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Beiträge, die mit assad getaggt sind

Syrien: Wie kann Assad für seine Taten bestraft werden?

Syriens neue Herrscher wollen die vielen Verbrechen des Assad-Regimes aufarbeiten. Es geht um Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Folter und Kriegsverbrechen. Wie sind die Aussichten, dass Assad und seine Schergen vor Gericht kommen? Von Philip Raillon.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/syrien-assad-strafverfolgung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Syrien #Assad

Walid Barakat, a Palestinian from Jerusalem spent over 4 decades in #Assad’s prisons. It’s first time he sees a cellphone.

He was 25 years old when arrested and he is now 67. #Syria

Via: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDcCOBuMCfb

#Rechtsstaat #Demokratie #Syrien #Assad #Spahn

Gedankenexperiment für Politiker, die eine sofortige Rückkehr aller Syrer*innen fordern, obwohl unklar ist, ob diese dort (wieder) verfolgt werden für ihre Religion, ihre politischen Überzeugungen oder ihr Geschlecht:

Fänden Sie es auch ok, wenn man Sie selbst in ein solches Land schickt und sich die Verfolgung auf eine Ihrer eigenen Eigenschaften bezieht wie Hautfarbe oder sexuelle Orientierung?

Würden Sie von einem Land, in das Sie sich geflüchtet haben, nicht auch erwarten, dass man Sie in all den Freiheiten schützt, die in dem Land Ihrer Zuflucht - zu Recht - als selbstverständlich gelten?



The Israeli Defense Force reports it has destroyed 80% of Syrian military capability. This is after Syria’s fall. “Wave after wave of airstrikes carried out by IAF fighter jets and drones then hit Syrian airbases, weapon depots and weapon production sites in Damascus, Homs, Tartus, Latakia and Palmyra, according to the military. Meanwhile, on Monday night, Israeli Navy missile boats destroyed 15 naval vessels belonging to the former regime at the Minet el-Beida bay and Latakia port on the Syrian coast.” Possibly the Syrian Army, paid to stand down, suffered more casualties from these attacks than they would have suffered in battle in defense of Syria.


#Nethanyahu @israel #military #offense @syria #Assad

Turkey-backed forces continue to advance in north Syria, officials say.

France 24 has the latest updates on the transitional government, Israeli strikes and more: https://flip.it/5BzK.t

#Syria #Assad #Turkey #MiddleEast #News

The fall of Syria’s autocratic leader Bashar al-Assad has created challenges and opportunities for the United States. But the dissonance between the current and future U.S. administrations is confusing major players in the Middle East. #Syria #Assad #MiddleEast


Posted into WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN YOUR WORLD @what-just-happened-in-your-world-csmonitor

The only funeral dictator deserves after his dynasty falls. #Syria #Assad

"[W]hile #Syria’s geography and official state ideology made it central to the Iran-led ‘#AxisOfResistance’, #Assad was apparently leveraging 'non-resistance' to rehabilitate his standing among Arab allies of the US.

"So when #HTS rolled into Aleppo and Hama without a fight, #Iran was in no rush to come to Assad’s aid."


#ResistanceAxis #MiddleEast #geopolitics @syria @lebanon @iran @palestine

411 to all the idiots cheering Assad's fall ... #Assad was as NICE AS THEY GET in the region, ENTIRELY DUE TO a century of western meddling. U have to be WHACK to think anything will be better for #Syria or it's people with #WokeAQ in charge.

"#SDF says Turkish-backed extremists are 'threatening' makeshift prison camps in US-occupied Syria that hold tens of thousands of #ISIS members and their families

Deadly clashes renew between #Turkey, US proxy militias https://thecradle.co/articles-id/28052 #Aleppo

#Syrien - #UNO -Experten: #Israel |ische Angriffe verstoßen gegen #Völkerrecht


> Die israelischen Angriffe auf militärische Ziele in Syrien nach dem Sturz des dortigen Machthabers #Assad verstoßen nach der Einschätzung internationaler Experten gegen das Völkerrecht.

[07:45] LIVE | Kind (12) omgekomen na beschieting Israëlische bus op Westoever

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

News at 12PM: #Syria's incoming leaders plan to shut infamous jails and disband #Assad's security units. Bulgaria and Romania are poised to enter the Schengen zone fully. Sara Sharif's father and stepmother have been found guilty of her murder. South Korea's President Yoon stands firm in office. #England is set to overhaul its planning system, targeting the construction of 370,000 homes a year on selected brownfield sites, backed by a £100m council fund. #BBC #News


"#Syria rebels burn tomb of Bashar al-#Assad's father"

(for those who don't know, Hafez started the cruel regime in 1970)


⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

Qui sont ces 32 élus français qui se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021 ?

#FranceSyrie #Assad #RN

Au total, 32 élus français issus notamment de LR, du RN et du PS se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021, alors que la répression du régime d'Assad battait son plein. Syrie Factuel, un " collectif citoyen francophone contre la désinformation sur la Syrie ", a recensé les visites de ces hommes et femmes politiques français.
S'il y a un habitué du trajet Paris-Damas, c'est Thierry Mariani. L'ancien filloniste passé au RN...


[10:05] LIVE | Leider Syrische opstand zegt beruchte gevangenissen te gaan sluiten

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[10:05] LIVE | Leider Syrische opstand zegt beruchte gevangenissen te gaan sluiten

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

Good morning. It's 9AM, Thursday, 12th December. The headlines: #Syria is set to close notorious jails and disband President #Assad's security units. South Korea's President Yoon stands firm, rejecting calls to resign over martial law disputes. In #France, President Macron grapples with assembling a fresh cabinet. Worldwide ad earnings exceed $1tn. Colman Domingo's acting career flourishes. Syrian insurgents capture the oil-abundant Deir al-Zour region. #BBC #News

CNN goes inside Bashar al-Assad's garage full of luxury cars


#Syria #CNN #Assad #Cars

#Siria, cosa cambia per la #Russia con la caduta di #Assad? - ISPI

Good morning. It's 6AM, Thursday, 12th December. The headlines: The UN has expressed optimism for #Syria's future following the collapse of #Assad's regime and plans to shut infamous jails. Syrian insurgents consolidate power. Saudi Arabia will stage the 2034 #FIFA World Cup, despite disputes. South Korea's President Yoon remains defiant against resignation demands. #SaudiArabia #BBC #News

#Iran's Ayatollah Ali #Khamenei has entered the "anger" stage in the 5 stages of grief.

While acknowledging that #Turkey played an "obvious role" in the downfall of the #Assad regime and the sudden collapse of its #AxisOfResistance (already hurt by decapitation of #Hamas and #Hezbollah), he raged that "the main conspirator, mastermind, and command centre are in America and the Zionist regime."

“Let everyone know that this situation will not remain…,” he added angrily.


IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY WATCH THIS INTERVIEW with journalist Michael Weiss on the brutality of the #Assad regime and the unfathomable idea #DonnieDumbass might put an Assad apologist in charge of our #NationalSecurity, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you do so now: #NotYouTulsi #DisasterPresidency #WeAreSoScrewed

Oil Prices Remain Under Pressure Despite Geopolitical Risk https://www.byteseu.com/551591/ #Assad #Brent #CrudeOil #demand #Geopolitics #OilPrices #Syria #WTI

Dont need #prisons if you just summarily #execution everyone, right? That's already occuring according to reports I posted yesterday.

'#Syria’s #lslamists #HTS #alQaeda #ISIS leader vows to dissolve #Assad regime security forces, close prisons'
https://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/3290430/syrias-rebel-leader-vows-dissolve-assad-regime-security-forces-close-prisons @syria

Syria's new prime minister said the Islamist-led alliance that ousted president Bashar al-Assad will guarantee the rights of all religious groups and called on the millions who fled the war to return home. FRANCE 24's Sharon Gaffney speaks to Ciarán Donnelly is Senior Vice President of International Programmes at the International Rescue Committee. He says that this is a moment of real opportunity but also of real danger for Syrians.
#Syria #Assad #refugees

Switzerland suspends Syria asylum proceedings after Assad’s fall https://www.byteseu.com/551515/ #Assad #BasharAlAssadNews #DamascusRebels #SwissGovernment #Switzerland #SwitzerlandAsylumSyria #Syria #SyriaAsylumApplications
Switzerland suspends Syria asylum proceedings after Assad's fall

The tomb of Bashar al-Assad's father, Hafez al-Assad, has been destroyed

#news #politics #syria #assad #civilwar

Assad involved in illegal excavations, former head of Aleppo National Museum tells Türkiye Today | "In my opinion, the future will be very promising for Syrian museums, particularly the national museums" https://www.turkiyetoday.com/region/assad-involved-in-illegal-excavations-former-head-of-aleppo-national-museum-tells-turkiye-today-90497/ #Syria #museums #Assad
Assad involved in illegal excavations

More proof the #ISLAMISTS the US has enabled in #Syria and elsewhere on the region are NASTY AMORAL #APOSTATES. It is absolutely forbidden by the Koran to desecrate ANY grave, body, etc.

"Tomb of Bashar al-#Assad's father set on fire in Syrian hometown" AFP footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDhujWxVfiE

@syria #HTS #ISIS #alQaeda #Islam

Ora che il leader siriano Bashar al-#Assad, è fuggito in #Russia, il progetto della mega infrastruttura del #gasdotto #Qatar-#Turchia potrebbe essere rilanciato.

Il progetto, respinto nel 2009 da Bashar al-Assad, per proteggere gli interessi della #Russia, paese alleato, che era allora il principale fornitore di gas naturale in #Europa, porterebbe a un importante sviluppo del mercato: i mercati dell'#UnioneEuropea potrebbero ricevere #gas #qatariota in condotta..1/2👇

[17:44] LIVE | Mausoleum met graf van vader Assad in brand gestoken

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[17:44] LIVE | Mausoleum met graf van vader Assad in brand gestoken

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

Israel Exploits #Assad’s Fall to Expand Into #Syria

#Israel violated the terms of a 1974 agreement by rolling its tanks across the Syrian border — less than 40 miles from Damascus.

from #TheIntercept
Jonah Valdez
December 10 2024, 11:45 a.m.


#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel