitere Frauen verletzt worden. Das teilte der syrische Zivilschutz gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters mit.
Das Auto sei neben einem Fahrzeug mit Landarbeitern explodiert. Die in Großbritan…
🕘 03.02. 08:57 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Mehrere Tote nach Explosion von Autobombe ++
In der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind bei der Explosion einer Autobombe mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Israels Premier Netanjahu will mit US-Präsident Trump über Hamas sprechen. Alle Entwicklungen im
Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hat angekündigt, bei seinem Treffen mit US-Präsident Donald Trump über den "Sieg über die Hamas", den Kampf gegen den Iran und den Ausbau der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu arabischen Ländern zu sprechen.
Das morgige Gespräch im Weißen Haus wird Trumps erstes mit einem ausländis…
🕘 03.02. 08:57 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Mehrere Tote nach Explosion von Autobombe ++
In der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind bei der Explosion einer Autobombe mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Israels Premier Netanjahu will mit US-Präsident Trump über Hamas sprechen. Alle Entwicklungen im
Israels Armee hat bei Angriffen im Westjordanland nach eigenen Angaben mehrere "palästinensische Terroristen" getötet. Der israelische Regierungschef Netanjahu reist am Montag zu Gesprächen nach Washington.
🕣 26.01. 08:17 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel: "Terroristen" im Westjordanland getötet ++
Israels Armee hat bei Angriffen im Westjordanland nach eigenen Angaben mehrere "palästinensische Terroristen" getötet. Der israelische Regierungschef Netanjahu reist am Montag zu Gesprächen nach Washington. Der Liveblog vom Sonntag zum
News zu Israel: Netanjahu in Washington eingetroffen - neue Verhandlungen über Waffenruhe geplant
Der israelische Premier will in den USA ...Julia Bergmann (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
(The american dream…)
„How to Keep the Peace in Gaza While Countering Iran“
The Path to a Transformed Middle East: How to Keep the Peace in Gaza While Countering Iran
How to keep the peace in Gaza while countering Iran.Dennis Ross and David Makovsky (Foreign Affairs Magazine)
"Een hongersnood is zo vergeten, zelfs een in Nederland" #NWA #GreatFamine #Holodomor #Finland #Gaza #Sudan #Yemen
Hongersnoden zijn anno 2025 aan de orde van de dag, maar je leest amper over honger in Europa.
Hongersnoden zijn anno 2025 aan de orde van de dag, maar je leest amper over honger in Europa. Toch betekent dit niet dat we ons veilig kunnen wanen: door heel Europa hebben de laatste eeuwen hongersnoden plaatsgevonden.Radboud University (Radboud Recharge)
Israeli military blows up buildings in West Bank refugee camp
Israeli forces began the assault on Jenin on Jan. 21, two days after a ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas took effect.The Japan Times
Cum a trăit bătrânul în #Gaza.
#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism
Ostaticul israelian în vârstă de 80 de ani eliberat de Hamas după 15 luni de captivitate a supraviețuit cu o bucată de pâine și o măslină de două ori pe zi, povestește nepoata lui / Cum a trăit bătrânul în Gaza
Când a fost ţinut ostatic de Hamas timp de 15 luni în Gaza, Gadi Moses, în vârstă de 80 de ani, a mâncat în general o bucată de pâine şi o măslină de douăRedacția (G4media)
#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #SUA
Va aduce Trump pacea în Gaza? Mizele majore ale întâlnirii cu Netanyahu
Președintele Donald Trump are o șansă mare de a-și aduce contribuția la o pace permanentă în Fâșia Gaza, cu condiția să-l convingă pe premierul israelianAdrian Novac (G4media)
I’m super-interested in your take.
#podcast #ThaddeusRussell #history #historiography #American #hegemony #woke #culture #military #InternationalRelations #geopolitics #Israel #Gaza #Neyanyahu #diplomacy #power
Unregistered 271: Daniel Bessner
Unregistered with Thaddeus Russell · EpisodeUnregistered 271: Daniel Bessner (Spotify)
Arab Nations reject Trump’s idea to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan
Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, left, and Saudi Foreign Minster Faisal bin Farhan attend a meeting of Arab League Ministers in Cairo, Egypt, on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Israel’s Netanyahu heads to U.S. to discuss ‘victory over Hamas’ with Trump
TEL AVIV — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he would discuss “victory over Hamas,” countering Iran and expanding diplomatic relations with Arab countries in his meeting with President Trump.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
L’armée israélienne poursuit son opération en Cisjordanie occupée
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza
L'armée israélienne poursuit son opération en Cisjordanie occupée - [mcInform@ctions]
Les forces armées israéliennes ont mené, dimanche 2 février, une vaste opération militaire dans le nord du territoire palestinien, marquée
Action appeal from Jewish Voice for Peace [directed toward the Board of Regents of the University of California]
January 30, 2025
#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #Trump
#media #news #press #JVP #JewishVoiceForPeace @palestine @israel
Act now to protect student activists against deportation and attack. - JVP
Trump has signed a blatantly authoritarian Executive Order that lays the groundwork for a wave of deportations of non-citizen student activists.Jewish Voice for Peace
Decine di palestinesi rilasciati dalle carceri israeliane riportano segni di tortura e di essere stati tenuti alla fame. La Palestinian Prisoners Society denuncia che i prigionieri sono vittima di pestaggi pesanti, tenuti alla fame e senza cure e medicine. Le forze di occupazioni hanno minacciato di ucciderli se fossero state organizzate feste in occasione della loro liberazione.
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu
Palestinians released by Israel show signs of ‘torture, starvation’
Palestinians released from Israeli jails show signs of torture and starvation, said Palestinian Prisoner’s Society.Al Jazeera,%20them%20hostage.
#palestine #gaza #genocide #warcrimes #israel #usa #usgov #usa #jerusalempost #lastrt #lastretoot
Trump’s Gaza relocation plan could reshape the Middle East
If he receives the international support he deserves, President Trump will succeed at making Gaza great again.By MARTIN OLINER (The Jerusalem Post)
@flawed @lebanon
@irannachrichten @yemen #SettlerColonialism
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Israel in PANIC: Iran Vows DEADLY Strike, IDF Crushed in Gaza–Netanyahu FURIOUS w/ Mohammad Marandi
@irannachrichten @yemen
Israel in PANIC: Iran Vows DEADLY Strike, IDF Crushed in Gaza–Netanyahu FURIOUS w/ Mohammad Marandi
Prof. Mohammad Marandi joins the program amid Israel's staggering defeat in Gaza and what escalating regional tensions under Trump means for the broader regional war to come with Iran, Hezbollah and tRumble
#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel
#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel
All their disgusting double standard and fake humanity, their companionate speeches about the Russian Opposition character Navalni or those in Iran, was nothing but political scam to hide their disgusting complicity with the "friendly" criminals like Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia not to forget US or UK.
#FreeDr.AbuSafiya #Gaza #Genocide #Europe #Hypocisy #Torture #Israel #Inhumanity #Politics #Justice #Amnesty #DoubleStandard
“I have worked in a number of conflict zones but have never seen so much civilian death and destruction.”
#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #ICJ #ICC #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Genocide
Egypt holds ministerial meeting to coordinate medical support for Gaza injuries
Egypt’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, chaired the inaugural meeting of the Executive Committee for Receiving Palestinian Injured, aiming to enhance coordination between ministries and relevant enti…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Gaza #International #ONG
À Gaza, le calvaire des femmes enceintes
Pénuries d'eau, stress extrême, manque cruel de ressources médicales : dans un rapport accablant, Human Rights Watch accuse le gouvernement israélien de violations des droits fondamentaux, exposant les femmes enceintes et les nouveau-nés à des risque…