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Beiträge, die mit Hamàs getaggt sind

⚡️ Urgent #Palestinian Resistance Committees: We received a briefing from the #Palestinian negotiating delegation led by the brothers in the #Hamas movement about the efforts of the #Egyptian and Qatari mediators to achieve the truce and ceasefire agreement.

Un accord de cesser le feu semble possible à Gaza...enfin

#gaza #israel #palestine #hamas

‘Closer than we’ve ever been’: Blinken on Israel-Hamas hostage negotiations

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the prospect of a #ceasefire agreement btw #Israel and #Hamas

Good morning. It's 9AM, Tuesday, 14th January. The headlines: The US indicates an approaching ceasefire between #Israel and #Hamas. Los Angeles grapples with intensifying wildfires, claiming 24 lives amid forecasts of stronger winds. Norway is on the brink of achieving a fully electric car fleet. The US Treasury warns of an impending debt ceiling breach. South Korea's President Yoon faces impeachment proceedings. #LosAngeles #BBC #News

Mann kann nur hoffen, dass dieser Krieg, der durch die grauenvollen Massaker der #Hamas am 07.10.2023 ausgelöst wurde, endlich endet. Dass das Töten ein Ende hat. Und dass die noch verbliebenen Geiseln nach Israel zurückkehren!

🌐 ■ Biden garantiza en su último discurso de política exterior que la tregua en Gaza está cerca ■ El demócrata, que el lunes dejará la Casa Blanca, asegura haber "sentado las bases" para que Trump "proteja" a Ucrania.

#israel #politicaexterior #gaza #global #eeuu #rusia #joebiden #hamas #guerraucrania
Joe Biden, ayer, durante su comparecencia de balance en Política Exterior en el Departamento de Estado, en Washington. (JIM LO SCALZO / EFE / EPA)

https://www.europesays.com/1766132/ Joe Biden assure qu’un accord de trêve à Gaza est «sur le point» d’être conclu #EtatsUnis #Gaza #Hamas #international #Israel #JoeBiden #video
Joe Biden assure qu'un accord de trêve à Gaza est «sur le point» d'être conclu

[07:23] LIVE | Biden: Gaza-deal op het punt te worden afgerond

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

[07:23] LIVE | Biden: Gaza-deal op het punt te worden afgerond

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

Negotiators will meet in Doha on Tuesday seeking to finalise details of a plan to end the war in Gaza after U.S. President Joe Biden said a ceasefire and hostage release deal he has championed was on "the brink" of coming to fruition. Mediators gave Israel and Hamas a final draft of an agreement on Monday, an official briefed on the negotiations said, after a midnight "breakthrough" in talks attended by envoys of both the outgoing U.S. president and President-elect Donald Trump. #hamas #gaza

Revolution Permanente
« Le skunk » : un canon à eau chimique et putride, une arme
un mélange chimique provoquant vomissements et difficultés respiratoires, et peut être mortelle. Quand il est utilisé, il oblige les familles à quitter leur domicile plusieurs jours, et a été conçu comme une punition collective par l’État colonial israélien contre les palestiniens.
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #armes

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul se așteaptă ca ☪️#Hamas să elibereze 33 de ostatici în prima fază a noului acord de încetare a focului.
☪️#Hamas și aliații săi dețin încă 94 din cei 251 de ostatici luați din 🇮🇱#Israel.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-43t9

#Știri #Palestina #Terorism

Italy releases Mohammad Abedini, indicted in the United States over Jordan drone attack https://www.byteseu.com/650201/ #DonaldTrump #Drones #Hamas #IslamicState #Italy #TopNews #World
Italy releases Mohammad Abedini, indicted in the United States over Jordan drone attack

News Haber EshaHaber İsrail askerleri ayaklandı! Netanyahu'ya mektup yazdılar! 'Ateşkes olmazsa...': İsrail ile Hamas'ın Gazze Şeridi'nde ateşkes ve esir takasına ilişkin anlaşmaya çok yakın olduğu bildirildi.

The Jerusalem Post gazetesine konuşan ismi açıklanmayan diplomatik kaynaklar, tarafların üzerinde uzlaşmaya yakın olduğu üç aşamalı anlaşmanın ilk aşamasının 42 güne kadar uzayabileceğini kaydetti.

A… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/israil-askerleri-ayaklandi-netanyahu-ya-mektup-yazdilar-ateskes-olmazsa...-197161.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #İsrail #Ateşkes #Hamas #Gazzem #Barış

Präsident #Biden sagt, dass eine Vereinbarung zwischen #Israel und der #Hamas über einen #Waffenstillstand und die #Freilassung von #Geiseln unmittelbar bevorsteht: „Wir stehen kurz davor, dass ein Vorschlag, den ich vor Monaten detailliert dargelegt habe, endlich umgesetzt ... 1/...

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:a4e6j62mtcn65xmd7tnnc6ea/post/3lfnkyju2xs2p

Incluyen la liberación de 33 rehenes de #Hamás en el borrador del acuerdo para terminar con la guerra en #Gaza.
#Latinus #InformaciónParaTi

█ Israel i Hamas, a prop de firmar una treva a Gaza a una setmana del retorn de Trump ▓▒░ A més d'un alto el foc, l'acord inclou l'alliberament d'una trentena d'ostatges i d'un nombre indeterminat de presos palestins

#hamas #324cat #joebiden #donaldtrump #israel #gaza #guerraagaza
Un bombardeig al nord de la Franja de Gaza, diumenge (Reuters/Amir Cohen)
El fred i la gana agreugen la precarietat dels palestins a Gaza (Reuters/Hatem Khaled)

[22:23] LIVE | Biden: Gaza-deal op het punt te worden afgerond

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

#Israel has decided not to hand over the body of #Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar as part of a deal, a government source said on Monday night— JPost

#Israel has decided not to hand over the body of #Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar as part of a deal, a government source said on Monday night— JPost

[22:23] LIVE | Biden: Gaza-deal op het punt te worden afgerond

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

⚡️ Urgent AP about an #Israeli doctor who spent about two months in #Gaza: - Soldiers desecrated homes and looted property to collect as souvenirs - A commander of the forces ordered the burning of a house claiming that he did not want #Hamas to use it

⚡️ Yedioth Ahronoth: Our military and security analyst, Ron Ben-Yishai, notes that the Prime Minister's Office is trying to establish a narrative that the current deal is exactly the same as the one #Hamas rejected and thwarted in May-July 2024.

⚡️ Yedioth Ahronoth quoting a political official: We will work to withdraw the issue of control over humanitarian aid from #Hamas regardless of the agreement

Im Gazastreifen könnten die Waffen bald schweigen: Für ein Abkommen zwischen Israel und der Hamas fehlen offenbar nur noch Details. Diplomaten zufolge geht es auch um die Freilassung aller Geiseln.#Hamas #Israel #Katar #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #USA #Ägypten #Israel-Gaza-Krieg #Nahostkonflikt

“ #Hamas is expected to release 33 hostages during the first phase of an emerging ceasefire agreement being finalized by negotiators in Doha, two Israeli officials said.” #Israelwww.cnn.com/2025/01/13/m...

Hamas expected to release 33 h...

“#Hamas is expected to release 33 hostages during the first phase of an emerging ceasefire agreement being finalized by negotiators in Doha, two Israeli officials said.” #Israel


News Haber EshaHaber MİT Başkanı Kalın, Hamas Siyasi Büro yetkilileriyle telefonda görüştü: Ankara

Güvenlik kaynaklarından edinilen bilgiye göre, MİT Başkanı Kalın, Hamas Siyasi Büro yetkilileri ile İsrail ve Hamas arasındaki ateşkes müzakereleri konusunda telefonda görüştü.

Yapılan görüşmede, müzakerelerde katedilen mesafe ve gelinen son nokta ele alınırken, ateşkes çabalarının sürdürülmesi konusunda… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/mit-baskani-kalin-hamas-siyasi-buro-yetkilileriyle-telefonda-gorustu-197127.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #Haber #Gündem #SonDakika #MIT #Hamas

Rather like the Iranians let the hostages go the day after Carter left the presidency, I suspect many #hostages will be released from the Hanas tunnels as #Biden leaves

Has #netenyahu ALREADY struck a deal with #Hamas but told them not to release until Trump is president?


Parece que los matones sionistas y su gobernante decidieron echarse atrás en su alegato de que #hamas estuvo abusando masivamente de mujeres durante los ataques que motivaron el reciente rifirrafe entre #palestina y los invasores...porque dichas cosas no sucedieron, al parecer segun dicen los propios fiscales, y ahora bloquean a la gente de la #onu que andaba en el caso...todo sugiere que terminaría quedando (mas) manchado el #sionismo


🤞🏼We’ll see. #Israel, #Hamas close to possible deal with 33 hostages released in phase one Sources said that the IDF would not fully withdraw from #Gaza until every single hostage was released. www.jpost.com/israel-news/...

Israel, Hamas close to possibl...