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Beiträge, die mit PRISONS getaggt sind

Marco Rubio did this today.

El Salvador offers to house violent US criminals and deportees of any nationality in unprecedented deal


In addition, Bukele “has offered to house in his jails dangerous American criminals in custody in our country, including those of US citizenship and legal residents,” Rubio said.

VIA @DeniseG


Why Sweden Is Sending Its Inmates To Prisons Abroad


Sweden has struggled in recent years to rein in shootings and bombings linked to score-settling between rival criminal gangs.


Addendum 4

Utah private prison company returns $5M to Mississippi after understaffing found at facility
Investigations continue into 2 other Mississippi prisons operated by Management & Training Corporation

https://persagen.com >> search: ALEC AND "Management & Training Corporation"
"American Legislative Exchange Council"

#Utah #Mississippi #prisons #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #ALEC #PrisonersRights #neoliberalism

American Legislative Exchange Council
Management & Training Corporation

Addendum 3

CON JOB: Inside privatized prison industry

* national advocacy group Families Against Mandatory Minimums called for federal investigation into Trousdale Turner prison, operated by private for-profit corporation CoreCivic

#prisons #incarceration #parole #FAMM #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #CoreCivic #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity

Addendum 2

Parole Didn’t Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It
Parole supervision destabilized my life, kept me homeless

" ... much easier to obtain/sustain basic adult necessities req'd to be tax paying, positively contributing member of polite society as fugitive f. justice than as compliant ward of Dept. Corrections. ..."

#prisons #incarceration #parole #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity

Looting: "criminal"
Price gouging: "an issue"

And the DA invokes whatever mental picture you currently have of this mythical figure, "the criminal". Gee, I wonder what such a person looks like in the popular American imagination. 🤔 This is literally how systemic racism is produced. By design.

"Nearly three dozen people accused of looting have been arrested for taking things from damaged homes and businesses, authorities said.

"We're starting to see the criminal emerge," Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan Hochman said at a news conference Monday.

Price gouging has become an issue with hotels, short-term rentals and medical supplies. Scammers are also soliciting donations for bogus relief efforts, authorities said."


#Racism #Prisons #Police #LAfires #Abolition #Capitalism

US troops need to stay in Syria to counter the Islamic State group, Austin says https://www.byteseu.com/634710/ #BasharAssad #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #GeneralNews #GovernmentAndPolitics #IslamicStateGroup #JamesMattis #LloydAustin #Politics #prisons #RebellionsAndUprisings #Syria #UnitedStatesGovernment #WarAndUnrest #WashingtonNews #WorldNews
US troops need to stay in Syria to counter the Islamic State group, Austin says

Après il faudra qu'il explique à ces amis maires de droite qui ne veulent pas de ça sur le territoire de leur commune.
[Le Télégramme] - #Prisons : « Il faut plus de places et notamment pour les peines courtes », assure #GéraldDarmanin à #Amiens
Le 25 décembre 2024 à 18h47

L’ex-ministre de l’Intérieur, désormais à la Justice, a évoqué ce mercredi à Amiens le manque de places de détention, évoquant la nécessité selon lui d’en ouvrir pour les petites peines.


#RevueDePresse #Press

Typical from libertarians and proglibs, ENTIRELY IGNORING THE FACT that the '#prisons' #richpigs get 'incarcerated' at are in reality Country Clubs. #China and #Vietnam have the right idea. Legal EXECUTION. Legally execute JUST ONE Western #Billionaires, and they'll ALL line up.

#HealthInsurance Execs Should Live in Fear of Prison, Not Murder
https://theintercept.com/2024/12/19/luigi-mangione-unitedhealthcare-insurance/ #luigimangione #unitedhealthcare #EatTheCEOs too.

Dont need #prisons if you just summarily #execution everyone, right? That's already occuring according to reports I posted yesterday.

'#Syria’s #lslamists #HTS #alQaeda #ISIS leader vows to dissolve #Assad regime security forces, close prisons'
https://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/3290430/syrias-rebel-leader-vows-dissolve-assad-regime-security-forces-close-prisons @syria

Oh-so-#ProgLibs... NOT! Never was. KKKalifornia was ALWAYS redneck and in proglib strongholds CRYPTORedneck

"The outcomes of Tuesday’s election suggest that voters in blue #California, known as a liberal bastion, want to be tougher on crime. California voters also passed a measure to make #shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders and make #fentanyl possession a felony as well."
California May Have Voted to Keep #Slavery in #Prisons