Und auch deshalb ist die Digitalisierung, die früher oder später unweigerlich auf eine Post-Privacy-Gesellschaft herausläuft, in erster Linie eine Dystopie:
Google und Facebook/Meta geben Nutzer:innendaten an die US-amerikanische Polizei weiter, damit diese Menschen verfolgen kann, die Informationen zu Abtreibungen suchen.
Und das ist nur ein Beispiel. Morgen kann schon illegal sein, was heute noch legal ist und etwaige Datenschutzgesetze können auch in Europa gelockert werden, während die Überwachungsinfrastruktur, Digitalzwänge/Abhängigkeiten und der Zugriff auf Gesundheitsdaten immer invasiver werden.
"As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication – and online platforms like Google and Facebook are helping. "
#Abortion #Polizei #Police #Datenschutz #Feminism #Abtreibung #DigitaleTransformation #Digitalisierung
Google und Facebook/Meta geben Nutzer:innendaten an die US-amerikanische Polizei weiter, damit diese Menschen verfolgen kann, die Informationen zu Abtreibungen suchen.
Und das ist nur ein Beispiel. Morgen kann schon illegal sein, was heute noch legal ist und etwaige Datenschutzgesetze können auch in Europa gelockert werden, während die Überwachungsinfrastruktur, Digitalzwänge/Abhängigkeiten und der Zugriff auf Gesundheitsdaten immer invasiver werden.
"As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication – and online platforms like Google and Facebook are helping. "
#Abortion #Polizei #Police #Datenschutz #Feminism #Abtreibung #DigitaleTransformation #Digitalisierung
Facebook, Google give police data to prosecute abortion seekers
Social-media sites are inundated with police requests for user data and may cooperate even if not legally required to, one legal expert told Insider.Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert (Business Insider)
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Autonomie und Solidarität •
"Several states have banned and criminalized abortion since the #SupremeCourt overturned Roe v. Wade.
A #SouthCarolina legislator proposed the death penalty as punishment for women who get abortions.
The new bill, still in the legislature, would equate abortion to homicide."
Via @BinGanzBrav
#socialwar #MyBodyMyChoice #USA #Kriminalisierung
SC is the latest state with bill to punish abortion with death penalty
Sarah Al-Arshani (Business Insider)Autonomie und Solidarität •
"As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication – and online platforms like #Google and #Facebook are helping.
This spring, a woman named Jessica Burgess and her daughter will stand trial in #Nebraska for performing an illegal abortion — with a key piece of evidence provided by #Meta, the parent company of Facebook."
#tracking #Profiling #surveillance #sozialeKontrolle #criminalisation #USA #antireport #MyBodyMyChoice
Facebook, Google give police data to prosecute abortion seekers
Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert (Business Insider)Autonomie und Solidarität •
U.S. Marshals Spied on Abortion Protesters Using Dataminr
"Twitter’s “official partner” monitored the precise time and location of post-Roe demonstrations, internal emails show.
Dataminr, an “official partner” of Twitter, alerted a federal law enforcement agency to pro-abortion protests and rallies in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, according to documents obtained by The Intercept through a Freedom of Information Act request."
#tracking #Profiling #surveillance #criminalisation #USA #antireport #abortion #Twitter #Dataminr
U.S. Marshals Spied on Abortion Protesters Using Dataminr
Sam Biddle (The Intercept)Autonomie und Solidarität •
"A new Senate report calls out the FBI for lying to Congress about its social media monitoring, pointing out the FBI’s hiring of ZeroFox.
The FBI’s primary tool for monitoring social media threats is the same contractor that labeled peaceful Black Lives Matter protest leaders DeRay McKesson and Johnetta Elzie as “threat actors” requiring “continuous monitoring” in 2015.
The contractor, ZeroFox, identified McKesson and Elzie as posing a “high severity” physical threat, despite including no evidence that McKesson or Elzie were suspected of criminal activity."
#Rassismus #USA #BLM #FBI #Surveillance #Antireport
FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”
Ken Klippenstein (The Intercept)Autonomie und Solidarität •
„Donald Trump has vowed to deport millions and jail his enemies. To carry out that agenda, his administration will exploit America’s digital surveillance machine. Here are some steps you can take to evade it….“
#Surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #Privacy #Data #Datenschutz #Privacy #Repression
Autonomie und Solidarität •
„ The Atlanta Police Department has been snooping on social media to closely monitor the meetings, protests, canvassing–even book clubs and pizza parties–of the political movement to stop “Cop City,” a police training center that would destroy part of an urban forest. Activists already believed they were likely under surveillance by the Atlanta Police Department due to evidence in criminal cases brought against them, but the extent of the monitoring has only just been revealed. The Brennan Center for Justice has obtained and released over 2,000 pages of emails from inside the Atlanta Police Department chronicling how closely they were watching the social media of the movement….“
#Copcity #StopCopCity #Atlanta #Surveillance #Repression #Police #Antireport
Atlanta Police Must Stop High-Tech Spying on Political Movements
Electronic Frontier FoundationHugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt
Autonomie und Solidarität •
Die Macht des Techmilliardärs
„Trump-Berater Elon Musk hat nicht nur Einfluss auf die US-Regierung, leitet Tesla und die Social-Media-Plattform X – er baut mit Starlink auch eine weltweite Internet-Infrastruktur auf. Inzwischen verhandelt das erste EU‑Land mit ihm über einen Deal. Wie gefährlich ist es, wenn selbst das Internet in der Hand des reichsten Mannes der Welt liegt?“
#Technology #Internet #Musk #USA #Trump #Fascism #Starlink #EU #Europe #Capitalism #SurveillanceCapitalism
Starlink von Elon Musk: Welche Gefahr steckt hinter dem Internetdienst?
Matthias Schwarzer (RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland)Katja Diehl hat dies geteilt