Beiträge, die mit Deltachat getaggt sind
There are >100 people chats e.g. from #38c3 or #fossdem25 that work quite fine. But YMMV
If you want Telegram-style channels with public subscription, then yes, some administration is needed.
How it works in terms of group moderation I'm not sure.
My basic understanding is each group member has the same rights/power.
I am unaware of an 'administrator' function though.
Everything You Think You Know About DeltaChat Is Wrong
Everything You Think You Know About DeltaChat Is Wrong – Makefile.feld
I am smitten with DeltaChat... DeltaChat has been making massive strides lately and I think you should consider using it as your full time secure
Feel fee to give it a try:
Or you might need this link. Not sure.
I can change my email address to another random one in the client -- even to a different chatmail server -- and all my chats will keep working. As soon as you send a message to your peers they will update to your new identity. This is a feature called AEAP -- Automatic Email Address Porting and hopefully soon we'll see a mechanism implemented that automatically enables forwarding of your old address to your new address (to not lose messages from people who don't know about your new identity yet), and then #DeltaChat can enable functionality to automatically rotate you through new anonynmous identities transparently.
Delta Chat: Introducing Automatic E-mail Address Porting (AEAP)
The Delta Chat 1.32 releases introduced e-mail porting mechanisms (AEAP). They enable for e-mail what number porting does for mobile phone communications, i.e. to more easily change between
There may also be surprising upsides. The UK "Online Safety Bill" which attacks end-to-end encryption integrity seems to not apply for ... e-mail. Because everyone knows, e-mail is unencrypted, right? :)
#puzzle #puzzles #competitive #game #multiplayer
WebXDC threat model?
Hi, I’ve just came across this WebXDC idea through its implementation in Monocles Chat (which does not appear to be working at the moment, but that’s another story).Delta.Chat
The comfy feature I'd like but has security implications would be link previews. There's a bot you can add to a group chat which will produce the "quick view" or whatever of a page which is a static HTML snapshot but traditional link previews are nicer as it's rendered as part of the original message.
Besides the security implications of it there's also the uphill battle of sites breaking link previews because of AI scraping concerns so they whitelist iMessage/WhatsApp/Telegram access which screws everyone else over. I see it with Pleroma sometimes -- links won't get a preview because they 403/404 or just don't include the meta tags
Last #deltachat releases introduced stable #p2p group membership not found in any other messenger. Members can add/remove peers also while being offline, and when everything comes online again, everyone has the same consistent membership view. We formalized and ran a simulation model using #TLA+ (invented by Leslie Lamport of vector clock fame):
and a complementary #pytest model with more corner cases tested here:
models/gmc/ at main · chatmail/models
Formal specifications for chatmail. Contribute to chatmail/models development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Delta Chat: Delta Chat, decentralized secure messenger
Delta Chat is a decentralized and secure messenger app 💬 Reliable instant messaging with multi-profile and multi-device support ⚡️ Sign up to secure fast chatmail servers or use classic e-mail
Jupiter (
#deltachat Finally convinced my non-techy family member's to move from Signal to Delta Chat messenger.GladTech
But who are we building it for?
For all who need reliable trustable means of modern private communication.
While our work needs hackers and experts it's not designed for them. @tante raises interesting and important related thoughts
Who is Free Software for?
For a while I have been arguing that maybe there are some issues with the whole “Open*” movements, their founding myths and ideologies (see for example my talk at Fluconf). This criticism comes from a place of love.tante (Smashing Frames)
the server is using around 1GB of RAM, CPU is almost unused, and only 1.4GB of storage used for encrypted user volatile data, that is around 1MB per user on average!
the cost of self-hosting a #chatmail server for #ArcaneChat / #DeltaChat is really low! and you don't even need to trust the server operator or even the VPS provider if you are selfhosting since all is #e2ee and safe against #mitm thanks to the green checkmark in chats
Finally convinced my non-techy family member's to move from Signal to Delta Chat messenger.
Setup was a piece of cake and we now have 4 x iOS devices, 3 x MacOS laptops, 2 x Windows laptops, 3 x Android devices, including 1 x GrapheneOS and 1 x LineageOS,, and two Linux Mint computers connected seamlessly as one Family Chat group.
Not one single byte of personal information required nor a single SIM card needed between us, though of course we all have them.
The security benefits and other bonuses provided by Delta are great but the key here was a de-centralised messenger that allows easy setup for family groups across multiple platforms.
Well, that's it! I am completely open source finally. No Google account. No Apple ID. No Microsoft, Meta, etc accounts.
The only organisation's who have my real email address are my bank, my government and my education providers.
Dec 2023: first #chatmail server
Feb 2024: iOS push notifications
March 2024: ETH Zuerich #security analysis
June 2024: Instant onboarding on all clients
Nov 2024: #P2P #webxdc realtime and home-screen apps
Dec 2024: rPGP #security audit, 20 known #chatmail servers world-wide
Jan 2025: new #webxdc store, UI integrated app-picker, webxdc push notifications.
Spring 2025: is coming :)
money used: ~600K EUR, a tiny amount compared to other messengers.
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
#messenger #whatsapp #signal #threema #briar #xmpp #matrix #imessage #line #session #simplex #deltachat #telegram #teleguard #viber
Edit: Allerdings habe ich nach Installation einer solchen App nicht herausgefunden, wie ich si, verwenden kann?
#DeltaChat #Messenger #xStore
Neben Signal (was ich erst mal weiterhin nutzen werde), bin ich über Threema, Conversations (XMPP) und ganz neu: über Delta Chat, erreichbar.
Warum Delta Chat?
Nach einer Empfehlung habe ich mich damit beschäftigt und herausgefunden, dass es rein auf dem E-Mail-Protokoll basiert und alle Mails im Standard verschlüsselt werden.
Außer einer E-Mail, die über den Chat Client automatisiert generiert werden kann, braucht es keine weiteren Login-Daten - ist also ausgesprochen niederschwellig und datensparsam!
Eigene Mail kann verwendet, ist dann aber halt ggf. nicht verschlüsselt.
#DeltaChat #Messenger #UnplugTrump
Delta Chat: Delta Chat, Dezentralisierter, sicherer Messenger
Delta Chat ist ein dezentralisierter und sicherer Messenger 💬 Zuverlässiges Instant-Messaging mit Unterstützung für mehrere Profile und mehrere Geräte ⚡️ Melden Sie sich bei sicheren, schnellen
Right now tcp/ip is wired up with realtime communication over iroh 💥 🧠
#deltachat #webxdc #iroh #tcp
GitHub - MightyShadow702/v86Emu-webxdc: x86 emulator for Webxdc based on Copy's v86 emulator
x86 emulator for Webxdc based on Copy's v86 emulator - MightyShadow702/v86Emu-webxdcGitHub
You may regard delta's "same wifi" restriction for multi-device setup as an additional protection against phishing attacks like Signal lately suffered
Moreover, if your wifi does not work you can do a mobile hotspot and use that for transfer. No DNS/internet needed. Thanks Iroh :)
Signals of Trouble: Multiple Russia-Aligned Threat Actors Actively Targeting Signal Messenger
Russia state-aligned threat actors target Signal Messenger accounts used by individuals of interest to Russia's intelligence services.Google Threat Intelligence Group (Google Cloud)
- the faster you test 1.22.0 the faster the #MaterialDesign3 UI update is released. Do.Your.Part!
- #DeltaChat and ArcaneChat tell stories about #RIIR
- #emacs is more complete
- #CLT2025 sched app is live
- monitor your #BTC mempool
And 100 more apps in the news at
Rewrite it in FOSS | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
This Week in F-DroidTWIF curated on Thursday, 20 Feb 2025, Week 8F-Droid coreF-Droid Client 1.22.0 has been live for a couple of weeks now, the gist of the
We are happy with many people discovering that onboarding with #deltachat is easy ... while we are working on massive scalability to actually be able to move towards many hundreds of millions of users without incurring signal's cost and with an actually decentralized and resilient and blind transport layer. Not 100% there .. yet :)
1. If you want to link your #Fediverse profile to a chat account please consider just saying "DM me for #deltachat invite link" and NOT PUBLISH it to "all".
2. If you do publish invite links to groups and so on, please consider doing it with a dedicated delta chat profile that is not your private profile. Multi-Profile for the win.
3. We want to evolve the #securejoin invite link UX to better prevent unsafe practises. Involves tons of considerations. 💜