Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
The PRCS Emergency Master Plan presents an overview of #PRCS overall #emergency response interventions to the ongoing war on #gaza, as well as its plan to prepare for a transitional period focusing on the re-establishment of life-saving and protection services. The plan also presents its ongoing response to the escalation of violence in the #westbank
📑 PDF 👇🏽 Palestine Red Crescent Society (📌 w/Bank Account data for safe donation)
"For more than two weeks, thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have been under Israeli siege.
Israel’s military assault has been relentless and is intensifying with raids largely focused on Jenin and its refugee camp in the north of the occupied territory."
(video in link)
LIVE: Israel quits UN rights body; Palestinians reject Trump’s Gaza plan
Netanyahu says Trump’s widely rejected ‘remarkable’ plan for ethnically cleansing Gaza should be pursued.Alex Kozul-Wright (Al Jazeera)
“For us, the Palestinian people, it is our DNA. We love our country.”
“We love the land of our country – whether we have palaces on it or destroyed buildings. We are resilient people. The Gaza Strip was destroyed many times, and we were able to rebuild it with the help of all of our friends.”
Riyad Mansour
Coming soon: Trump plan for Israeli annexation of the West Bank
Lost in the uproar over Donald Trump’s Gaza comments was another bombshell: the White House will soon announce its position on annexation of the West Bank. Signs indicate it will fully support expanding Israeli control over the occupied territory.Michael Arria (Mondoweiss)
I bambini si sono nascosti per due giorni senza cibo né acqua e hanno visto i cani randagi mangiare parti del corpo dei loro genitori finché i loro zii non li hanno salvati.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #5febbraio
L'annuncio di Trump di questa mattina (5 febbraio) costituisce un appello alla pulizia etnica.
L'idea è folle e riprovevole. Indipendentemente dalla sua fattibilità, il fatto stesso del suo annuncio è una macchia morale indelebile per tutti i soggetti coinvolti.
L'attuazione di un tale piano sarebbe una grave violazione del diritto internazionale."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #5febbraio
#freepalestine #palestine #palestina #vivapalestina #israel #stopisrael #netanyahu #stopnetanyahu #ceasefire #ceasefirenow #israelisaterroriststate #activism #news #gaza #westbank
Le parole hanno un peso.
Usiamo quelle giuste.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #5febbraio
Il piano Trump per Gaza: Striscia trasformata in Riviera sotto il controllo Usa, palestinesi ...
Piano-shock del Presidente: il takeover della Striscia, anche con l’invio di truppe. La popolazione, due milioni, avrebbe imprecisate «belle, fresche e nuove terre»Marco Valsania (Il Sole 24 ORE)
10 febbraio, ancona: premio amnesty e focus palestina
A Corto di Diritti + Concorto Film Festival
Via Tagliamento 30, Ancona
Lunedì 10 febbraio, alle ore 21:00
Proiezione e premiazione di An Orange from Jaffa, corto vincitore del Premio Amnesty A Corto di Diritti 2024 (Corto Dorico Film Festival) alla presenza del regista Mohammed Almughanni
An Orange From Jaffa (26’), di Mohammed Almughanni
Mohammed è appena tornato in Palestina. Farouk è un tassista che lavora in uno dei luoghi più pericolosi al mondo. Le loro vite si incrociano.
Nato a Gaza nel 1994, Mohammed Almughanni è un regista palestinese famoso per la sua regia evocativa che mescola narrazioni personali e politiche. Questo suo ultimo cortometraggio, è stato presentato in anteprima al Festival internazionale del cortometraggio di Clermont-Ferrand nel 2024, vincendo il prestigioso Grand Prix internazionale. I film di Almughanni esplorano spesso i paesaggi emotivi degli individui che vivono sotto l’occupazione, attingendo alle sue esperienze personali e riflettendo più in generale la lotta del popolo palestinese.
Interviene Barbara Traversi di Amnesty International Italia
Focus on Palestina, selezione di corti palestinesi a cura di Virginia Marcolini e Francesca Marchesini
Bethlehem 2001, di Handal Ibrahim, Palestina, 2020
In the Waiting Room, di Taha Moatasem, Palestina, 2023
Lovesick in the West Bank, di Zagha Said, Palestina e Giordania, 2020
“Concorto Film Festival” propone uno spazio libero e non censurato all* regist* palestinesi. In un contesto di violenza endemica e di costante oppressione, riteniamo impellente garantire uno spazio di espressione e autorappresentazione di questo popolo. Svincolato da pretese di esaustività, l’obiettivo del focus è quello di scorgere piccole fessure su vite quotidiane, con uno sguardo che non schiacci le singolarità a un’esperienza univocamente percepita, e che allo stesso tempo non si riduca alla narrazione binaria e svilente di vittima-carnefice. La Palestina è una terra che lotta e resiste. Oltre a dare voce ad esistenze vessate da decenni di guerra, apartheid e pulizia etnica, ci sembra dunque doveroso restituire anche quei momenti personali e intimi di sfaccettate esperienza umane. I corti selezionati si muovono quindi su più piani, attraversando linguaggi multiformi e fornendo ritratti di una realtà dalla complessità così inafferrabile quanto tangibile.
Ingresso 5 €
#ACortoDiDiritti #AmnestyInternational #AmnestyInternationalItalia #AnOrangeFromJaffa #apartheid #BarbaraTraversi #Cisgiordania #ClermontFerrand #ClermontFerrandNel2024 #coloni #colonialism #ConcortoFilmFestival #CortoDoricoFilmFestival #FocusOnPalestina #FocusPalestina #FrancescaMarchesini #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #guerra #HandalIbrahim #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #massmurders #MohammedAlmughanni #oppressione #Palestina #Palestine #PremioAmnesty #puliziaEtnica #settlers #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #TahaMoatasem #violenza #VirginiaMarcolini #WestBank #ZaghaSaid
Veranstaltung in Ancona, Marken von Amnesty Ancona am Montag, Februar 10
Two Zionists Soldiers Killed, Several Injured in Shooting Near Tubas
Two Zionistsoldiers were killed and six others were wounded on Tuesday morning in a shooting operation near the village of Tayasir, east of Tubas, in the northern occupied West Bank.
Occupation military radio had confirmed that eight soldiers were injured in total, with two sustaining fatal wounds. The wounded were airlifted to hospital by a military helicopter.
Escalation in the occupied West Bank
Zionist media reported that the shooting took place near a village where the occupation army is operating as part of its aggression on the northern West Bank.
Zionist media added that the Tayasir area witnessed an armed confrontation between a Palestinian man and Zionist soldiers, which led to fatalities and injuries among the Israeli forces.
Later, it was confirmed that the Palestinian who carried out the operation was martyred.
In detail, the shooter had reached the military checkpoint near Tayasir, barricaded himself inside a watchtower, opened fire on the soldiers, and engaged in confrontations with them, according to occupation media.
Following the operation, the military completely closed the Tayasir checkpoint, southeast of Jenin, and is conducting searches in its vicinity while recalling reinforcements to the area.
The occupation army has launched a brutal aggression on the West Bank in the past two weeks, resorting to military methods it had rarely used in the past in the area.
Recently, the military deployed Eitan AFVs, which the Nahal Brigade usually uses in combat, in the Tubas and Jenin areas, for the first time since “Operation Defensive Shield” in 2002.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced yesterday that 70 Palestinians have been martyred in the West Bank governorates since the beginning of this year, most of whom were from the Jenin governorate.
In a statement, the ministry specified that the death toll included 10 children, a woman, and two elderly individuals.
The Resistance Praises the Heroic Tayaseer Checkpoint Operation
The Palestinian resistance factions have praised the heroic operation carried out at the Tayaseer military checkpoint, considering it a legitimate and natural response to the ongoing crimes of the zionist enemy against the Palestinian people, particularly in the northern West Bank.
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The operation, which resulted in the killing and injury of eight occupation soldiers, is a direct response to the systematic crimes of the enemy, including the ethnic cleansing and extermination campaigns in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas. The resistance continues to prove that the enemy’s attempts to suppress it in the West Bank will fail. As long as Palestinian land remains under occupation, resistance will persist and escalate. The enemy’s plans for annexation and forced displacement will collapse under the blows of the resistance and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people.
Mujahideen Movement:
This qualitative operation confirms the failure of all efforts to eradicate the resistance in the West Bank. It delivers a security and intelligence setback to the zionist enemy, reaffirming that its soldiers and settlers will not enjoy safety anywhere in Palestine. The movement calls upon resistance fighters to intensify their strikes and make the zionist entity pay the price for its ongoing crimes.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The operation exposes the fragility of the zionist security system and its inability to curb the rising resistance in the West Bank. The fighter’s ability to penetrate a military site, reach the soldiers’ barracks, and attack at point-blank range demonstrates exceptional courage and planning. This is a direct failure of the enemy’s assassination policies and large-scale military campaigns in northern West Bank areas. The operation sends a clear message: the resistance can adapt and take the initiative, and the West Bank will never be a safe haven for occupation forces and settlers. This is a natural and justified response to the enemy’s crimes and a call to escalate open confrontation and increase high-impact resistance operations that deplete the enemy and disrupt its leadership.
The occupation’s ongoing crimes against our Palestinian people in the West Bank and its camps in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas will not weaken the resolve of our people and their resistance. This operation against an occupation’s military checkpoint affirms the determination of our rebellious youth and our valiant resistance in the West Bank to continue on the path of resistance and confront the fascist zionist aggression.
Popular Resistance Committees:
The heroic Tayaseer checkpoint operation is a message from the resistance to all those betting on its defeat and retreat in the face of zionist crimes that it remains steadfast, rooted, and committed to its covenant. The escalating zionist campaigns, crimes, and assassination operations will only add to its glory and resilience. Its banner will not fall, nor will its direction, conviction, or principles change. It will remain a beacon until the collapse of this usurping entity.
#alAqsaFlood #guerrilla #palestine #resistance #westAsia #westBank
Two Zionistsoldiers were killed and six others were wounded on Tuesday morning in a shooting operation near the village of Tayasir, east of Tubas, in the northern occupied West Bank.
Occupation military radio had confirmed that eight soldiers were injured in total, with two sustaining fatal wounds.
#News #AlAqsaFlood #guerrilla #palestine #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
🌃 News rundown 22:30 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
„Große Teile des Flüchtlingslagers Dschenin [= Jenin] im besetzten Westjordanland sind laut den UN nach einer Reihe kontrollierter Sprengungen durch Israels Armee zerstört worden. Alle 30.000 Bewohner seien aus dem Lager geflüchtet, teilte (…) UNRWA (…) mit.
Etwa 100 Gebäude seien durch die Sprengungen dem Erdboden gleich gemacht oder schwer beschädigt worden.“
UN: Israels Armee vertreibt 30.000 Menschen aus Camp in Westbank
Die israelische Armee hat nach Angaben der UN weite Teile des Flüchtlingscamps Dschenin im Westjordanland, eine Hochburg des Widerstands gegen die Besatzungsmacht, zerstört. In den Gaza-Streifen gelangen derweil dringend benötigte Hilfsgü
Wenn Soldaten finden, dass das falsche auf dem Handy ist, wird frei nach Belieben Gewalt ausgeübt, schikaniert und misshandelt.
»Israeli Troops Are Now Going Through Palestinians' Phones. Anything 'Forbidden' Provokes Abuse
Testimonies leave no room for doubt: There's a new kind of Israeli military censorship in Hebron« (Paywall)
“Il piano fa parte di una politica razzista volta a stabilire la supremazia ebraica nella città e a scacciare i residenti palestinesi.
Il nuovo piano promosso dal governo non è altro che un attacco calcolato alla presenza palestinese a Gerusalemme. Mira a cancellare un intero quartiere e a trasformarlo in un avamposto di coloni.”
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #4febbraio
Ecco come #Israele riesca ad assettare e affamare i palestinesi.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #4febbraio
Palestina: dove acqua e ulivi sono armi di guerra
L’acqua e i frutti della terra sono elementi essenziali per la sopravvivenza delle persone: il caso della PalestinaFrancesca Faccini (Il Fatto Alimentare)
l’israele moderato
“perché? che me ne dovrebbe fregare di due milioni di persone?”
#Gaza #zionism #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#Cisgiordania #WestBank
#iof #idf #colonialism
#settlers #coloni #sionismo
#prigionieri #ostaggi
#Cisgiordania #coloni #colonialism #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #ostaggi #Palestina #Palestine #prigionieri #settlers #sionismo #sionisti #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #warcrimes #WestBank #zionism
- What’s been happening in the West Bank?
- US ‘will remain complicit in Israel’s atrocities in Gaza’ if arms sales persist: HRW
- Doctor sounds alarm about ‘complete breakdown’ of Gaza’s medical system
- Lebanese army confirms new deployments south of Litani River
- Hamas says negotiations for second phase of ceasefire have begun
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel’s Netanyahu to meet Trump in Washington amid Gaza ceasefire
Israeli prime minister to meet US president with focus on the paused war on Gaza.Jillian Kestler-D'Amours (Al Jazeera)
„Escalating hostilities in the occupied West Bank are putting the fragile ceasefire in Gaza at risk, the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, warned in a statement on Monday.“
West Bank violence undermining Gaza ceasefire: UNRWA
Escalating hostilities in the occupied West Bank are putting the fragile ceasefire in Gaza at risk, the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, warned in a statement on Monday.UN News
Israel to receive $1 billion in bombs and bulldozers from Trump
President Trump paused most foreign aid programs in January but is now asking Congress to approve $1 billion worth of bombs and demolition equipment to Israel.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
++ EU urged to ban all business with Israel's illegal settlements ++ 📢 Iran ready to help Lebanon whenever needed: Top diplomat ++ 📢 Israel gathering intel on Egyptian army in Sinai:++ #lebanon: Army begins deployment in Taybeh ++ 🛑 Over 380 Palestinians detained in occupied #westbank since ceasefire agreement in #gaza: PPS ++ ⚠️ ISR forces continue wide-scale military offensive in Jenin for the 15th consecutive day ++
🌃 News rundown 13:00 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
#JewsAgainstIsrael #FreePalestine #Ceasefire #Gaza #WestBank
His rationale: Israel is small.
What an idiotic thinking.
Israel meanwhile is not wasting any time ethnically cleansing the West Bank. More than 20,000 Palestinians have been driven from their homes in #Jenin and #Tulkarem just because they are not Jewish. The Israeli military is blowing up their homes.
There's no #ceasefire.
Another instance of the daily barbarism of the terrorist state of #Israel.
Israeli military truck rams vendor’s cart in Tulkarem
Video shows an Israeli military truck ramming into a Palestinian vendor’s cart in Tulkarem, occupied West Bank.Al Jazeera
Forty-eight days into the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) crackdown on the resistance in the occupied West Bank, followed by roughly two weeks of Zionist military operations and a concurrent siege by PA security forces, the northern occupied West Bank remains engulfed in an intensifying joint military-security offensive.
#Analysis #AlAqsaFlood #palestine #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
#freepalestine #freegaza #freethewestbank #palestine #palestina #westbank #gaza #israel #stopnetanyahu
#Gaza #zionism #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#Cisgiordania #WestBank
#iof #idf #colonialism
#settlers #coloni #sionismo
Just the #nazi #idf doing their thing - #genocide in the #westbank #palestine
Israeli military truck rams vendor’s cart in Tulkarem
Video shows an Israeli military truck ramming into a Palestinian vendor’s cart in Tulkarem, occupied West Bank.Al Jazeera
Q&A: What’s happening in the West Bank right now
Since the ceasefire in Gaza went into effect, violence has ramped up in the West Bank, resulting in casualties and displacement.Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
(Leider hinter einer Paywall.)
#USA #Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Netanyahu #Netanjahu
Bidens Versagen
Von den ersten Tagen des Krieges an haben Biden und seine engsten Berater Israel wiederholt aufgefordert, humanitäre Hilfsanstrengungen zu schützen – und dann tatenlos zugesehen, wie die Regierung Netanjahu fast die gesamte Bevölkerung von Gaza vertr…
Mi vergogno che la Gran Bretagna abbia avuto un ruolo in tutto questo."🧵1/11
"La maggior parte dei casi che abbiamo trattato erano donne e bambini, e particolarmente inquietanti sono stati i bambini con un'unica ferita, un proiettile alla testa, che era chiaramente il risultato di un fuoco deliberato di cecchini."
✍️ #NizamMamode è un chirurgo umanitario e professore in pensione di chirurgia dei trapianti.
È stato chirurgo volontario in un team medico di emergenza a Gaza, organizzato da Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) nell'agosto/settembre 2024.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #3febbraio
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #3febbraio
"Grave for the Living": The health status of Palestinian prisoners recently released from Israeli jails indicates their systematic malnutrition and torture
Israel has transformed its jails into institutionalised torture facilities for Palestinian detainees and prisonersEuro-Med Human Rights Monitor
'The deadly raids, which Israel calls the ‘Iron Wall’ campaign, were launched just days after a ceasefire was agreed on in Gaza.'
#Israel #Westbank #Jenin #occupation #violence #Palestine
Teen among five Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes on Jenin
The deadly raids, which Israel calls the ‘Iron Wall’ campaign, were launched just days after a ceasefire was agreed.Al Jazeera