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Beiträge, die mit Gáza getaggt sind

The Israeli military blew up buildings in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Sunday in an operation that the Palestinian state news agency said leveled around 20 buildings. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/03/world/israeli-military-west-bank-refugee-camp/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas

Ook goedemorgen. Gaat lekker in de wereld, niet waar mensen? #Trump #Musk #Israel #Gaza #Westbank #Sudan #klimaatcrisis #BBB #PVV #AFD #Wilders #kabelbreuken etc, etc, etc Maar afijn, de zon schijnt weer in Holland.

Ostaticul 🇮🇱#Israel‎ian în vârstă de 80 de ani eliberat de ☪️#Hamas după 15 luni de captivitate a supraviețuit cu o bucată de pâine și o măslină de două ori pe zi, povestește nepoata lui.
Cum a trăit bătrânul în #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-473X

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

Va aduce #Trump pacea în #Gaza? Mizele majore ale întâlnirii cu #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-473n

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #SUA

When I grow up, I will ...
Uh, wait!

IF I grow up ...

#USA #Israel #Gaza
#Fascism #War

Arab Nations reject Trump’s idea to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan https://www.byteseu.com/709587/ #ArabNations #Egypt #Gaza #Jordan #palestinians
Arab Nations reject Trump’s idea to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan

Israel’s Netanyahu heads to U.S. to discuss ‘victory over Hamas’ with Trump https://www.byteseu.com/709579/ #agreement #Conflicts #Gaza #Hamas #hostage #Israel #IsraeliForce #IsraeliMilitary #militant #NetanyahuHead #palestinians #Sunday #trump #U.S. #victory #War
Israel's Netanyahu heads to U.S. to discuss 'victory over Hamas' with Trump

L’armée israélienne poursuit son opération en Cisjordanie occupée
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza


Decine di palestinesi rilasciati dalle carceri israeliane riportano segni di tortura e di essere stati tenuti alla fame. La Palestinian Prisoners Society denuncia che i prigionieri sono vittima di pestaggi pesanti, tenuti alla fame e senza cure e medicine. Le forze di occupazioni hanno minacciato di ucciderli se fossero state organizzate feste in occasione della loro liberazione.


#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Re: last RT, here is the editorial by an american official in the (israeli) Jerusalem Post supporting the notion of collective guilt, and so of collective punishment:


#palestine #gaza #genocide #warcrimes #israel #usa #usgov #usa #jerusalempost #lastrt #lastretoot
Extract from the aforementioned Jerusalem Post article:
“(…) reconstruction projects, out of the box thinking is required. Those who purport to care about Gazans should be gushing with praise for the president for caring enough to find them a positive resolution to their current problems.

And those like myself who do not believe Gazans are worthy of any mercy should welcome it as well.

Collective guilt

LET’S NOT mince words here. The people of Gaza are collectively guilty for invading Israel, murdering, raping and kidnapping Israelis and holding them hostage.”
Text in italics below the aforementioned article in the Jerusalem Post:
“The writer is the chairman of  Religious Zionists of America, president of the Culture for Peace Institute, and a committee member of the Jewish Agency. He currently serves as a member of the US Holocaust Memorial Council, appointed by President Trump. The views expressed here are his own.”

[Shadowbanned on Twitter. Banned on Insta and elsewhere. It’s becoming a badge of honor for many(not all). We would do well to listen to the analysis of Prof. Marandi. Been listening to him for a very long time. He has never steered me off course. Not once.]

Israel in PANIC: Iran Vows DEADLY Strike, IDF Crushed in Gaza–Netanyahu FURIOUS w/ Mohammad Marandi


@irannachrichten @yemen

The offices of the Rutgers academic union were defaced with pro-Israel slogans just before a vote on divesting from the Gaza genocide. This blunt intimidation reflects the impunity afforded Zionists, and the urgent need to end Zionist hegemony.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

WHY, WHY, WHY are the so called World leader so freaking silent about the kidnapping and possible torture of Dr. Abu Safiya?

All their disgusting double standard and fake humanity, their companionate speeches about the Russian Opposition character Navalni or those in Iran, was nothing but political scam to hide their disgusting complicity with the "friendly" criminals like Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia not to forget US or UK.

#FreeDr.AbuSafiya #Gaza #Genocide #Europe #Hypocisy #Torture #Israel #Inhumanity #Politics #Justice #Amnesty #DoubleStandard

⚡️ Hebrew website Walla: An operational document seized during the ground operations in #Gaza reveals that on September 23, 2023, Muhammad Deif distributed the full order for the October 7 attack to about 25 senior #Hamas commanders, two weeks before the attack.

⚡️ #Jerusalem Weather Center "Red" warning for #Gaza Strip residents A very effective and stormy low pressure system is expected on Wednesday and Thursday Rainfall is coming in addition to strong winds that may reach 100 km/h in #Gaza.

⚡️ 🛑 Al-Nuseirat Municipality re-operates street lighting for the first time in more than a year, due to the occupation cutting off electricity to the #Gaza Strip

Egypt holds ministerial meeting to coordinate medical support for Gaza injuries https://www.byteseu.com/708960/ #Egypt #Gaza #Health #KhaledAbdelGhaffar
Egypt holds ministerial meeting to coordinate medical support for Gaza injuries

À Gaza, le calvaire des femmes enceintes

#Gaza #International #ONG

#usa #israel #palästina : #krieg / #gaza / #nachkriegsordnung

„[Ü]ber die „Phase zwei“ des Deals, werden der US-Präsident und Israels Regierungschef verhandeln. Einig sind sich die beiden darin, dass die Hamas in Gaza gestürzt und von einem alternativen Regime abgelöst werden muss. Differenzen gibt es in der Frage, ob Israels Truppen sich tatsächlich schon bald aus der Enklave zurückziehen und der militärische Kampf gegen die Hamas beendet wird.“


🙇🏽‍♀️ ✌🏽 #gaza


My detractors cannot wrap their head around it: I am not paid by anyone for my work on Palestine, not even the UN. Special Rapporteurs serve pro bono. And I have so much fun at doing what I do, you know why? Because I despise bullies, mafias and apartheid. It is in my DNA, and I will fight all three happily till my last breath. Now, minions, get a life.


@gazawatch @lebanon

🌍 ■ Donald Trump recibe a Benjamín Netanyahu: un encuentro para diseñar el futuro de Oriente Medio ■ El norteamericano abre la Casa Blanca a su aliado israelí, primer invitado tras volver al cargo. Se espera cercanía co[…]

#arabiasaudi #ocupacion #refugiados #gaza #benjaminnetanyahu #donaldtrump #global #eeuu #israel #palestina #colonias #cisjordania
Benjamín Netanyahu, su esposa Sarah, Ivanka Trump y su marido, Jared Kushner, inaugurando la embajada de EEUU en Jerusalén, en 2018. (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, junto al presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, tras firmar los Acuerdos de Abraham en Washington, el 15 de septiembre de 2020. (Tom Brenner / Reuters)
El primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, con el enviado especial de EEUU para Oriente Medio, Steve Witkoff, el 29 de enero de 2025, en Jerusalén. (GPO / EFE)

El ejército #israelí en #Gaza: una estrategia cobarde para minimizar las pérdidas

- mpr21

Feb 9
Mars voor Palestina
So 14:30 - 17:00
Todon Acties
UPP-Unies Pour La Palestine, It’s Not Complicated e.a. (bron)
Demonstratie op 09/02 ter ondersteuning van het Palestijnse volk, georganiseerd door het collectief UPP-Unies Pour La Palestine en It’s Not Complicated in samenwerking met verschillende Brusselse collectieven en verenigingen die actief zijn in de strijd voor het Palestijnse volk.

Helaas is het nu de beurt aan de Westelijke Jordaanoever om binnengevallen te worden. Na het staakt-het-vuren in Gaza maakt de Israëlische regering van de situatie gebruik om Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever te vermoorden en te ontvoeren.

Het is van vitaal belang dat de beweging voor Palestina hier in Europa blijft groeien, met niet aflatende solidariteit en eenheid.

De strijd gaat door tot de overwinning van het Palestijnse volk!
  • Start - Poelarts (14u30)
  • Finish - Terrein Mehdi Bouda (17u)
[dit is een automatische vertaling uit het Frans]

#usa #jordan #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #postwarorder

„Jordan appeared to reject Trump’s suggestion, with its Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi telling reporters last week that the country’s stance against any displacement of Palestinians from Gaza remains “firm and unwavering”.

“Any discussion on an alternate homeland … is rejected,” Safadi said.“


“Political power may require compromise and behind-the-scenes trade-offs, but there are some moral red lines that should never be crossed, whatever the political cost. In my view, the genocide in Gaza is the quintessential test of the moral courage of leaders in the 21st century – and so far, ours have failed.”

In an increasingly crowded field, “Labour”’s deepest shame is their wholehearted support for #genocide in #gaza

#ukpol #uklaɓour
