Beiträge, die mit assad getaggt sind
Syriens neue Herrscher wollen die vielen Verbrechen des Assad-Regimes aufarbeiten. Es geht um Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Folter und Kriegsverbrechen. Wie sind die Aussichten, dass Assad und seine Schergen vor Gericht kommen? Von Philip Raillon.
#Syrien #Assad
Syrien: Wie kann Assad für seine Taten bestraft werden?
Syriens neue Herrscher wollen die vielen Verbrechen des Assad-Regimes aufarbeiten. Es geht um Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Folter und Kriegsverbrechen. Kommen Assad und seine Schergen vor Gericht?
He was 25 years old when arrested and he is now 67. #Syria
Gedankenexperiment für Politiker, die eine sofortige Rückkehr aller Syrer*innen fordern, obwohl unklar ist, ob diese dort (wieder) verfolgt werden für ihre Religion, ihre politischen Überzeugungen oder ihr Geschlecht:
Fänden Sie es auch ok, wenn man Sie selbst in ein solches Land schickt und sich die Verfolgung auf eine Ihrer eigenen Eigenschaften bezieht wie Hautfarbe oder sexuelle Orientierung?
Würden Sie von einem Land, in das Sie sich geflüchtet haben, nicht auch erwarten, dass man Sie in all den Freiheiten schützt, die in dem Land Ihrer Zuflucht - zu Recht - als selbstverständlich gelten?
Handgeld für syrische Flüchtlinge: Jens Spahn und seine rhetorische Stinkbombe
1000 Euro „Handgeld“ und ein Freiflug nach ...Andrian Kreye (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
#Nethanyahu @israel #military #offense @syria #Assad
Greater Israel Is on the March. Paul C. Roberts - Global Research
Syria no longer exists. The Russian news service RT reports that Israel has launched the largest attack on Syria in history with Israeli warplanes hitting more than 250 military targets. Other reports put the number at 300.Global Research
France 24 has the latest updates on the transitional government, Israeli strikes and more:
#Syria #Assad #Turkey #MiddleEast #News
Live: Blinken in Turkey for talks to ensure peaceful transition of power in Syria
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken headed straight into talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after landing in Ankara late Thursday, a US official said.FRANCE 24
Posted into WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN YOUR WORLD @what-just-happened-in-your-world-csmonitor
How fall of Assad showcases the Biden-Trump policy divide in the Mideast
The fall of Bashar al-Assad has created challenges and opportunities for the United States in Syria. But the dissonance between the current and future U.S. administrations is confusing major players in the Middle East.Howard LaFranchi (The Christian Science Monitor)
"So when #HTS rolled into Aleppo and Hama without a fight, #Iran was in no rush to come to Assad’s aid."
#ResistanceAxis #MiddleEast #geopolitics @syria @lebanon @iran @palestine
Inside story: Hezbollah, Iran and the downfall of Assad
The sudden downfall of Bashar Al-Assad has raised a number of questions about the thinking and roles of his supporters. First and foremost, Russia—the most powerful foreign ally of the Syrian government—played a pivotal role as events
"#SDF says Turkish-backed extremists are 'threatening' makeshift prison camps in US-occupied Syria that hold tens of thousands of #ISIS members and their families
Deadly clashes renew between #Turkey, US proxy militias #Aleppo
Deadly clashes renew between Turkish, US proxy militias outside Aleppo
The SDF says Turkish-backed extremists are 'threatening' makeshift prison camps in US-occupied Syria that hold tens of thousands of ISIS members and their
> Die israelischen Angriffe auf militärische Ziele in Syrien nach dem Sturz des dortigen Machthabers #Assad verstoßen nach der Einschätzung internationaler Experten gegen das Völkerrecht.
Syrien - UNO-Experten: Israelische Angriffe verstoßen gegen Völkerrecht
Die israelischen Angriffe auf militärische Ziele in Syrien nach dem Sturz des dortigen Machthabers Assad verstoßen nach der Einschätzung internationaler Experten gegen das Völkerrecht.Die Nachrichten
Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.
#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
by Abdaljawad Omar in Mondoweiss
“The October 7 Hamas attack unraveled truths across the region, reopening questions of the future that lay dormant for years. Now, with the fall of Assad, the power map is being redrawn, presenting new threats and possibilities.”
#Press #Assad #Syria #AxisOfResistance #US #Israel #UK #Germany #Genocide #Palestine #Gaza #Lebanon
"#Syria rebels burn tomb of Bashar al-#Assad's father"
(for those who don't know, Hafez started the cruel regime in 1970)
Syria rebels burn tomb of Bashar al-Assad's father Hafez
Armed men are seen celebrating in Hafez al-Assad's burning mausoleum in the family's hometown.Jaroslav Lukiv (BBC News)
Qui sont ces 32 élus français qui se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021 ?
#FranceSyrie #Assad #RN
Au total, 32 élus français issus notamment de LR, du RN et du PS se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021, alors que la répression du régime d'Assad battait son plein. Syrie Factuel, un " collectif citoyen francophone contre la désinformation sur la Syrie ", a recensé les visites de ces hommes et femmes politiques français.
S'il y a un habitué du trajet Paris-Damas, c'est Thierry Mariani. L'ancien filloniste passé au RN...
Qui sont ces 32 élus français qui se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021 ? - Le Père Peinard
Au total, 32 élus français issus notamment de LR, du RN et du PS se sont rendus en Syrie entre 2014 et 2021, alors que la répression du régime d'Assad battaitLa rédaction (Le Père Peinard)
Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.
#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.
#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
#Syria #CNN #Assad #Cars
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Aber Leute wie #Söder und #Merz jammern weiter der Kernkraft hinterher ...
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Assad’s fall in Syria will further weaken Hezbollah and curtails Tehran’s ‘Iranization’ of region - EUROPE SAYS
The fall of President Bashar Assad will not only affect the 24 million Syrians who lived – andEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
While acknowledging that #Turkey played an "obvious role" in the downfall of the #Assad regime and the sudden collapse of its #AxisOfResistance (already hurt by decapitation of #Hamas and #Hezbollah), he raged that "the main conspirator, mastermind, and command centre are in America and the Zionist regime."
“Let everyone know that this situation will not remain…,” he added angrily.
Assad downfall was planned by US and Israel, claims Iran’s supreme leader | Iran - EUROPE SAYS
Iran’s supreme leader has claimed the US and Israel acted as the command centre that engineered the downfallEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
With the fall of Damascus, #Iran can no longer deny that its political and military #AxisOfResistance has collapsed 👀
Despite confusion, chaos in Syria, Assad's ouster hailed as an indisputably good thing
The removal of Bashar al-Assad from the presidency of Syria has left a lot of unanswered questions in the Middle East, but however those questions are ultimately answered, what seems not in question is that the ouster of al-Assad is a good thing for …MSNBC
Oil Prices Remain Under Pressure Despite Geopolitical Risk
Oil prices remain under pressure despite the recent developments in Syria, with oil market fundamentals countering geopolitical uncertainty.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
'#Syria’s #lslamists #HTS #alQaeda #ISIS leader vows to dissolve #Assad regime security forces, close prisons' @syria
Syria’s rebel leader vows to dissolve Assad regime security forces, close prisons
The main commander of the fighters who toppled Bashar al-Assad said that he would dissolve the security forces of the former regime, close its prisons and hunt down anyone involved in the torture or killing of detainees.Reuters (South China Morning Post)
#Syria #Assad #refugees
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Switzerland suspends Syria asylum proceedings after Assad’s fall
The Swiss government said it was suspending asylum procedures for Syrians until it can better assess the situation in the Middle Eastern country following the capture of Damascus by rebels and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's flight to Russia.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Assad involved in illegal excavations, former head of Aleppo National Museum tells Türkiye Today - Türkiye Today
Youssef Kanjou, former head of Aleppo National Museum, reveals Assad's regime's involvement in illegal excavations and looting of Syria's cultural heritage.Koray Erdogan (Türkiye Today)
Nach Sturz von #Assad : Gegen die #Abschiebedebatte!6051811/
Nach Sturz von Assad: Gegen die Abschiebedebatte
Auch Behörden kritisieren nun den Stopp von Asylverfahren von Syrer*innen. Flüchtlingsrat und Grüne fordern eine Verlängerung des Landesaufnahmeprogramms.Uta Schleiermacher (taz)
"Tomb of Bashar al-#Assad's father set on fire in Syrian hometown" AFP footage
@syria #HTS #ISIS #alQaeda #Islam
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Il progetto, respinto nel 2009 da Bashar al-Assad, per proteggere gli interessi della #Russia, paese alleato, che era allora il principale fornitore di gas naturale in #Europa, porterebbe a un importante sviluppo del mercato: i mercati dell'#UnioneEuropea potrebbero ricevere #gas #qatariota in condotta..1/2👇
Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.
#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.
#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten
LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
Siria, Wp: “Kiev ha fornito droni e operatori ai ribelli”
L'obiettivo dei servizi segreti ucraini: indebolire la Russia e i suoi alleatiF. Q. (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
#Israel violated the terms of a 1974 agreement by rolling its tanks across the Syrian border — less than 40 miles from Damascus.
from #TheIntercept
Jonah Valdez
December 10 2024, 11:45 a.m.
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Israel Exploits Assad’s Fall to Expand Into Syria
Israel violated the terms of a 1974 agreement by rolling its tanks across the Syrian border — less than 40 miles from Damascus.Jonah Valdez (The Intercept)