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Beiträge, die mit Donaldtrump getaggt sind

Donald Trump: «Les États-Unis vont prendre le contrôle de la bande de Gaza»

Au côté de Benyamin Nétanyahou, #DonaldTrump a annoncé vouloir prendre «possession» de la bande de #Gaza. Il dit souhaiter en faire la «Côte d’Azur du Moyen-Orient».

Benjamin Netanyahu et Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche à Washington le 4 février 2025. © Photo Yuri Gripas / Abaca

🌐 ■ Gaza, la promoción de lujo de Trump que pisotea sin piedad el derecho internacional ■ El plan del presidente de EEUU de "tomar el control" de la Franja y convertirla en una Riviera echando a los palestinos causa conmoción por la ruptura que supone con la[…]

#egipto #jordania #limpiezaetnica #israel #eeuu #palestina #gaza #donaldtrump #derechointernacional #global
Donald Trump y Benjamin Netanyahu posan para la prensa en el Despacho Oval, el 4 de febrero de 2025, poco antes de desvelar el plan sobre Gaza. (Elizabeth Frantz / Reuters)

[10:37] Trump proposes ‘long-term’ US ownership of Gaza: ‘We’ll make sure that it’s world class’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that displaced Palestinians in Gaza be “permanently” resettled outside the war-torn territory and proposed the US take “ownership” in redeveloping the area.


#DonaldTrump #Tuesday #Palestinians #Gaza #US

Donald Trump says US will ‘take over’ Gaza and ‘own’ territory www.thenational.scot/news/2491071...#EthnicCleansing #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #UnitedStates #DonaldTrump

US will 'take over' Gaza and '...

News Haber EshaHaber Donald Trump'a Gazze tepkisi: Trump Gazze hakkında ne söyledi?: ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, 4 Şubat'ta Beyaz Saray'da İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu ile bir araya gelerek ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi. Donald Trump, düzenlenen basın toplantısında Gazze Şeridi hakkında vatandaşları sinirlendiren açıklamalarda bulundu. Peki Trump Gazze hakkında ne söyledi? Trump'a… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/donald-trump-a-gazze-tepkisi-trump-gazze-hakkinda-ne-soyledi-202485.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #DonaldTrump #Gazze #OrtakBasınToplantısı #Hamas #İsrail

🌐 ■ Trump ordena sacar a EEUU del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU y congela fondos a la UNRWA ■ Un día completo de triunfos para Israel, tras el anuncio del plan del republicano de sacar de Gaza a sus pobladores y tomar el control de la Franja de Gaza.

#palestina #gaza #donaldtrump #unrwa #global #onu #derechoshumanos
Palestinos de Gaza trepan a un camión con ayuda de Naciones Unidas en Deir Al-Balah, el 3 de noviembre de 2024. (Majdi Fathi / NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Trump says will visit Israel, Gaza, Saudi Arabia and other places in Middle East https://www.byteseu.com/716203/ #AnadoluAjansı #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Israel #MiddleEast #SaudiArabia
Trump says will visit Israel, Gaza, Saudi Arabia and other places in Middle East

🌍 ■ De "limpieza étnica" a la "receta para el caos": las reacciones y advertencias al plan de Trump para Gaza ■ Arabia Saudí avisa a Washington de que sin una solución de dos estados no va a establecer relaciones con Tel Aviv, que es uno de los principales objetivos del republicano en Orien[…]

#global #israel #arabiasaudi #palestina #gaza #hamas #donaldtrump
Donald Trump y Benjamin Netanyahu, saludando a la prensa antes de entrar en el Despacho Oval, el 5 de febrero de 2025. (Leah Millis / Reuters)

President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere, actions that would shatter decades of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump unveiled his surprise plan, without providing specifics, at a joint press conference on Tuesday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. #us #usa #news #minimarketonlineltd #America #trump #donaldtrump #Gaza #palestine #Israel

🇺🇸 Visite de Nétanyahou à Washington | « Nous prendrons possession de Gaza », dit Donald Trump https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #Politique #politics #International #USA #DonaldTrump #Trump #Gaza

I think that the reason #donaldtrump is focusing on #gaza is an attempt to destabilize the middle east again.
I also think that can result in an attack on US soil similar to 9/11.
I also think that if the #eu and far east just stand by and let it happen, then we will see something similar here and there.

And I hope this was my last political toot of the week...

This is how you do it: "#NewYork Attorney General Letitia James on Monday told #hospitals that they would be violating state law if they stop offering gender-affirming care for people under age 19 in response to an executive order from President #DonaldTrump aimed at curtailing federal funding for such treatments."


#trans #transgender

AP Breaking News banner over a March 19, 2024 AP story.

I commented on it at the time, suggesting that #Trump would strike a deal and support a genocidal campaign that #BenjaminNetanjahu needed and has always wanted.

#Gaza #DonaldTrump #jaredKushner

Med Israels premiärminister vid sin sida sa Donald Trump att Gaza borde tömmas på palestinier. I stället ska USA ta över, enligt presidenten – Vi ska äga det. K#donaldtrump #gaza #benjaminnetanyahu

https://www.europesays.com/1822425/ Trump envoy calls Gaza rebuilding timeline in Israel-Hamas truce ‘preposterous’ #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #network
Trump envoy calls Gaza rebuilding timeline in Israel-Hamas truce 'preposterous'

Trump is showing off for Putin, Orbán, Xi, and Kim — trying to be a big deal.

Of course, if there’s anything “development”-related after a seizure of Gaza, you can rest assured that Trump has already figured what his involvement and financial returns will be.
#DonaldTrump #FuckDonaldTrump #Netanyahu #FuckNetanyahu #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #TrumpIsAThug #TrumpIsATerrorist

Trump is arrogantly playing might-makes-right. The jackass continues to try on strongman shoes, which don’t fit his child-sized feet.

Trump is a jackass. That’s already well known here, in the United States. Say it with us: “Fuck Donald Trump!” The racist bigot’s proposal is nothing short of ethnic cleansing.
#DonaldTrump #HandsOffGaza #Israel #Netanyahu #ArrestNetanyahu

[01:51] Trump says US will 'take over' Gaza, welcomes Netanyahu

President Donald Trump made an extraordinary proposal for the United States to "take over" the Gaza Strip, as he hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for crucial talks on the truce with Hamas.


#DonaldTrump #theUnitedStates #theGazaStrip #Israeli #BenjaminNetanyahu #Hamas

Trump defiende el desplazamiento de palestinos ante Netanyahu y anuncia que EEUU "se hará con el control de Gaza" https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/trump-asfixia-palestinos-congelar-fondos-unrwa_1_12026209.html Antònia Crespí Ferrer, Francesca Cicardi #ConflictoPalestina-Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu #EstadosUnidos #DonaldTrump #Israel #Gaza

I feel sick. This crazy mfker. So he’s sending troops to the Middle East, to Gaza, is that right? Level it? Then own it. Moving all Palestinians . . . where? This is ethnic cleansing.

#Gaza #DonaldTrump #BenjaminNetanjahu

█ Trump insisteix que els palestins han d'abandonar Gaza, coincidint amb la reunió amb Netanyahu ▓▒░ El primer ministre isrealià és el primer líder mundial que visita Trump des que aquest va accedir al poder el passat 20 de gener

#estatsunits #hamas #324cat #guerraagaza #israel #donaldtrump
Netanyahu és el primer líder mundial de reunir-se amb Trump
Benjamin Netanyahu es va reunir dijous passat amb l'enviat especial dels EUA per al Pròxim Orient, Steve Witkoff (EFE/Maayan Toaf)

Trump saca a Estados Unidos del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU | vía #UChileRadio


#consejodederechoshumanosdelaonu #donaldtrump #eeuu #estadosunidos #israel #onu

Live: Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US President Donald Trump https://www.byteseu.com/714976/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Israel #LiveBlog #LiveUpdates #USPolitics
Live: Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US President Donald Trump

“Fascism Is at the Door”: Trump Threatens to Deport Pro-Palestinian International Student Protesters #Fascism #DonaldTrump #AntiNazism

One more time bc it was that good! Jim Acosta taking a blowtorch to #CNN & #Trump as part of our awesome LiveStream

WATCH!! "ACOSTA UNLEASHES FURY ON TRUMP ON #LIVE #TV AS HE DEPARTS CNN" https://www.youtube.com/live/AuF7h6dBhhQ #news #media #musk #elonmusk #donaldtrump #russia #china #podcast #video #socialmedia #usa #us #ukraine