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Beiträge, die mit oligarch getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit oligarch getaggt sind

“We Are Duped Into Blaming Our Problems On Everyone Except Our Rulers”

by Caitlin Johnstone in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack

“Your abusers are not some far away nation your own government doesn’t like, nor are they some marginalized group your government doesn’t care about. Your abusers are your government itself, and all its allies and assets around the world”


#Press #Propaganda #Manufacture #Consent #Oligarch #Empire #Managers #Blame #MSM

"Rep. 1 "...such a competition is rigged from the beginning, since it is organized by an #oligarch who controls the govt. He is fit. You are not. That is natural."

"Rep. 1. “...yes, the point is to make the #government entirely dysfunctional for the rest of you. But, right, we will keep the govt functional for us..."

Rep. 4 "Of course we lie. Lying is good. Let #science & the #humanities compete with other opinions in a free market of ideas."

#Satire #Musk #USA
Text from article(edited for length):
Rep. 1 "Yes, you are correct, such a competition is rigged from the beginning, since it is organized by an oligarch who controls the government. He is fit. You are not. That is natural."

Rep. 2. "...National security is an inappropriate concern for government. And when the CIA stops international cybercrime against Americans, that's inappropriate interference in the internet. Russian and Chinese attacks on Americans are free speech, part of nature."

Rep. 3. "That's also why we have to cut Medicaid... And Social Security just supports the unfit. That's what we mean by fraud, by the way."

Rep. 4 "...the constant droughts, fires, and floods will bring out the best in competitive Americans."

"Rep. 1. “And so yes, the point is to make the government entirely dysfunctional for the rest of you. But, right, we will keep the government functional for us. You will keep paying taxes and we will treat you as drones."

Rep. 2. "...We'll all be facing a more bracing and authentic reality without cities and with radiation."

Rep. 3 "The bodies than can survive all of this are the only ones we want around. Yes, to be sure, the likely survivors are the people who are already oligarchs today. They dream a dream of immortality. It can only be proven by the mortality of all the rest. That's natural."

Rep. 4 "Of course we lie. Lying is good. Let science and the humanities compete with other opinions in a free market of ideas.

Elon #Musk, a South African #oligarch, unironically calling Mark #Kelly - a #US senator, #Iraq #War combat #pilot, and #Space Shuttle #commander - a '#traitor' is K-hole-level delusion.

Bloomberg reports that Musk has lost all his battles over severance with former Twitter employees so far: “Four ex-Twitter workers have prevailed in a recent series of closed-door arbitration proceedings over claims they were illegally denied severance, according to a memo seen by Bloomberg News...#ElonMusk..#GOP..#whitenationalism..#oligarch..

Sie werden auch in Syrien gebraucht: #Kolonialismus der Köpfe sollte vorbei sein, die Entscheidung trifft der Mensch, nicht die Wirtschaft, die in Kranken #KrankenHäusern ausbeutet ... #Helios = #Oligarch

Billionaire #oligarch Jeff #Bezos deletes '#LGBTQ+ rights' and equity for Black people from #Amazon's policies. If not a national boycott now, then when? https://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/jeff-bezos-deletes-lgbtq-rights-34533955

Spannend, dass in dem Text kein einziges Mal die Worte #Oligarchie oder #Oligarch (bewusst nicht gegendert) vorkommen.

Elon Musk Is a Paid Subscriber to Shockingly Racist Pro-Apartheid South African X Account..#ElonMusk #GOP..#oligarch..#whitenationalism https://www.mediaite.com/news/elon-musk-is-a-paid-subscriber-to-shockingly-racist-pro-apartheid-south-african-x-account/

“Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People”

by Caitlin Johnstone in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack

“Plutocrats like Thiel are constantly thinking about the fact that ordinary people vastly outnumber them and can kill them at any time. They think about it way more often than ordinary people do.”


#Press #Thiel #Palantir #DeepState #Oligarch #CIA #Israel #Genocide #Propaganda #ManufacturingConsent #Autonomous #Robot #Weapons #WestBank

#BernieSanders on the Worldwide #Oligarchy

'We are in a struggle between a progressive movement that mobilizes around a shared vision of prosperity, security and dignity for all people, against one that defends oligarchy and massive global income and wealth inequality'

March 23, 2022

"f you watch the corporate media, you'll often hear the word '#oligarch' preceded by the word '#Russian.' But oligarchs aren't uniquely a Russian phenomenon or a foreign concept. No. The United States has its own oligarchy.

"Today, in the United States, the two wealthiest people own more wealth than the bottom 42 percent of our population – more than 130 million Americans. And the top one percent now owns more wealth than the bottom 92 percent. During the last 50 years there has been a massive transfer of wealth in our country, but it’s going in the wrong direction. The middle class is shrinking while the people on top are doing better than ever.

"Further, in terms of the global economy, there is no question that we are seeing a huge and destructive increase in income and wealth inequality. While the very, very richest people become much wealthier, ordinary people struggle and the most desperate starve.

"While massive levels of inequality existed before the rise of COVID, that situation has become much worse over the past two years.

"Today, around the world, the wealthiest 10 multi-billionaires now own more wealth than the bottom 3.1 billion – almost 40 percent of the world’s population. Unbelievably, the wealth of these ten multi-billionaires has doubled during the pandemic, while the income of 99 percent of the world’s population has declined. The oligarchs spend huge amounts of money buying fancy yachts, mansions and great paintings while 160 million people throughout the world have slipped into poverty. According to Oxfam, global income and wealth inequality has led to the deaths of more than 21,000 people each and every day throughout the world as a result of hunger and the lack of access to healthcare. Yet the world’s 2,755 billionaires saw their wealth go up by $5 trillion since March 2021 – increasing from $8.6 trillion to $13.8 trillion.

"But it’s not just the increased income and wealth gap between the very rich and everyone else. It’s a growing concentration of ownership and brute economic and political power. Something which is not talked about much, either in the media or political circles, is the reality that a handful of Wall Street firms, Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street, now control over $21 trillion in assets – roughly the GDP of the United States. This gives a tiny number of CEOs enormous power over hundreds of companies and the lives of millions of workers. The result: in recent years we have seen the ultra-wealthy significantly increase their influence over media, banking, health care, housing and many other parts of our economy. In fact, never before have so few owned and controlled so much.

"Add it all together and what you see is a nation and world trending very strongly toward oligarchy – where a small number of multi-billionaires exercise enormous economic and political power.

"So, in the midst of all of this, where do we go from here?

"Clearly, while we face oligarchy, COVID, attacks on democracy, climate change, the horrific war in Ukraine and other challenges it is easy to understand why many may fall into cynicism and hopelessness. This is a state of mind, however, that we must overcome – not only for ourselves, but for our kids and future generations. The stakes are just too high, and despair is not an option. We must come together and fight back.

"What history has always taught us is that real change never takes place from the top on down. It always occurs from the bottom on up. That is the history of the labor movement, the #CivilRights movement, the women’s movement, the #environmental movement and the #GayRights movement. That is the history of every effort that has brought about transformational change in our society.

"That is the struggle we must intensify today.

"We must bring people together around a progressive agenda. We must educate, organize and build an unstoppable grassroots movement that helps create the kind of nation and world we know we can become. One that is based on the principles of justice and compassion, not greed and oligarchy.

"We must never lose our sense of outrage when so few have so much and so many have so little.

"We must not allow ourselves to be divided up based on the color of our skin, where we were born, our religion or our sexual orientation.

"The greatest threat of the billionaire class is not simply their unlimited wealth and power. It is their ability to create a culture that makes us feel weak and hopeless and diminishes the strength of human solidarity.

"Yet, as a result of the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the extraordinary courage and solidarity of the Ukrainian people, countries throughout the world are waking up to the fact that there is a global struggle taking place between autocracy and democracy, between authoritarianism and the right of people to freely express their views.

"Now is the time to build a new progressive global order that recognizes every person on this planet shares a common humanity and that all of us – no matter where we live or the language we speak – want our children to grow up healthy, have a good education, breathe clean air and live in peace.

"What we are seeing now is not just the incredible bravery of the people in Ukraine, but thousands of Russians who have taken to the streets to demand an end to Putin’s war in Ukraine, knowing that it’s illegal to do so and that they will likely be arrested and punished.

"We have seen the courage of working people here in our country who are coming together to take on corporate greed and organize for better wages, benefits and working conditions.

"Sisters and brothers, right now we are in a struggle between a progressive movement that mobilizes around a shared vision of prosperity, security and dignity for all people, against one that defends oligarchy and massive global income and wealth inequality.

"It is a struggle we cannot lose. And it is one that we can overcome, as long as we stand together."


#GlobalOligarchy #GlobalPol #USPol #StillSanders #Corporatocracy #CorporateColonialism #CorporateFascism #Autocracy #WealthInequality #Oligarchs

Awesome. As an Indian American, I am glad the feds indicted this Indian #oligarch.

Now do our own #oligarchs. Let’s start with Elon for campaign finance violations as a federal contractor.

Imagine a third-world country that recently held an #election. The election was seen as free and fair, although the richest man in the country paid for and overtly campaigned for one candidate, and that candidate won. #POTUS decides to call the winner to congratulate him. On that call, the winner’s billionaire donor shows up uninvited, and starts talking to POTUS.

When this is reported in the US #media, would they label the billionaire an #oligarch?

#Elon is an oligarch. #oligarchy