Beiträge, die mit Robots getaggt sind
Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert says reinforcement learning is helping his creations gain more independence.
"I don't think the #robots are taking over. I think the men who play with toys have taken over. And if we don't take the toys out of their hands, we're fools." — #RayBradbury #AI #artificialintelligence #EatTheRich
"New DC #ThinkTank Staffed Entirely By #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots (Seriously)" "Check out their website before they take it down."😎
New DC Think Tank Staffed Entirely By Robots (Seriously)
The fake operation has a curious tendency to defend the Pakistan militaryWaqas Ahmed (Drop Site News)
😂 #waymo #trapped #robots #AIpocalpyse #robotuprising
Los Angeles man is trapped in circling Waymo on way to airport
L.A. tech entrepreneur Mike Johns posted a video of his call to a customer service representative for Waymo to report that the car kept turning in circles.Hannah Wiley (Los Angeles Times)
En TEDIC, creemos firmemente que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de las personas, respetando siempre nuestros derechos. Por eso, formamos parte de la campaña internacional "Paremos a los robots asesinos". Necesitamos que las armas autónomas y la inteligencia artifi
#Blog #CampaasDigitales #Brasil #InteligenciaArtificial #KillerRobots #robots
In today's episode, while the space station Northumberland itself is attacked by the same battleship that destroyed the Evangeline, Marie-Josée Doucette herself is attacked in the Northumberland's Great Hall.
#sciencefiction #serial #spaceopera #fiction #fun #robots #fantasy #adventure #starship