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Beiträge, die mit NationalPark getaggt sind

Not to mention that #Oiligarchs are eyeing #PublicLands for #Drilling!

A fired #NationalPark ranger lost his dream job. He says the public is losing more

February 17, 2025

"Brian Gibbs lost his job as a national park ranger on Friday.

"He was working as an environmental educator at the #EffigyMounds #NationalMonument in northeast #Iowa. It was his 'dream job,' he wrote in a widely shared post on Facebook. The monument is the site of mounds made of earth, built by ancient #NativeAmericans, that form shapes of animals.

"The 41-year-old father learned of his termination on Valentine's Day. 'I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated,' he wrote.

"Gibbs is one of about 1,000 #NationalParkService employees who were fired this past week. Parks advocates say the layoffs could leave national parks understaffed going into a busy spring break."

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#ProtectTheParks #NPS #MoreParksLessOligarchs

Meine lieben Lebensformen,
es waren wunderbare Abende bei den jungen Steinkauzen.
Es gab verschiedene Pfosten auf denen die jungen Steinkauze sitzen und auf Beute lauern konnten.
Ich hoffe ja, dass sie heuer auch wieder brüten.

Tiere sind Freunde und kein Essen oder eine Plage.
Bleibt gesund, glücklich und verliebt.

Der schlimmste Seelenschmerz ist das Fernweh.

My dear life forms,
They were wonderful evenings with the young little owls.
There were various posts on which the young little owls could sit and wait for prey.
I hope that they will breed again this year.

Animals are friends, not food or a nuisance.
Stay healthy, happy and in love.

The most terrible pain in the soul is wanderlust.

#neusiedlersee #wasen #Hanság #oesterreich #burgenland #ungarn

#eulen #owls #littleowl #steinkauz #birds #bird #vogel #vögel #natur #nature #nationalpark #owl #eule #heimischetiere #biodiversität #biodivserity
#artenvielfalt #birdwatching #vogelbeobachtung #birding

#wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifefotografie
#birdphotography #vogelfotografie
#vogelfreund #naturfotografie

#veganerfotograf #veganefotografie
Steinkauz auf einem Zaun, abends
Steinkauz auf einem Zaun, abends