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Beiträge, die mit ASSAD getaggt sind

From ⁨⁨⁨⁨⁨#AnnafromUkraine⁩⁩⁩⁩⁩ @AnnafromUkraine@youtube.com
🧵 👇


When #putin launched his mission to support #assad in #Syria, many russians didn’t understand why. russian state TV claimed it was vital for the #economy, saying controlling Syria would block rival pipelines. Now, a #pipeline from #Qatar, #Iraq, and Syria might gain attention, making #russia’s #NordStream's less relevant. This gives the #EU more ...


Schlachtfeld der Stellvertreter – die Geschichte Syriens

Islamistische Rebellen haben Syriens Diktator #Assad gestürzt. Jahrzehntelang hatte er sein Volk brutal unterdrückt – mit Schützenhilfe von Russland und Iran. Die Einmischung ausländischer Mächte hat in Syrien eine lange Geschichte.


#DLF #DerRestIstGeschichte #Geschichte #Syrien #ArabischerFrühling

Israelische Luftangriffe, Gefangene in Folterkellern, leere Straßen: So ist die Lage in Syrien nach dem Sturz des Diktators Assad.#Syrien #Assad #Sturz #Israel

[10:02] LIVE | Asma al-Assad, de Brits-Syrische vrouw van de gevallen dictator, 'niet welkom' in Groot-Brittannië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[10:02] LIVE | Asma al-Assad, de Brits-Syrische vrouw van de gevallen dictator, 'niet welkom' in Groot-Brittannië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

#Syria's bloody endgame

By Naveed Ahmad - July 29, 2012 -

“The regime hates its people more than its declared enemy #Israel,” Mohammad Ramiz told this correspondent during an unauthorized visit to the #Idlib city.


#ElectronicIntifada | Why Israel thinks it won in #Syria

"The US has for years been working hard to dominate Syria’s material wealth."


#US #Assad

[07:02] LIVE | Rebellen komen met lijst gezochte oud-officieren Syrië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[07:02] LIVE | Rebellen komen met lijst gezochte oud-officieren Syrië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

If the people of #Syria aspire for a democracy, I'm afraid they're in for an unpleasant surprise. #HTS ruled Idlib in more or less the same way #Assad ruled Syria. They crushed opposing factions and allowed other factions to exist as long as they got folded under their leadership. Kinda like how the #Baath party disbanded most political parties and what was left was folded into what they called the "Progressive Front".

Good morning. It's 6AM, Tuesday, 10th December. The headlines: Rebels in #Syria have seized Damascus, starting a power shift and freeing inmates from Saydnaya jail. In South Korea, demonstrators call for President Yoon's ousting. The UN holds an urgent meeting on Syria as #Israel strikes a Syrian research facility. #Russia acknowledges #Assad's presence in Moscow. UK-EU ties are poised for an overhaul under Reeves. #BBC #News

Hamas, Hisbollah, Assad: Um den Iran wird es einsam

Der Iran verliert immer mehr Verbündete. Hamas und Hisbollah haben schwere Niederlagen erlitten. Und nun ist mit Assad in Syrien der engste Verbündete gestürzt worden. Die Reaktionen in Teheran zeugen von Ratlosigkeit und Angst. Von Ulrich Pick.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/iran-sturz-assad-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Iran #Syrien #Assad #Israel #Hamas #Hisbollah

"In #Assad's fall, the US sees validation of its #MiddleEast strategy"... Ie. hiring headchopping #Islamists

Terminally paywalled. Long blurb
https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/12/09/in-assad-s-fall-the-us-sees-validation-of-its-middle-east-strategy_6735762_4.html @syria #Syria

Breakdown? Moar Illegal Oil Looting Moar Faster. Kill excess ISIS/L fighters (bombing them even as I type... #Israel too)

"Breaking down the U.S. military implications of #Assad's fall"

https://www.cbsnews.com/video/breaking-down-the-u-s-military-implications-of-assads-fall @syria #Syria

#Syria #Disinformation check.
"This guy just claimed a few hours ago that Sednaya prison contained 150,000 (150 THOUSAND) secret prisoners

Of course, this is completely false, even the White Helmets admitted a maximum of 4000 prisoners in their statement.

👉If they maintain these ridiculous lies even now #Assad is gone, imagine the lies they were willing to invent when he was still in power.👈"

Via Middle_East_Spectator https://t.me/Middle_East_Spectator/13685

Sure. Ok, then there's this TRUTH in the copy

"The group eventually voiced its support for the #Syria revolution, effectively severing its ties with #Assad.

👉Nearly 10 years later, Hamas restored relations with Assad’s government, sending a delegation to meet the toppled president in the Syrian capital in 2022.

However this article claims the, "relations remained strained..." Wtf that ever means.

#Hamas hails 'freedom and justice' gained by Syrians after Assad fall


Owen Jones: *Assad OVERTHROWN - The Truth: Syrian Activist Offers Masterclass w/. Rami Jarrah*

"Rami Jarrah was arrested by the #Assad regime, and tells us about its atrocities, why its 'anti-imperialism' was a sham, what it means for #Israel's genocide - and the future of #Syria and its people."


"The US State Department said on Monday that #Israel was acting in self-defence when its military invaded Syrian territory beyond the demilitarised buffer zone (#GolanHeights), following the removal of the Bashar al-#Assad government by rebel groups.." ...that the US/UK are "considering" removing from the terror blacklist. See the bottom link for more on that.

"US repeats Israel's 'right to defend itself' after seizure of buffer zone with #Syria"


#Turkey is where all the #ISIS scum hid🤣. The guy who led the 'insurgency' was OG ISIS. Hillary's hired #islamists, to kill gadaffi then go to #syria with weapons from #Libya's armories (while the DIA inventoried) and hook up with their other headchopper bffs. See the dox. Erdogan's son was transporting their stolen from Syria oil to Turkey for them, and that's where a bunch of them got busted with #Sarin. Remember the #Assad=Sarin bullshit? Nah. It was America's islamists.

#AnotherAngryVoice | The fall of #Assad

A look at some of the issues that western media has skirted on the sudden collapse of the 53-year Assad regime in #Syria.


If #Homs falls, #Assad's days are numbered.

This offensive was brought to you by #Israel, the #UnitedStates, and #Turkey with the help of #Ukraine "advisors".

The situation in Syria has changed more in 1 week than it has for 5 entire years

Ps. Image of SAA army soldiers surrender to islamist fighters

within 24 hours of #Assad leaving #Syria, #Germany has decided to stop accepting and processing new asylum requests from syrian refugees. Shame on you, Germany.

The lack of reporting on Russia political asylum for dictators and terrorists is why the legacy media should be entirely ignored.

It's easy to make a list of individuals who have fled TO #Russia for protection over the past decade. Quite telling actually.

"Syria live updates: Putin to give Assad asylum in Russia, #Kremlin says
Rebel forces are consolidating control over #Syria after Bashar #Assad fled."

[13:25] LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is

Het Midden-Oosten stond al in vuur en vlam vanwege de strijd tussen Israël en terreurgroeperingen als Hezbollah en Hamas, maar nu is ook de burgeroorlog in Syrië weer opgelaaid. Afgelopen week hebben Syrische jihadisten het „grootste offensief in jaren” met succes gelanceerd en inmiddels is het regime van president Assad gevallen.


#Midden_Oosten #Israël #Hezbollah #Syrië #Syrische #Assad

[13:25] LIVE | Kremlin wil niet bevestigen of Assad in Moskou is

Het Midden-Oosten stond al in vuur en vlam vanwege de strijd tussen Israël en terreurgroeperingen als Hezbollah en Hamas, maar nu is ook de burgeroorlog in Syrië weer opgelaaid. Afgelopen week hebben Syrische jihadisten het „grootste offensief in jaren” met succes gelanceerd en inmiddels is het regime van president Assad gevallen.


#Midden_Oosten #Israël #Hezbollah #Syrië #Syrische #Assad

Happier times, eh? "#AsmaAlAssad is glamorous, young, and very chic–the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies. Her style is not the couture-and-bling dazzle of Middle Eastern power but a deliberate lack of adornment. She’s a rare combination: a thin, long-limbed beauty with a trained analytic mind who dresses with cunning understatement." #VogueMagazine #Journalism #Assad #Syria #Politics
Two pages from Vogue magazine featuring an attractive photo of former Syrian first lady Asma Al-Assad, perhaps standing on top of a hill with a large city in the background. She is wrapped in a red shawl. The title of the article is "A Rose in the Desert".

Happier times, eh? "#AsmaAlAssad is glamorous, young, and very chic–the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies. Her style is not the couture-and-bling dazzle of Middle Eastern power but a deliberate lack of adornment. She’s a rare combination: a thin, long-limbed beauty with a trained analytic mind who dresses with cunning understatement." #VogueMagazine #Journalism #Assad #Syria #Politics
Two pages from Vogue magazine featuring an attractive photo of former Syrian first lady Asma Al-Assad, perhaps standing on top of a hill with a large city in the background. She is wrapped in a red shawl. The title of the article is "A Rose in the Desert".

Nach dem Sturz von #Assad :
Die Folgen für #Israel

Elf Tage reichten den Rebellen aus, um die 58 Jahre lange Herrschaft der Baath-Partei zu beenden und das Regime der al-Assad-Familie zu stürzen. Zur Überraschung von Bashar al-Assad und der gesamten Welt entschied sich die syrische Armee, ihre Uniformen abzulegen und ihre Stellungen aufzugeben, sodass sie den enthusiastischen Rebellen überlassen wurden.


#NaherOsten #Syrien

" Krusi:
Und wieder meldet sich ganz unverholen der scheinbar ganz normale Wahnsinn der islamistischen Welt? Und wieder dieselbe Frage. Wie soll es da jemals Frieden geben?"

#Mullahs : Machtwechsel wird »Widerstand« gegen #Israel nicht stoppen

Der Sturz von #Assad war für die »Widerstandsfront« gegen Israel ein herber Rückschlag. #Teheran versucht, diese Niederlage herunterzuspielen



Tass: #Assad und Familie in #Moskau

Seit 2015 unterstützte #Russland den syrischen Machthaber Assad militärisch, hielt ihn im Amt – und bekam zum Dank Militärbasen im Land. Nun gewährt ihm Moskau auch noch Zuflucht


#Syrien #Israel

" Krusi:
Ja, wer ist dieser Mann? Segen oder Fluch? Er sagte: „Urteilen Sie nicht nach Worten, sondern nach Taten!“ Gute Idee, werden wir so machen."

Wer ist der Mann, der #Assad gestürzt hat?

Abu Mohammed al-Golani hat sich oft gewandelt. Der Anführer des Aufstandes, der der jahrzehntelangen Diktatur der Familie Assad in #Syrien binnen Tagen ein Ende setzte, hat jahrelang an seinem Image gearbeitet



Die Hoffnung:
„Das syrische Volk ist intelligent; es wird erkennen, dass es nach so vielen Jahren der Herrschaft durch die Familie #Assad eine Gelegenheit geben könnte, den Staat zu stabilisieren,.."

#Katz ordnet Sicherheitszone an Grenze zu #Syrien an

Die israelische Luftwaffe ( #IAF ) hat in der Nacht zum Montag mehrere Angriffe in Syrien geflogen und dabei Waffen zerstört, die nach Befürchtungen Jerusalems in die Hände feindlicher Kräfte fallen könnten.



"Der Ministerpräsident sprach von einer Politik der „guten Nachbarschaft“ und wies darauf hin, dass Israel ein Feldlazarett eingerichtet hat, um Tausende während des Bürgerkriegs verwundete Syrer zu behandeln".

#Netanjahu an der syrischen Grenze: „Ein historischer Tag“

Der Zusammenbruch des #Assad -Regimes sei das direkte Ergebnis der Schläge, die #Israel dem #Iran und der #Hisbollah zugefügt habe, sagte der Ministerpräsident.



🪖#ArmataIsraeliană confirmă că a dislocat forțe în partea siriană a #MunteleHermon. Soldații au intrat în zonă, duminică, înainte de căderea regimului #Assad.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3ZH8

#Știri #Israel #Siria